Publishing 'Miscellanea'
Please note, that the forms for projects and news will be available soon (currently under maintenance).
The “Miscellanea“ category is intended for diverse information that is not covered by our more specialized categories, such as job opportunities for historians, or announcements of appointments. The entries submitted in this category will be reviewed by the editors of H-Soz-Kult and subsequently be published weekly as a weekly Email digest.
Project announcements
This category is reserved for announcements concerning new research projects, such as the founding of new study groups, research initiatives, and group research projects. Individual dissertation projects will not be announced.
The project form will be available soon.
Websites, Databases
The ‘WWW’ column contains announcements of forums, portals, databases and websites related to historical research. You can announce any kind of online resources by using the MEIN CLIO service to submit an entry to the Clio-online Web-Directory.
The category is designed for announcements of encompassing research results, science policy news, commentaries and petitions, news on award winners, on surveys and personnel matters as long as they are relevant for a broader than regional audience and directly relate to the historical sciences.
Please note that job opportunities, scholarships, award offers or announcements of conferences, calls for papers et cetera will be published in the specialized categories (opportunities, appointments) of our website. Please carefully survey our website’s categories before submitting an entry to one of the column forms.
H-Soz-Kult will not publish general press releases, book release announcements, or information addressing the general public rather than the scientific community.
The form is available in MEINCLIO
H-Soz-Kult will not publish genealogical requests, inquiries concerning one specific person, or inquires of a purely journalistic nature.
Please direct all questions concerning the submission of opportunities to the editorial staff: