Research Articles
Hetmanka and Mother: Representing the Virgin Mary in Modern Poland, BRIAN PORTER, pp 151-170
A Spanish Genocide? Reflections on the Francoist Repression after the Spanish Civil War, JULIUS RUIZ, pp 171-191
Anti-communism at Home, Europeanism Abroad: Italian Cultural Policy at the Venice Biennale, 1948–1958, NANCY JACHEC, pp 193-217
‘In our District, the State Is Secure’: The East German Secret Police Response to the Events of 1989 in Perleberg District, GARY BRUCE, pp 219-244
Review Articles
European Empire and the Making of the Modern World: Recent Books and Old Arguments, GIUSEPPE FINALDI, pp 245-258
Victims, Veterans and Cuckoo Clocks: Recent Books on Switzerland and the Second World War, ALEXIS SCHWARZENBACH, pp 259-270
Recent Literature on British Policy in the Middle East, 1945–67, MAGNUS P. S. PERSSON, pp 271-276
Note on Contributors, pp 277-278