Submit a publication
H-Soz-Kult is an moderated information and communication platform for historians which publishes academic news and publications in the fields of history.
For the publication of articles or announcements you need to register at MEIN CLIO. MEIN CLIO is an umbrella project of H-Soz-Kult, Clio-online (the institutional association), and other partners. After your registration you can submit your contribution by using our forms.
Step 1: Registration of your email adress for submission
Step 2: Submit your announcement - forms and guideslines for submission
Forms and guidelines for the publication in individual sections
You can send book reviews and conferencereports as Word-, OpenOffice- or RTF-File directly by e-mail to the editorial board.
Announcements, grants, job opportunities, journal announcements sent per email to the editorial department will be sent back to the contributor with a request for completing the respective form. Use the entry template to speed up the processing of your publication.
Appointments-Deadlines: Announcement of conferences, lecture series, call for papers
Opportunities: Scholarships, research-prizes, grants, fundings, job offers, accommodation listings and announcements of new university courses
Miscellenea: New research projects and project results (Projects), news from the profession (News), research enquiries. For websites and online-databases: please submit your announcement to the Clio-online Web-Directory .
Periodicals: Tables of content of periodicals
Forum: E-publications and debates
Reviews: Reviews of books, CD-Roms, websites and historical exhibitions
Conference reports: Reports on academic events
Literature reports: Reports identifying trends in specific, dynamic fields of research
Publication process
As H-Soz-Kult is an information service for the historical sciences, we will publish only announcements, advertisements and offers with relevance to historical sciences. The contributions are published on mailinglists and e-mail-newsletters, on the website, and can be subscribed by RSS-Feeds and on twitter. Contributions of little relevance to historical sciences are not sent to mailingslists.
After submission of the form you should receive an email notification regarding successfull submission of your announcement.
Please use H-Soz-Kult’s copyright guidelines for all contributions.
Before submission of the forms please check your announcement or article for the following layout options:
* - mark text as *bold*
_ - mark text _underline_
Please avoid usage of the pipe-symbol | This symbol is for internal database only. The usage of | can result in empty text passages.
Please address all questions concerning publishing with H-Soz-u-Kult to our editorial staff: