Bohemia 42 (2001), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Bohemia 42 (2001), 1
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München 2001: Oldenbourg Verlag



Bohemia. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder
Dr. Christiane Brenner, Redaktion Bohemia, Collegium Carolinum e.V., Hochstr. 8, 81669 München
Jaroschka, Gabriele



Christoph Buchheim
Die Integration der Tschechoslowakei in den RGW
The Committee of Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), which was founded in 1949, among other motives, as a response to the Marshall plan, was projected as pacemaker for closer economic cooperation among East Bloc countries adopting the concept of a planned economy. For want of feasible alternatives, trade between CMEA member countries remained dependent on bilateral agreements. Negotiations about these agreements led to excessive prices for industrial goods produced (not only) in Czechoslovakia and being exchanged for Soviet fuel and raw materials, with the prices of the latter emulating those on the world market. This was tantamount to Czechoslovakia receiving enormous subsidies from the USSR, particularly since its products became less and less competitive in the international marketplace, resulting in Czechoslovakia becoming more and more dependent on Soviet energy.

Helmut Slapnicka
Die Vertreibung der Deutschen aus der Sicht der innerstaatlichen Rechtsordnung
Plans for future treatment of the citizens of German descent, first mooted in London, seat of the Czechoslovak government-in-exile, and Moscow, centre of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, towards the end of the war and taken up in the Košice program (April 5, 1945) for a future government, became even more severe in the course of the election campaign once the war was over. President Beneš, who first refused to sign one of the decrees submitted by the government, and recommended exemptions from the measures about to be indroduced as a collective punishment, failed to get his suggestion accepted, just as did several cabinet members representing bourgeois parties and advocating a different approach with respect to those who had remained passive in the national confrontation. In the end, confiscation of property, deprivation of citizenship, and expulsion were imposed with regard to all German nationals.

Josef Polisenský
Tschechische unddeutschböhmische Auswanderung nach Amerika
The present article offers a survey of the development of Czech and German emigration to the Americas up to the 1880s. As early as the 15th century, scholars in the Bohemian Lands took an interest in the New World. The first travellers to America, in the 16th and 17th centuries, were mostly scholars as well. They were followed by members of religious bodies or minorities, who did often social work in America. Mass emigration from Bohemia to the Americas developed only after the failure of the 1848 revolution. Germans and Czechs alike left Europe in the hope for political freedom and for a job, with the common Bohemian background not infrequently forging links between both groups even in the new surroundings. Most of the emigrants came from the poorer strata in the industrialized regions of Bohemia and Moravia. Some of them, however, set up important trade companies or held political office – thus several Ambassadors representing American countries in Prague were of Bohemian origin.

Klaus Schönherr
Die Niederschlagung des Slowakischen Aufstandes im Kontext der deutschen militärischen Operationen
The political and military situation in the summer of 1944 was the decisive factor which triggered Slovak rebellion against the "protecting power". In this context, the present contribution depicts German military reaction and, moreover, cross-refers it to the practically simultaneous Soviet operation against the German defensive front east of the Beskids. It attempts to show that the Red Army intended to bring about, with the help of the Slovak rebellion, the collapse of the defensive positions of the Heeresgruppe Nordukraine (Army Group Northern Ukraine) and thus to isolate German forces fighting in the Southeast, encircle them in the Balkans and destruct them. Defeating rebel as well as Soviet intentions caused the Germans a lot of trouble, with the Wehrmacht profiting from operative mistakes commited by both adversaries as well as from the topography of the operational area on the Beskids front.


