H-Soz-Kult Categories
H-Soz-Kult's content is divided in several categories and sub-categories on the website. These categories illustrate the many facets of our discipline; however, they also represent a compromise for processing and organizing information grown over time that our users have become accustomed to. Of course, not all contributions fit easily into such a scheme. H-Soz-Kult's editors use a number of different tokens to depict the category of each contribution.
Reviews. Perspectives on current research
H-Soz-Kult publishes about 1,000 reviews of academically relevant publications (monographs, edited volumes, CD-ROMs, exhibitions, source collections, and websites). Before publication, these reviews are editorially reviewed with competence and diligence by H-Soz-Kult's large editorial team. Via E-Mail distribution, H-Soz-Kult's reviews typically reach a much larger audience than reviews in comparative print media. Besides the publication on H-Soz-Kult's own web server, the long-term archiving on Humboldt University's document server (http://edoc.hu-berlin.de) guarantees unrestricted, long-term accessibility to a global public in the spirit of "Open Access" principles.
When selecting publications for review, the editors predominantly take current research publications into consideration. H-Soz-Kult strives to cover a broad range of historical eras, geographical areas, and research topics. Review copies are ordered with publishers when the editors have found a competent reviewer. A diligent reviewer selection process ensures the high quality and academic independence of reviews. The WWW is an adequate medium for scholarly reviews due to its speed and availability. Reactions to H-Soz-Kult reviews may be published directly in the same medium. Thus, H-Soz-Kult's reviews influence scholarly debate in real time.
With its many experts for a wide range of historical eras, regions, and topics, H-Soz-Kult's editorial team combines competence in most areas of historical research. Our review editors supervise each review from its inception to publication. Their diligent and continuous, largely pro-bono work is at the heart of H-Soz-Kult's services. Additionally, H-Soz-Kult successfully cooperates with a number of academic institutions, projects, and publications. You can find more information on the publication of reviews in our "Hinweise zur Veröffentlichung von Rezensionen".
H-Soz-Kult also publishes review essays on current publications that are of scholarly interest. In addition to the elements of a classic academic review, this article format focuses on a stronger contextualization in historiographical or historical-political terms as well as intensive reflection on methodological and epistemological questions. Review essays are assigned by the editorial team; the editors accept suggestions.
In addition to the catalogs, exhibition reviews are primarily dedicated to the actual objects and presentations in the exhibitions discussed. The PDF version of the review is only available for texts from 2024 onwards.
Opportunities. Job Offers, Scholarships, Degree Programmes, and Subletting
The work of historians is increasingly diverse and international. Historians want a sercive to quickly obtain information on opportunities for work and research. H-Soz-Kult therefore offers information on job offers, scholarship programmes, degree programmes, and other career-related aspects. A market for subletting apartments eases the practical research during study and archival trips.
Job Offers
In this category, H-Soz-Kult publishes around 600 job offers annually. This includes long-term positions, traineeships, and internships, in Germany and international. All job offers either directly are advertised for historians, or are advertised for neighbouring disciplines, but also accept historians. H-Soz-Kult does not publish offers of pro-bono work.
For positions in the United States, we'd like to refer you also to the H-Net Job Guide.
Scholarships and Funding Opportunities
This category is comprised of fellowships, scholarships, awards and similar funding opportunities for historians. Every year, about 300 offers are posted.
Degree Programmes
Degree Programmes for historians are collected and regularly published in a digest form.
H-Soz-Kult readers are given the opportunity to publish apartment searches or sublets for studies abroad, research and archival trips. This is a community service and therefore, like the rest of H-Soz-Kult's services, free of charge. Announements are published as a weekly digest; only current postings are online.
For more information on "Opportunities", please go to "Contribute".
Literature reports. Reflecting on research in innovative topics
H-Soz-Kult's literature reports identify current research trends, contextualize them and provide orientation on a specific topic of historical research as it reveals itself in recent research literature. the editorial board decides about topics and authors. In addition to editorial review, literature reports are also double-blind externally peer reviewed. If you want to make a suggestion, please contact the editors: hsk.redaktion@geschichte.hu-berlin.de
Forum. Article Series and current Discussion
H-Soz-Kult provides a fast and widely-read forum for discussion of current research trends and science policies. Article series encourage debate on controversial questions and help networking.
The Forum catergory contains articles that invite the readership to participate in current debates. The editors - sometimes together with guest editors - plan discussion series and invite statements from experts. All texts are editorially reviewed. The contributions to discussion series are collected in the series Historisches Forum and published on Humboldt University's document server. Please find more information here: Beitrag einreichen
Miscellanea. Projects, Websites, Petitions, Opinion, and more
The category "Miscellanea" collects information on new research projects, websites, online databases, science policy, opinion pieces, petitions, news on awards, personalia, and more. Contributions to this category are published on the website and distributed in a digest format.
More information can be obtained here: "Beitrag einreichen".
Conference Reports. Publicity for Academic Conferences
Conference reports publish the proceedings and results of academic events with relevance for historical research. They should provide a critical account of the conference's findings and discussions and give details about the most interesting, innovative, or controversial talks. Additionally, conference reports should provide an introduction into the topic for readers that are not well-versed in the specific topic. Conference reports are of interest for current discussion, but also have a long-term value by providing concise and short information on research trends, experts, topcis and networks.
Usually, the authors of conference reports are not determined by H-Soz-Kult's editorial team, but by the conference organizers themselves. This implies that, in marked contrast to the reviews, the H-Soz-Kult editors cannot vouch for a report's objectivity and professional distance. H-Soz-Kult does provide editing and proofreading for the reports before publication. More information is obatinable here: "Beitrag einreichen".
Events. Announcing Academic Conferences
With around 2,500 individual contributions annually, the category Events has grown to be the most comprehensive of H-Soz-Kult's categories. Announcing academic events for historians facilitates networking and discussion, and allows an easier overview of discursive shifts in the field of history. Contributions include conferences, workshops, calls for papers, calls for articles, summer schools, etc. H-Soz-Kult only publishes annoucements that are relevant for historical research. The archive allows searching past event announcements. Not all event announcements are distributed individually via the mailing-lists; some are published directly on our webseite or summarized in digest formats.
The category has the following sub-categories:
Academic Announcements
Public lecture series, individual lectures or other events that appeal to an academic as well as a general public.
Calls for Papers / Calls for Articles
Calls for Papers invite contributions to conferences or workshops, Calls for Articles seek contributions to journal editions.
Colloquia and Lecture Series
This subcategory is published as a weekly digest and collects announcements for lecture series that are usually organized by university departments or research institutes.
The Confereces sub-category comprises all announcements of conferences, workshops, symposia etc. that are open to the academic public and are of relevance for an audience of historians. As a rule, conference announcements are only published including the full programme. Please find more information here: "Beitrag einreichen".
Journals. Current Tables of Contents for Periodicals
H-Soz-Kult publishes current tables of contents for over 500 academic journals with a focus on historical research. H-Soz-Kult aims at a broad information service for historians and facilitates research by providing an easy entry-point to current publications in academic journals, but it does not strive for completeness. Please find additional information here: "Beitrag einreichen".
As of May 2018