Guidelines for the publication of conference reports

Participants or critical observers can submit a report on an academic event for publication to H-Soz-Kult. The event must be of relevance to historical science with at least five presentations.

Before you hand in your report, please make sure that you have fulfilled all criteria with regard to content and form. If not, the editorial department will have to send it back to you with the request for further corrections before it can be processed by the editorial department.

Notes and Guidelines for the Publication of Conference Reports

Legal Notes and Publication

If you have already published your text elsewhere, the publication of your report at H-Soz-Kult can not be guaranteed. Please verify that an additional publication with H-Soz-Kult does not violate copyright or usage rights prior to submission.

By submitting your article you explicitly consent to the use and further dissemination of the text via H-Soz-Kult, in particular the publication in electronic and non-electronic form in the current and future offers of H-Net and Clio-online according to section 1.2. of H-Soz-Kult’s copyright regulations.

The editorial department reserves the right to send conference reports per email via H-Soz-Kult, history.transnational and Contemporary-History-Online, or also just to the subscribers of one of the forums.

Conference reports of minor relevance to historical science or of exceeding length may just be published on the website, and not via the mailing list. We promote the distribution of your article through additional measures such as the integration into search engines, theme portals and catalogues.

As the editorial department has to limit the amount of articles published daily, delays of several weeks may occur prior to the publication of conference reports.

For additional general information with regard to conference reports see about H-Soz-Kult.

Please email your report to the editorial department at the following address. You can also contact the editorial department with further questions or recommendations.



Last changed: July 2022