Martin Eggers
Samo – "Der erste König der Slawen"
Identity and ethnic background of Samo, the "first king of the Slavs", have always remained controversial. Neither is there a common opinion among scholars concerning situation and size of the territory he assembled under his rule. Part of the researchers site the main part of his realm in Moravia or on the Danube, but extending a considerable distance outh of the river. Others see Samo’s realm further to the northwest and reject the possibility of it extending southwards. Analyzing relevant sources and archaeological data, the present article seeks to resolve both problems to some extent. Only the relation by the chronicler Fredegar is credible, not the later "Conversio". Another result is that Samo’s setting up a "realm" on the northwestern periphery of the so-called First Avar realm (567-626/32) has to be seen in a larger context and is related above all to ethnogenesis and settlement of the Slavs as specialized subordinates of the Avars north of the Danube. The author sees Samos realm most likely in what is today Bohemia and Upper Franconia, excluding, however, Moravia and Karantania.


Robert Luft
Tätigkeitsbericht des Collegium Carolinum für 2000 Migration und Verwaltung in Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (K. Erik Franzen)
Jaroslav Sebek
Die tschechische Gesellschaft im Ersten und im Zweiten Weltkrieg
Christiane Brenner)
Diskussion der tschechischen Historiker in der Akademie der Wissenschaften
Wohnen in der Großstadt 1900-1939
Christiane Brenner
Das 5. Münchner Bohemistentreffen (Birgit Lange)
Christoph Cornelißen
Erinnerungskulturen. Krieg, Diktatur und Vertreibung in der Erinnerung von drei Nationen: Tschechien, Slowakei und Deutschland seit 1945

Neue Literatur

Tobias Weger
Ethnic Studies and the Urbanized Space in Social Anthropological Reflections
Thomas Krzenck
Procházková, Eva/ Pánek, Jaroslav: Archiv a Region
Jan Nemecek
Belina, Pavel: Kolín 18.6.1757. – Rajlich, Jirí: Jindrichuv Hradec 24.8.1944. – Romanák, Andrej/ Belina, Pavel/ Anderle, Petr: Olomouc-Domasov 1758. – Fucik, Josef: Soca (Isonzo) 1917 Gerwing, Manfred: Theologie im Mittelalter (Ludwig Hödl)
Ferdinand Seibt
Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris Regni Bohemiae
Jirí Pesek
Hoensch, Jörg K.: Matthias Corvinus. Diplomat, Feldherr und Mäzen – Kubinyi, András: Matthias Corvinus
Thomas Weiser
Dokoupil, Lumír/ Fialová, Ludmila/ Maur, Eduard/ Nesládková, Ludmila: Prirozená mena obyvatelstva ceských zemí v 17. a 18. století
Václav Maidl
Prag 1780-1830. Kunst und Kultur zwischen den Epochen und Völkern
Alena Janatková
Vybíral, Jindrich. Století dedicu a zakladatelu: architektura jizních Cech v období historismu
Helmut Slapnicka
Urfus, Valentin: Právní dejiny na prazské právnické fakulte
Marike Werner
Grenzen in Ostmitteleuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Gerhard Trapp
Böhmen. Vielfalt und Einheit einer literarischen Provinz
Susanne Fritz
Böhmen ist überall. Internationales Johannes-Urzidil-Symposion
Joachim von Puttkammer
Bakke, Elisabeth: Doomed to Failure? The Czechoslovak Nation Project and the Slovak Autonomist Reaction
Ferdinand Seibt
Kurowski, Franz: Josef Grünbeck. Der Mensch und sein Werk
Volker Strebel
Grusa, Jirí: Das Gesicht – der Schriftsteller – der Fall
Gertraude Zand
Samizdat. Alternative Kultur in Zentral- und Osteuropa
Stephanie Weiss
Lutz, Annabelle: Dissidenten und Bürgerbewegung. Ein Vergleich zwischen DDR und Tschechoslowakei
Daniel Steinmetz
Dauderstädt, Michael/ Gerrits, André/ Márkus, György G.: Troubled Transition. Social Democracy in East Central Europe
Silvia Mihaliková
Kipke, Rüdiger/ Vodicka, Karel: Slowakische Republik. Studien zur politischen Entwicklung
Dieter Segert
Kunc, Jirí: Stranické systémy v re/konstrukci

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