Cechura, Jaroslav Das Modernisierungspotential der Revolten von Braunau 1680
In the history of the Bohemian lands, the year 1680 is imprinted with the picture of the great wave of peasant rebellion. Thus, unrest and in some cases even open opposition in several towns against their respective landlords have been overshadowed by these peasant revolts. In this study, the author examines a practically unknown event: the rebellion of the people of the town of Braunau, which did not have imperial status and belonged, together with the region around the neighbouring Politz, to the Benedictine monastery of Braunau. Cechura offers a detailed reconstruction of the Braunau events of 1680 and attempts to explain them by way of comparison with what happened throughout Europe. As particularly important in this respect he treats. Andreas Wuergler's concept of the "modernization potential inherent in revolts", which, applied to Braunau, highlights far-reaching similarities with developments in the southwest of the empire and in the Swiss Confederation.
Thomas, Alfred Form, Gender and Ethnicity in the Work of Three Ninenteenth-Century Czech Women Writers
Albrecht, Catherine Chambers of Commerce and Czech-German Relations in the Late Nineteenth Century
Schulze Wessel, Martin Tschechische Nation und katholische Konfession vor und nach der Gruendung des Tschechoslowakischen Nationalstaates The article sketches the function of religious denomination in the modern national movement of the 19th century and highlights the consequences of the founding of a Czechoslovak national state for the relation between dominant nation and Catholic denomination, which is described as a struggle for preeminence ("Kulturkampf") comparable to events in other European national states. The author examines both the church-state relationship and the relationship between nation and denomination. And he proves that the argument in the pertinent debates was national and historical, not theological in character. And that, moreover, the attempt of the "progressive" parties and societies to create, by way of founding a national state, an anti-clerical nation, triggered a counterreaction: an activation and centralization of Catholic parties and societies. At the end of the first decade in the history of the new republic it had become obvious that no fundamental change in the relationship between nation and denomination had come about.
Pfaff, Ivan Der tschechische Antifaschismus ohne Legenden Czech resistance against German occupation during World War II has never been held in high esteem. This is generally put down to the fact that demolition by the Germans in the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia was relatively minor, which in turn suggests, as the argument goes, a considerable degree of Czech collaboration. The study about Czech social mentality in the 30s by Ivan Pfaff is an attempt at correcting distorted views of the so-called "anti-fascism", widespread as they are even today. Apart from a theoretical discussion of the terminology involved and a bibliography of the relevant studies by communist historians, Pfaff offers an analysis of the different forms of Czech dissent and opposition, passive as well as active, against anti-liberal and anti-democratic views in the interwar period.
Polivka, Miloslav Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica (MHB) is a new non-periodical series of publications by the Historical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. New, but not without precedent. The first MHB volume appeared in 1991, but the series is closely related to the earlier Folia Historica Bohemica (FHB), the first volume of which appeared in 1979 and which was launched as a successor to yet another series, Mediaevalia Bohemica, which was banned in 1974. In this article, the author describes the quest of Prague-based Medievalists for an adequate publishing platform, and he gives the gist of some of the studies that have appeared so far.
Drews, Peter Der zweifache Tod des Julius Fucik When the first critical edition of Julius Fucik's "Notes From Under the Gallows" appeared in 1994, it offered an answer to decades of speculation about the authenticity, or otherwise, of one of the most widely known works of Czech postwar literature. Its author, Julius Fucik (1903-1943), a journalist and author of literary reviews, was taken in custody in Prague on April 24, 1942, for being a leading figure of Czech communist resistance, was sentenced to death in Berlin on August 25, 1943, and executed on September 9 in Ploetzensee. During the period of detention, he took notes, which were smuggled out of prison. In postwar Czechoslovakia, these notes became one of the most important manifestations of communist hero worship. The study by Peter Drews offers, for the first time, a comprehensive history of the genesis and worldwide reception of the Fucik myth, and of its end. The latest critical edition of the "Notes", from this point of view, appears as "an atmospheric document of an extremely dark period, from the pe of an author whose tragic death is at least partly due to political naiveté" and who, even after his death, became victim of "yet another dark age".
Die Sudetendeutsche Heimatfront (Partei) 1933-1938: Zur Bestimmung ihres politisch-ideologischen Standortes When the historians Christoph Boyer (Dresden) and Jaroslav Kucera (Prague) last year published, in the framework of a collective volume on regional and local research on the subject of National Socialism in international comparison, an article on "Die Deutschen in Boehmen, die Sudetendeutsche Partei und der Nationalsozialismus" (Germans in Bohemia, the Sudeten German Party, and National Socialism), they were sharply criticised by Friedrich Prinz in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ):"It is a representation which, ideologically, is largely coherent with the old Czechoslovak state ideology". Since the two authors were not given the opportunity for a reply in the FAZ , they approached Bohemia.. The journal's editors eagerly accepted the offer and in turn approached well-known experts - apart from Friedrich Prinz also Ronald Smelser, Vaclav Kural, and Ralf Gebel - for their opinion on this controversy, which is discussed not only in the German and the Czech general public, but also among the historians of both nations. Regrettably, only the last-named three took the opportunity.
Christoph Boyer / Jaroslav Kucera Alte Argumente im neuen Licht
Ronald M. Smelser Von alten und neuen Fragestellungen
Vaclav Kural Zwischen Othmar Spann und Adolf Hitler
Ralf Gebel Zwischen Volkstumskampf und Nationalsozialismus
Robert Luft Zwei interdisziplinaere Bohemisten-Treffen 1997
Robert Luft Die Sprachenfrage in den boehmischen Ländern
Boris Barth Die deutsche und die tschechoslowakische Wirtschaft in der Zwischenkriegszeit
Hans Lemberg Eine vergleichende Tagung zu Bevoelkerungstransfers
Eva Hahn Geschichte Europas nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Milena Krobotova Internationales Seminar in Olmuetz
Neue Literatur
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Ferdinand Seibt Dotzauer Winfried, Ueberlegungen zur Goldenen Bulle Karls IV. unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des rechtlichen Hintergrundes
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Tatjana Toensmeyer Tomasek Dusan, Kvacek Robert, Causa Emil Hacha
Maria Frankova Bezchlebova Theresienstaedter Studien und Dokumente 1995
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