Journal of American History 103 (2016), 3

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Journal of American History 103 (2016), 3
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Bloomington, IN 2016: Oxford University Press



The Journal of American History
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Power, Patriarchy, and Provision: African Families Negotiate Gender and Slavery in New England
Gloria McCahon Whiting
Journal of American History 2016 103: 583–605

Courting Women, Courting Advertisers: The Woman's Page and the Transformation of the American Newspaper, 1895–1935
Julie A. Golia
Journal of American History 2016 103: 606–628

The Ordinary Cold War: The Ground Observer Corps and Midcentury Militarization in the United States
Matthew Farish
Journal of American History 2016 103: 629–655

Round Table
Setting the Table: Historians, Popular Writers, and Food History
Matt Garcia
Journal of American History 2016 103: 656–678

Keeping It Complex
E. Melanie DuPuis
Journal of American History 2016 103: 679–681

On the Possibilities of Food Writing as a Bridge between the Popular and the Political
Madeline Y. Hsu
Journal of American History 2016 103: 682–685

Sitting at the Table: Food History as American History
Mark Padoongpatt
Journal of American History 2016 103: 686–689

The Food Historian's Dilemma: Reconsidering the Role of Authenticity in Food Scholarship
Monica Perales
Journal of American History 2016 103: 690–693

The Whole Enchilada: A Full Plate of Food History
Jeffrey M. Pilcher
Journal of American History 2016 103: 694–696

Final Thoughts on Food Studies
Matt Garcia
Journal of American History 2016 103: 697–699

Exhibition Reviews
Journal of American History 2016 103: 700–701

American Enterprise
Journal of American History 2016 103: 702–705

Places of Invention
Journal of American History 2016 103: 705–708

The Wheel Woman
Journal of American History 2016 103: 708–711

Life and Death on the Border, 1910–1920
Journal of American History 2016 103: 711–715

Chinese-American Museum of Chicago; National Museum of Mexican Arts; The Polish Museum of America; and National Hellenic Museum
Journal of American History 2016 103: 715–717

Book Reviews

The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism
Journal of American History 2016 103: 718–719

The Slave's Cause: A History of Abolition
Journal of American History 2016 103: 719–721

African American Religions, 1500–2000: Colonialism, Democracy, and Freedom
Journal of American History 2016 103: 721–722

The Intimacies of Four Continents
Journal of American History 2016 103: 722–724

Battle Lines: A Graphic History of the Civil War
Journal of American History 2016 103: 724–725

Front Porch Politics: The Forgotten Heyday of American Activism in the 1970s and 1980s
Journal of American History 2016 103: 725–727

Disposable Futures: The Seduction of Violence in the Age of Spectacle
Journal of American History 2016 103: 727–728

Toward an Intellectual History of Black Women
Journal of American History 2016 103: 728–729

Legitimizing Empire: Filipino American and U.S. Puerto Rican Cultural Critique
Journal of American History 2016 103: 729

Queering the Countryside: New Frontiers in Rural Queer Studies
Journal of American History 2016 103: 730

Rendering Nature: Animals, Bodies, Places, Politics
Journal of American History 2016 103: 731

Clean and White: A History of Environmental Racism in the United States
Journal of American History 2016 103: 732

Toxic Injustice: A Transnational History of Exposure and Struggle
Journal of American History 2016 103: 732–733

Strangers on Familiar Soil: Rediscovering the Chile-California Connection
Journal of American History 2016 103: 733–734

Transatlantic Social Politics, 1800–Present
Journal of American History 2016 103: 734–735

St. Francis of America: How a Thirteenth-Century Friar Became America's Most Popular Saint
Journal of American History 2016 103: 735–736

In the Beginning Was the Word: The Bible in American Public Life, 1492–1783
Journal of American History 2016 103: 736

Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee
Journal of American History 2016 103: 736–737

Part of Our Lives: A People's History of the American Public Library
Journal of American History 2016 103: 737–738

