Contemporary European History Volume 11 - Issue 04 - November 2002
Theme issue: Municipal connections: Co-operation, Links and Transfers among European Cities in the Twentieth Century
Research Articles Taking Up the Bet on Connections: a Municipal Contribution Pierre-Yves Saunier pp 507-527
The Science that Never Was: ‘Communal Science’ in France, 1913–1949 Renaud Payre pp 529-547
The Union of Polish Cities in the Second Polish Republic, 1918–1939: Discourses of Local Government in a Divided Land Hanna Kozinska-Witt pp 549-571
European Municipalism in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: the Socialist Network Patrizia Dogliani pp 573-596
Cities against States? Hopes, Dreams and Shortcomings of the European Municipal Movement, 1900–1960 Oscar Gaspari pp 597-621
Europe from the Bottom Up: Town Twinning in France during the Cold War Antoine Vion pp 623-640
Review Articles Poles and Jews in the Second World War: the Revisions of Jan T. Gross John Connelly pp 641-658
Before UNESCO and the WHO Victor-Yves Ghebali pp 659-663
Parliamentary Representation in Europe: Past, Present, and Future Matthew Gabel pp 665-674
Notes on Contributors