Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 121 (2010), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 121 (2010), 3
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Stuttgart 2010: Kohlhammer Verlag
jährlich in drei Heften
jährlich 192,80€; Einzelheft: 72,50€



Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte Redaktion Prof. Johannes Helmrath Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Johannes Helmrath


Inhalt und Abstracts:

Kerstin Hitzbleck
Der Streit um die Pfründe – Das päpstliche Benefizialwesen in den Gutachten des Rotaauditors Thomas Fastolf (†1361)
Seiten 289-304

The papal tribunal known as the Rota dealt with legal disputes brought to the pope from all over Christendom. The works of the English auditor Thomas Fastolf provide insight into the details of the broad spectrum of cases brought before the curia as well as into the inner workings of the tribunal itself. This study focuses on Fastolf’s rulings on cases regarding papal benefices. It seeks first to show how judges handled the practical problems arising from the competing claims of various benefice grants that could not be resolved on the basis of existing decretal collections. Some such disputes arose from benefices granted in partibus, and thus an examination of Fastolf’s causae also provides insight into this otherwise poorly documented practice. Ultimately, this article reopens an investigation into the legal norms and practices revolving around benefices in the fourteenth century.

Thomas Woelki
Die Kartäuser und das Basler Konzil
Seiten 305-322

Based on the official Declaration of Obedience solemnly celebrated in May, 1440, scholars have generally supposed that the Carthusian Order supported the Council of Basel and the Conciliar pope Felix V without any reservation and for the full duration of the synod. However, the General Chapter’s liturgical directives of intercession and commemoration make it clear that the Order – in spite of a significant sympathy on the part of many Carthusians for the reform projects of the Council, as well as the geographical location of the Grande Chartreuse on Savoy territory – left the decision open to its individual members while ultimately returning in silence to obedience to Eugenius IV. One aim of this pragmatic policy, which had the effect of preventing a renewed schism within the Order, was to allow individual members to take ecclesiological positions for or against the Council. This explains how Bartholomeus of Maastricht, for example, could take a pro-Conciliarist position, although it was not representative of the attitude of the Order as a whole.

Thomas Auwärter
Ein Atheist auf der Kanzel? Die Kontroverse um Albert Kalthoffs Beitritt zum Deutschen Monistenbund
Seiten 323-347

In welchem Maß ist der Protestantismus bereit, Elemente neuer Religiosität zu integrieren? Wo zieht er Grenzen? Aus einer Zeit, in der die Bremer kirchlichen Verhältnisse durch eine kritische Öffentlichkeit in ganz Deutschland unter Beobachtung standen, wird ein exemplarischer Konflikt zu dieser Frage analysiert. Im Januar 1906 übernahm der Pastor Albert Kalthoff (1850–1906) den Vorsitz des von Ernst Haeckel gegründeten Deutschen Monistenbundes. Er verband damit positionell die Darwinsche Evolutionstheorie und die protestantische Theologie, so dass die liberalen Theologen Stellung beziehen mussten. Seine Gegner riefen ein Glaubensgericht auf den Plan, das nur durch Kalthoffs überraschenden Tod im Mai 1906 gegenstandslos wurde. Handelte es sich dabei „nur“ um den Versuch einer Inszenierungv on Bremens letztem Ketzergericht oder lassen sich hinter dem Vorgehen seiner Amtskollegen grundsätzlichere Motive ausmachen?

Hanns Peter Neuheuser
Liturgische Großveranstaltungen als kirchengeschichtliche Ereignisse. Impulse einer deutschen Teilkirche für die Liturgiereform des Zweiten Vatikanums
Seiten 348-378

The participation of more than 2000 prelates from all over the world was the guarantee for the Second Vatican Council to integrate not only the bishoprics’ and religious orders’ perceptions but also the requirements of reforming the Christian worship in the liturgical reform discourse. These regional knowledges had moreover an influence on the Holy Liturgy’s constitutions. The partial churches’ contributions to the liturgical reform debate, which developed their posi-tion thanks to their practical experience, have not yet been acknowledged in a proper way. This paper explains how a German bishopric has celebrated extended liturgical events on specific occasions between the Second World War and the beginning of Vaticanum Secundum (jubilee of a cathedral, national assembly of catholic faithful, world congress on Eucharist, liturgical congresses). It shows that unique and innovative forms of liturgy were invented in this context, and especially that the spiritual perception of laypersons by the litur-gical community was proved by the bishopric. In this manner the bishopric could further pre-pare the consciousness of the reform of liturgy. The practice provided a convincing argument and could exert a crucial influence on the Council’s debate.

Kritische Miszelle
Michael Knüppel
Johann Heinrich Callenbergs (1694–1760) osmanisch-türkische Ausgaben biblischer Texte
Seiten 379-392

Anschriften der Mitarbeiter an dem Heft und Vorankündigung Aufsatzteil 1/2011
Seite 393

Literarische Berichte und Anzeigen
Seiten 395-423

Eingegangene Bücher in Auswahl
Seite 424

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