quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History 9 (2016)

Titel der Ausgabe 
quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History 9 (2016)
Weiterer Titel 
The Great War. Reflections, Experiences and Memories of German and Habsburg Jews (1914-1918)

2 Nummern pro Jahr
Anzahl Seiten
209 S



Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History
Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea via Eupili 8 20145 Milano Italy E-Mail: <> Tel.: +39;
Ulrich Wyrwa

This issue of the journal Quest focuses on the Reflections, Experiences and Memory of Ger-man and Habsburg Jews during and after the Great War, but the contributions can, alas, ad-dress only some of the many aspects of this complex and disturbing history. The articles se-lected here concern different contexts, specific constellations, and diverse situations of central European Jewish history and culture. Hence, Carsten Schapkow presents the reflections of two German Jewish intellectuals during the War and the dialogue that took place between them. He considers Fritz Mauthner (1849-1923) and Gustav Landauer (1870-1919) Although they belonged to different generations, Mauthner and Landauer maintained a close friendship even through the war years, and they conducted a dense conversation reflecting on their own experiences of the war and the dramatic situation of Eastern European Jewry. Their dialogue, as Schapkow shows, provides new insight into central perspectives that shaped the course of 20th-century European Jewry.
Likewise focused on reflections and experiences, Ulrich Wyrwa examines the response of German Jewish intellectuals to the German occupation of Belgium, one of the first acts of war by the German army. He seeks to determine if and in which ways they all understood Ger-many’s violation of Belgian neutrality and the new feature of the war as one against a civilian population.
The year 1916 was a decisive turning point in the Jewish experience of the First World War for it was in that year that Germany and the Habsburg Empire witnessed the aforementioned resurgence of antisemitic agitation and propaganda as well as the first signs of extreme an-tisemitism. The initial policy of a Burgfrieden had by then clearly broken down. Peter Bihari examines this rise in antisemitism and its development during the war in the Kingdom of Hungary as well as Jewish responses to it. As Bihari shows, Hungarian antisemitism was fairly well organized and coordinated, mainly by ecclesiastical circles. He further shows how the First World War became the catalyst for this new antisemitic campaign.
Continuing the exploration of the Jewish experience, Ljiljana Dobrovšak and Filip Hameršak present the observations and perceptions of Croatian-Slavonian Jews during World War I. Drawing on a broad range of war diaries, memoirs, and other autobiographical sources, they explore, first, the religious and charitable activities of Jewish societies and, then, the bi-ographies of Jewish individuals of different orientations, including liberal Jews, Zionists, and converts of Jewish background.
Memory is also central to Gerald Lamprecht’s contribution, which scrutinizes the activities of the Austrian federation of Jewish war veterans, the Bund jüdischer Frontsoldaten, founded in 1932. It was this institution that initiated the erection of Jewish war memorials in several Austrian cities. Lamprecht analyzes the ways that Austrian Jews commemorated the war and their fallen.
In addition to the focus of this issue, Steven Schouten presents in a review essay the new historical-critical edition of the works of the German Jewish author Ernst Toller (1893-1939).


The Great War. Reflections, Experiences and Memories of German and Habsburg Jews (1914–1918)

by Petra Ernst, Jeffrey Grossman, Ulrich Wyrwa

German Jews and the Great War: Gustav Landauer's and Fritz Mauthner's Friendship during Times of War
by Carsten Schapkow

German Jewish Intellectuals and the German Occupation of Belgium
by Ulrich Wyrwa

Aspects of Anti-Semitism in Hungary 1915–1918
by Péter Bihari

Croatian-Slavonian Jews in the First World War
by Filip Hameršak, Ljiljana Dobrovšak

The Remembrance of World War One and the Austrian Federation of Jewish War Veterans
by Gerald Lamprecht


Ernst Toller
Complete Works: Critical Edition
Contribution by: Steven Schouten


Robert Weinberg / Edmund Levin
Blood Libel in Late Imperial Russia. The Ritual Murder Trial of Mendel Beilis / A Child of Christian Blood. Murder and Conspiracy in Tsarist Russia: the Beilis Blood Libel
by Darius Staliunas

Atalia Omer
When Peace Is Not Enough: How the Israeli Peace Camp Thinks about Nationalism, and Justice
by Jon Simons

Yulia Egorova, Shahid Perwez
The Jews of Andhra Pradesh: Contesting Caste Religion in South India
by Galit Shashoua

Sharon Rotbard
White City, Black City: Architecture and War in Tel Aviv and Jaffa
by Barbara Mann

Nevenko Bartulin
Honorary Aryans: National–Racial Identity and Protected Jews in the Independent State of Croatia
by Vjera Duić

Sarah Panter
Jüdische Erfahrungen und Loyalitätskonflikte im Ersten Weltkrieg
by Elisabeth Weber

Keren Friedman-Peleg
Ha-‘am ‘al-ha-sapah: ha-politiqah shel ha-traumah be-’Israel [A Nation on the Couch: The Politics of Trauma in Israel]
by Tamar Katriel

Emanuele D’Antonio
La società udinese e gli ebrei fra la Restaurazione e l’età unitaria. Mondi cattolici, emancipa-zione e integrazione della minoranza ebraica a Udine 1830–1866/70
by Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti

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