Coyote Valley: Deep History in the High Rockies
Journal of American History 2016 103: 738–739

Colonial Genocide in Indigenous North America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 739–740

Mesa of Sorrows: A History of the Awat'ovi Massacre
Journal of American History 2016 103: 740–741

The Saltwater Frontier: Indians and the Contest for the American Coast
Journal of American History 2016 103: 741–742

Masters of Empire: Great Lakes Indians and the Making of America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 742

That the Blood Stay Pure: African Americans, Native Americans, and the Predicament of Race and Identity in Virginia
Journal of American History 2016 103: 742–743

Hispanic and Latino New Orleans: Immigration and Identity since the Eighteenth Century
Journal of American History 2016 103: 743–744

Liberty's Prisoners: Carceral Culture in Early America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 744–745

Groundless: Rumors, Legends, and Hoaxes on the Early American Frontier
Journal of American History 2016 103: 745–746

The Public Universal Friend: Jemima Wilkinson and Religious Enthusiasm in Revolutionary America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 746–747

Christian Imperialism: Converting the World in the Early American Republic
Journal of American History 2016 103: 747–748

America's Founding and the Struggle over Economic Inequality
Journal of American History 2016 103: 748

The First Congress: How James Madison, George Washington, and a Group of Extraordinary Men Invented the Government
Journal of American History 2016 103: 748–749

The Making of Tocqueville's America: Law and Association in the Early United States
Journal of American History 2016 103: 749–750

Addressing America: George Washington's Farewell and the Making of National Culture, Politics, and Diplomacy, 1796–1852
Journal of American History 2016 103: 750–751

Making Race in the Courtroom: The Legal Construction of Three Races in Early New Orleans
Journal of American History 2016 103: 751–752

Picture Freedom: Remaking Black Visuality in the Early Nineteenth Century
Journal of American History 2016 103: 752–753

Humane Insight: Looking at Images of African American Suffering and Death
Journal of American History 2016 103: 753

Coloring Whiteness: Acts of Critique in Black Performance
Journal of American History 2016 103: 754

Black Atlas: Geography and Flow in Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
Journal of American History 2016 103: 754–755

Journeys of the Slave Narrative in the Early Americas
Journal of American History 2016 103: 755–756

The Life and the Adventures of a Haunted Convict
Journal of American History 2016 103: 756–757

Slavery and the Democratic Conscience: Political Life in Jeffersonian America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 757–758

Liberty Power: Antislavery Third Parties and the Transformation of American Politics
Journal of American History 2016 103: 758–759

New Directions in Slavery Studies: Commodification, Community, and Comparison
Journal of American History 2016 103: 759–760

The Parker Sisters: A Border Kidnapping
Journal of American History 2016 103: 760–761

Rivers of Sand: Creek Indian Emigration, Relocation, and Ethnic Cleansing in the American South
Journal of American History 2016 103: 761

The Cherokee Diaspora: An Indigenous History of Migration, Resettlement, and Identity
Journal of American History 2016 103: 762

Frontier Democracy: Constitutional Conventions in the Old Northwest
Journal of American History 2016 103: 762–763

Embracing a Western Identity: Jewish Oregonians, 1849–1950
Journal of American History 2016 103: 763–764

Building Zion: The Material World of Mormon Settlement
Journal of American History 2016 103: 764–765

Riotous Flesh: Women, Physiology, and the Solitary Vice in Nineteenth-Century America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 765–766

The Cosmopolitan Lyceum: Lecture Culture and the Globe in Nineteenth-Century America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 766–767

Suffrage Reconstructed: Gender, Race, and Voting Rights in the Civil War Era
Journal of American History 2016 103: 767–768

Confederate Cities: The Urban South during the Civil War Era
Journal of American History 2016 103: 768–769

Damn Yankees! Demonization and Defiance in the Confederate South
Journal of American History 2016 103: 769

The World the Civil War Made
Journal of American History 2016 103: 769–770

Lincoln in the Atlantic World
Journal of American History 2016 103: 770–771

Excommunicated from the Union: How the Civil War Created a Separate Catholic America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 771–772

