The European Review of Economic History is a major outlet for research in economic history. Articles cover the whole range of economic history papers on European, non-European, comparative and world economic history are all welcome. Contributions shed new light on existing debates, raise new or previously neglected topics, and provide fresh perspectives from comparative research. The Review includes full-length articles, shorter articles, notes and comments, debates, survey articles, and review articles. It also publishes notes and announcements from the European Historical Economics Society.
Measuring extractive institutions: colonial trade and price gaps in French Africa Federico Tadei
British state development after the Glorious Revolution Gary W Cox
A Kuznets rise and a Piketty fall: income inequality in Finland, 1865–1934 Petri Roikonen; Sakari Heikkinen
Living costs and living standards: Australian development 1820–1870 Laura Panza; Jeffrey G Williamson
The limits to lender of last resort interventions in emerging economies: evidence from the Gold Standard and the Great Depression in Spain Enrique Jorge-Sotelo
English energy consumption and the impact of the Black Death Richard W Unger
Vertical and horizontal integration in Imperial Russian cotton textiles, 1894–1900 Amanda G Gregg
Incentives work: performance-related remuneration of directors before and during the great depression in Belgium Veronique Vermoesen; Marc Deloof; Armin Schwienbacher