Table of Contents Alert
--------------------------------------------------------------- Articles----------------------------------------------------------------
Donald Bloxham Organized Mass Murder: Structure, Participation, and Motivation in Comparative Perspective Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 203-245;
Ilya Bourtman "Blood for Blood, Death for Death": The Soviet Military Tribunal in Krasnodar, 1943 Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 246-265;
Dustin Ells Howes "Consider If This Is a Person": Primo Levi, Hannah Arendt, and the Political Significance of Auschwitz Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 266-292;
Kevin P. Spicer Father Wilhelm Senn and the Legacy of Brown Priests Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 293-319;
---------------------------------------------------------------- Research Note----------------------------------------------------------------
Rachel Feldhay Brenner Voices from Destruction: Two Eyewitness Testimonies from the Stanislawow Ghetto Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 320-339;
---------------------------------------------------------------- Book Reviews----------------------------------------------------------------
Karl A. SchleunesThe Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945, Saul Friedlander (New York: HarperCollins, 2007), xxvi + 870 pp., cloth $39.95, pbk. $19.95 Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 340-342;
Shelley BaranowskiThe Politics of the Nazi Past in Germany and Austria, David Art (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) 232 pp., cloth $69.00, pbk. $24.99, Adobe e-book $20.00 Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 343-345;
Arthur B. Gunlicks-German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past, A. Dirk Moses (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), ix + 293 pp., cloth $80.00. - After Hitler: Recivilizing Germans, 1945-1995, Konrad H. Jarausch (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), xiii + 379 pp., cloth $35.00 Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 345-350;
Eric LangenbacherIn Pursuit of German Memory: History, Television, and Politics after Auschwitz, Wulf Kansteiner (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2006), x + 438 pp., cloth $69.95, pbk. $26.95 Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 350-353;
Thomas KuhneThe Holocaust on Post-War Battlefields: Genocide as Historical Culture, Klas-Goran Karlsson and Ulf Zander, eds. (Malmo: Sekel Bokforlag, 2006), 389 pp., cloth SEK 280 Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 353-355;
Edward B. WestermannNazi Empire-Building and the Holocaust in Ukraine, Wendy Lower (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2005), xviii + 307 pp., cloth $49.95, pbk. (2007) $21.95 Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 356-358;
Frederic Cople Jaher"Silent No More": Saving the Jews of Russia, The American Jewish Effort, 1967-1989, Henry L. Feingold (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2006), xv + 400 pp., cloth, $45.00 Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 358-360;
Tim ColeA Magyarorszagi Holokauszt Foldrajzi Enciklopediaja, Randolph L. Braham, ed. (Budapest: Park Konyvkiado, 2007), 3 vols., xix + 1,590 pp., hardcover (boxed set), 19,500 Ft. Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 360-362;
Beth Hawkins BenedixJean-Paul Sartre and the Jewish Question: Anti-Antisemitism and the Politics of the French Intellectual, Jonathan Judaken (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2006), xi + 390 pp., $45.00 Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 363-365;
Eric D. WeitzTerrible Fate: Ethnic Cleansing in the Making of Modern Europe, Benjamin Lieberman (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2006), vxi + 396 pp., $27.50 cloth Holocaust Genocide Studies 2008 22: 365-368;