Supporters, Sponsors, and affiliiated forums
H-Soz-Kult became a member of Clio-online in 2002. Clio-online concentrates online services for historians, develops new concepts and supports a technical infrastructure to further the use of the World Wide Web in the historical sciences. Clio-online is published by the society Verein "Clio-online – Historisches Fachinformationssystem e.V." .
Humboldt-University of Berlin
Humboldt-University of Berlin and its History Department have supported H-Soz-Kult from the beginning with substantial financial and personnel contributions. Additionally there is a close cooperation with the Central Computer and Media Service’s working group on electronic publishing.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
H-Soz-Kult was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) from 2002 to 2007, and from 2010 to 2013. Additionally, the DFG has supported the affiliated project „Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte“.
H-Net. Humanities and Social Sciences Online
The H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online provides an attractive mailing listserv and a close cooperation for H-Soz-Kult since 1996. The American H-Net provides infrastructures for scholarly communities and furthers research and teaching in the Humanities by offering modern information technologies. The H-Net aims to support the free exchange of academic ideas and communication, and to create better resources in the Humanities.
Zeitgeschichte-online / Contemporary-History-online
"Zeitgeschichte-online" is a project by the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF) and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SBB). Since 2004 it offers a specialised portal for contemporary history. It is located at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, a member of Clio-online and a close affiliate of H-Soz-Kult:
Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam / Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam
Since 2001, the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF) supports H-Soz-Kult with significant financial and personnel contributions. The ZZF hosts the review editorial board for Contemporary History (after 1945), one of H-Soz-Kult’s most important editorial fields.
Connections is a specialised online portal dedicated to the research of cultural transfers and transnational entanglements in Europe and the world. It is hosted by researchers at the Global and European Studies Institute at Leipzig University, and the research group „Transfert culturels“ at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Paris. The project cooperates with the European Network in Universal and Global History.
geschichte.transnational publishes reviews of recent publications, announcements, conference reports, news on research initiatives, and journal contents that deal with transnational entanglements. It hosts a website as well as a weekly email service:
Global and European Studies Institute at Leipzig University
The Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) at Leipzig University is home of H-Soz-Kult’s review editorial board for many Area Studies as well as fort he history of science. It also hosts geschichte.transnational.
Editorial Cooperations
H-Soz-Kult is a cooperative project that closely collaborates with a network of scholars as well as interdisciplinary projects from the Humanities and the Social Sciences alike. Additionally, H-Soz-Kult shares content with scientific institutions, partner projects, and academic societies in history and allied disciplines. Currently, H-Soz-Kult cooperates with the following projects:
Arbeitskreis Historische Friedensforschung (Working Group Historical Peace Research)
The Arbeitskreis Historische Friedensforschung was founded in 1984. It strives to research questions of peace and peacekeeping in all its historical dimensions. Its work focuses on the prevention of war, violence, and violent conflict. The working group unites diverse positions, methodological approaches and interests. is a Swiss national project and aims at fostering, securing and developing digital infrastructures for historians in Switzerland. The project supports a network of digital resources, represents Swiss history in international databases, and guarantees access to international databases for historians in Switzerland. It reflects the potential and challenges of digital media for the Humanities and contributes to the development of pioneering strategies and solutions.
Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung (GEI) (Georg Eckert Institute for International Schoolbook Research)
The international comparison of societies‘ self-perception, Othering and stereotyping lies at the heart of the Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung’s research in history. This is pursued through an analysis of schoolbooks. The institute brings together scientists, education experts, and education practitioners from various countries. They analyse the history of self-perception and stereotyping in schoolbooks in all its dimensions and search for ways to deal with these phenomena in an adequate manner in pedagogical practice.
ArtHist.Net (Kunstgeschichte, Art History)
ArtHist.Net is a portal for art history that was founded in 2001 and has over 7,000 subscribers. The online forum is directed at art historians, students of art history, and all those who share a scientific interest in art history. ArtHist.Net regularly publishes reviews, reports and announcements from the field of art history.
H-German (Serving professional historians of Germany around the world
H-German is one of the oldest communities of the H-Net - Humanities and Social Sciences Online: it was founded in 1994, serves several thousand subscribers, and mainly is received by US American scholars and students of German history. It regularly publishes reviews, reports and announcements concerning the field of German history.
H-Germanistik (Netzwerk für literaturwissenschaftlichen Wissenstransfer/ Network for knowledge transfer in literary studies)
H-Germanistik is a member of H-Net - Humanities and Social Sciences Online and was founded in 2005. Its online platform provides access to information on German literature from the Middle Ages to the present. Interdisciplinary analyses complement this programme.
H-Museum (Network für Museen und Museumsbetrieb) / Virtual Library Museen
H-Museum was founded in 2001 as the mailinglist "Museum Professionals" and became a member of the H-Net - Humanities and Social Sciences Online in 2002. It serves a community of several thousand professionals in memory institutions, museums, archives, libraries, and scholars of memory culture. The Virtual Library Museen (VL Museums) is a leading website for museum related information and the German member of the ICOM‘s Virtual Library museums pages (VLmp) as well as a member of Virtual Library Deutschland (Universität Karlsruhe) and the Virtual Library’s Humanities and Humanistic Studies list.
Historische Bildungsforschung Online (Historical Research in Education Online)
Historische Bildungsforschung Online (HBO) is an online sevice for the history of education. It is conducted at the Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung (Library for Research in Educational History) at the Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (German Institute for International Research in Pedagogy) and the Sektion Historische Bildungsforschung (Section Historical Educational Research) in the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (German Society for Educational Sciences). The project announces and reports research news, provides full texts and historical sources, and reviews the literature.
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University, Berlin
Humboldt University, Berlin‘s Institute for European Ethnologysupports an online review service for European ethnology and anthropology. Its foundation in 2000 was a close collaboration with H-Soz-Kult. The service informs about new literature in European ethnology and allied sciences and discusses methodological issues.
Organisationsbüros der Deutschen Historikertage / Organising Committee of the Convention of German Historians
Already in its founding year in 1996, H-Soz-Kult was represented at the biannual Convention of German Historians. Since then, it is present at every Convention and serves as official media partner, announcing relevant information as well as extensively reporting on the event.
Polish-Studies.Interdisciplinary (Pol-Int) promotes an exchange of subjects and links up the worldwide scholarship community of Polish Studies. It is the first community-based online offer for students, researchers and specialised journalists from all over the world who exchange information on an international level across different fields. The Pol-Int project is resident across the German/Polish border at the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder (Germany) and the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice (Poland).
'Comparativ - Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung' / Karl-Lamprecht-Gesellschaft e.V. / Comparativ – Journal for Global History and Comparative Research / Karl-Lamprecht-Society
Since 1991, Comparativ publishes articles in comparative history, political sciences, economy, cultural studies, sociology and development studies. The journal follows an encompassing approach to historical-comparative research. It includes research articles, thematic issues, controversy and discussion, news and reports. Comparativ is published for the Karl-Lamprecht-Gesellschaft e.V. / European Network in Universal and Global History.
As of September 2015