One Nation Divided by Slavery: Remembering the American Revolution While Marching toward the Civil War
Journal of American History 2016 103: 772–773

Tales from the Haunted South: Dark Tourism and Memories of Slavery from the Civil War Era
Journal of American History 2016 103: 773–774

Dethroning the Deceitful Pork Chop: Rethinking African American Foodways from Slavery to Obama
Journal of American History 2016 103: 774–775

To Live and Dine in Dixie: The Evolution of Urban Food Culture in the Jim Crow South
Journal of American History 2016 103: 775–776

Uncle Sam's Policemen: The Pursuit of Fugitives across Borders
Journal of American History 2016 103: 776–777

Racial Reconstruction: Black Inclusion, Chinese Exclusion, and the Fictions of Citizenship
Journal of American History 2016 103: 777

The New Negro in the Old South
Journal of American History 2016 103: 777–778

The Origin Myth of Acoma Pueblo and How the World Moves: The Odyssey of an American Indian Family
Journal of American History 2016 103: 778–780

Women and Justice for the Poor: A History of Legal Aid, 1863–1945
Journal of American History 2016 103: 780–781

Henry George and the Crisis of Inequality: Progress and Poverty in the Gilded Age
Journal of American History 2016 103: 781–782

The Cotton Kings: Capitalism and Corruption in Turn-of-the-Century New York and New Orleans
Journal of American History 2016 103: 782

Slaughterhouse: Chicago's Union Stock Yard and the World It Made
Journal of American History 2016 103: 782–783

Sensing Chicago: Noisemakers, Strikebreakers, and Muckrakers
Journal of American History 2016 103: 783–784

Coming of Age in Chicago: The 1893 World's Fair and the Coalescence of American Anthropology
Journal of American History 2016 103: 784–785

Driven by Fear: Epidemics and Isolation in San Francisco's House of Pestilence
Journal of American History 2016 103: 785–786

Strangers Below: Primitive Baptists and American Culture
Journal of American History 2016 103: 786–787

Baptized with the Soil: Christian Agrarians and the Crusade for Rural America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 787–788

Migrating Faith: Pentecostalism in the United States and Mexico in the Twentieth Century
Journal of American History 2016 103: 788

Saving Faith: Making Religious Pluralism an American Value at the Dawn of the Secular Age
Journal of American History 2016 103: 788–789

G.I. Messiahs: Soldiering, War, and American Civil Religion
Journal of American History 2016 103: 789–790

Devoted to Nature: The Religious Roots of American Environmentalism
Journal of American History 2016 103: 790–791

Say We Are Nations: Documents of Politics and Protest in Indigenous America since 1887
Journal of American History 2016 103: 791–792

Mormonism and American Politics
Journal of American History 2016 103: 792–793

Ballot Battles: The History of Disputed Elections in the United States
Journal of American History 2016 103: 793–794

America at the Ballot Box: Elections and Political History and Pivotal Tuesdays: Four Elections That Shaped the Twentieth Century
Journal of American History 2016 103: 794–795

When Movements Anchor Parties: Electoral Alignments in American History
Journal of American History 2016 103: 795–796

Republic of Spin: An Inside History of the American Presidency
Journal of American History 2016 103: 796–797

American Big Business in Britain and Germany: A Comparative History of Two “Special Relationships” in the Twentieth Century
Journal of American History 2016 103: 797–798

Race and Retail: Consumption across the Color Line
Journal of American History 2016 103: 798–799

From Canton Restaurant to Panda Express: A History of Chinese Food in the United States
Journal of American History 2016 103: 799–800

Red Love across the Pacific: Political and Sexual Revolutions of the Twentieth Century
Journal of American History 2016 103: 800–801

Pan American Women: U.S. Internationalists and Revolutionary Mexico
Journal of American History 2016 103: 801

Nursing and Empire: Gendered Labor and Migration from India to the United States
Journal of American History 2016 103: 802

Islanders in the Empire: Filipino and Puerto Rican Laborers in Hawaii
Journal of American History 2016 103: 802–803

Insurgent Democracy: The Nonpartisan League in North American Politics
Journal of American History 2016 103: 803–804

Reform or Repression: Organizing America's Anti-union Movement
Journal of American History 2016 103: 804–805

White Robes, Silver Screens: Movies and the Making of the Ku Klux Klan and Not a Catholic Nation: The Ku Klux Klan Confronts New England in the 1920s
Journal of American History 2016 103: 805–806

Transforming the South: Federal Development in the Tennessee Valley, 1915–1960
Journal of American History 2016 103: 807

Progressivism in America: Past, Present, and Future
Journal of American History 2016 103: 807–808

Weapons of Democracy: Propaganda, Progressivism, and American Public Opinion
Journal of American History 2016 103: 808–809

German Propaganda and U.S. Neutrality in World War I
Journal of American History 2016 103: 809–810

How Our Days Became Numbered: Risk and the Rise of the Statistical Individual
Journal of American History 2016 103: 810–811

Girls Will Be Boys: Cross-Dressed Women, Lesbians, and American Cinema, 1908–1934
Journal of American History 2016 103: 811–812

The Prettiest Girl on Stage Is a Man: Race and Gender Benders in American Vaudeville
Journal of American History 2016 103: 812–813

The Cherokee Kid: Will Rogers, Tribal Identity, and the Making of an American Icon
Journal of American History 2016 103: 813

America Dancing: From the Cakewalk to the Moonwalk
Journal of American History 2016 103: 813–814

The Product of Our Souls: Ragtime, Race, and the Birth of the Manhattan Musical Marketplace
Journal of American History 2016 103: 814–815

Framing the Audience: Art and the Politics of Culture in the United States, 1929–1945
Journal of American History 2016 103: 815–816

Forgotten Men and Fallen Women: The Cultural Politics of New Deal Narratives
Journal of American History 2016 103: 816–817

Jean Paton and the Struggle to Reform American Adoption
Journal of American History 2016 103: 817–818

Trotskyists on Trial: Free Speech and Political Persecution since the Age of fdr
Journal of American History 2016 103: 818

Hoover's War on Gays: Exposing the fbi's “Sex Deviates” Program
Journal of American History 2016 103: 819

The Life and Lies of Paul Crouch: Communist, Opportunist, Cold War Snitch
Journal of American History 2016 103: 819–820

Radicals in America: The U.S. Left since the Second World War
Journal of American History 2016 103: 820–821

Race Harmony and Black Progress: Jack Woofter and the Interracial Cooperation Movement
Journal of American History 2016 103: 821–822

The Prism of Race: W. E. B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson, and the Colored World of Cedric Dover
Journal of American History 2016 103: 822–823

Democracy Abroad, Lynching at Home: Racial Violence in Florida
Journal of American History 2016 103: 823–824

Metropolitan Jews: Politics, Race, and Religion in Postwar Detroit
Journal of American History 2016 103: 824–825

Grounds for Dreaming: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the California Farmworker Movement
Journal of American History 2016 103: 825

A New Deal for Bronzeville: Housing, Employment, and Civil Rights in Black Chicago, 1935–1955
Journal of American History 2016 103: 825–826

Joe T. Patterson and the White South's Dilemma: Evolving Resistance to Black Advancement
Journal of American History 2016 103: 826–827

The Papers of Howard Washington Thurman vol. 3: The Bold Adventure, September 1943–May 1949
Journal of American History 2016 103: 827–828

Born of Conviction: White Methodists and Mississippi's Closed Society
Journal of American History 2016 103: 828–829

The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship; Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice
Journal of American History 2016 103: 829–830

Household Workers Unite: The Untold Story of African American Women Who Built a Movement
Journal of American History 2016 103: 830–831

Florynce “Flo” Kennedy: The Life of a Black Feminist Radical
Journal of American History 2016 103: 831–832

Black Muslims and the Law: Civil Liberties from Elijah Muhammad to Muhammad Ali
Journal of American History 2016 103: 832–833

Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X
Journal of American History 2016 103: 833

Beyond Civil Rights: The Moynihan Report and Its Legacy
Journal of American History 2016 103: 833–834

Age of System: Understanding the Development of Modern Social Science
Journal of American History 2016 103: 834–835

O amigo Americano: Nelson Rockefeller e o Brasil (The American friend: Nelson Rockefeller and Brazil)
Journal of American History 2016 103: 835–836

A Companion to John F. Kennedy
Journal of American History 2016 103: 836–837

Nut Country: Right-Wing Dallas and the Birth of the Southern Strategy
Journal of American History 2016 103: 837

The Rise of a Prairie Statesman: The Life and Times of George McGovern
Journal of American History 2016 103: 838

A World of Homeowners: American Power and the Politics of Housing Aid
Journal of American History 2016 103: 838–839

Of Limits and Growth: The Rise of Global Sustainable Development in the Twentieth Century
Journal of American History 2016 103: 839–840

Making the Desert Modern: Americans, Arabs, and Oil on the Saudi Frontier, 1933–1973
Journal of American History 2016 103: 840–841

Sovereignty for Survival: American Energy Development and Indian Self-Determination
Journal of American History 2016 103: 841–842

This Is Our Land: Grassroots Environmentalism in the Late Twentieth Century
Journal of American History 2016 103: 842–843

Defenders of the Unborn: The Pro-Life Movement before Roe v. Wade
Journal of American History 2016 103: 843

Abortion after Roe
Journal of American History 2016 103: 843–844

From the Land of Shadows: War, Revolution, and the Making of the Cambodian Diaspora
Journal of American History 2016 103: 844–845

Kent State: Death and Dissent in the Long Sixties
Journal of American History 2016 103: 845–846

Posters for Peace: Visual Rhetoric and Civic Action
Journal of American History 2016 103: 846–847

Acid Hype: American News Media and the Psychedelic Experience
Journal of American History 2016 103: 847

Dressing for the Culture Wars: Style and the Politics of Self-Presentation in the 1960s and 1970s
Journal of American History 2016 103: 848

The Cultural Left and the Reagan Era: U.S. Protest and Central American Revolution
Journal of American History 2016 103: 848–849

Black Silent Majority: The Rockefeller Drug Laws and the Politics of Punishment
Journal of American History 2016 103: 849–850

African and American: West Africans in Post–Civil Rights America
Journal of American History 2016 103: 850–851

Beautiful Terrible Ruins: Detroit and the Anxiety of Decline
Journal of American History 2016 103: 851–852

The Remittance Landscape: Spaces of Migration in Rural Mexico and Urban usa
Journal of American History 2016 103: 852–853

Tunnel Visions: The Rise and Fall of the Superconducting Super Collider
Journal of American History 2016 103: 853–854

Movie Reviews

Murder of a President
Journal of American History 2016 103: 855–856

Chuck Norris vs. Communism
Journal of American History 2016 103: 856–858

The Finest Hours
Journal of American History 2016 103: 858–860

The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution
Journal of American History 2016 103: 860–862

Born to Be Blue
Journal of American History 2016 103: 862–864

Miles Ahead
Journal of American History 2016 103: 864–866

Digital History Reviews

Open Tour Builder; The Battle of Atlanta Tour: A Tour of History and Remembrance; and Emory Campus History Tour
Journal of American History 2016 103: 867–868

FDR4Freedoms: The Life, Times, and Vision of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Journal of American History 2016 103: 869–870
Journal of American History 2016 103: 870–871

Wearing Gay History: A Digital Archive of Historical lgbt T-Shirts
Journal of American History 2016 103: 871


Journal of American History 2016 103: 872–873

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Bestandsnachweise E-ISSN: 1945-2314, Print ISSN 0021-8723