Table of Contents
ARTICLES The Political Autonomy of a Tax Farm: The Nice-Piedmont Gabelle of the Dukes of Savoy, 1535-1580 Matthew Vester Page 745
Grain Trade Information: Economic Conflict and Political Culture under Terray, 1770-1774 Henry Clark Page 793
Elements Near and Alien: Passportization, Policing, and Identity in the Stalinist State, 1932-1952 David Shearer Page 835
REVIEW ARTICLES Religion, War, and Identity in Ireland Charles Townshend Page 882
The Metaphysical Psychologist: On the Life and Letters of Gershom Scholem Steven E. Aschheim Page 903
BOOK REVIEWS Guglielmo Cavallo and Roger Chartier, eds., A History of Reading in the West; Roger Chartier, Alain Boureau, and Cecile Dauphin, Correspondence: Models of Letter-Writing from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century James Smith Allen Page 934
Raffaella Sarti, Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500-1800 Merry Wiesner-Hanks Page 936
Christian Jouhaud and Alain Viala, eds., De la publication: Entre Renaissance et Lumieres Jack R. Censer Page 938
Peter Baldwin, Contagion and the State in Europe, 1830-1930 Andrew Mendelsohn Page 940
Ulrich Lehmann, Tigersprung: Fashion in Modernity Daniel Purdy Page 943
Harold James, The End of Globalization: Lessons from the Great Depression Mark Spoerer Page 945
David Kuchta, The Three-Piece Suit and Modern Masculinity: England, 1550-1850 George Robb Page 947
Lisa Steffen, Defining a British State: Treason and National Identity, 1608-1820 David Martin Jones Page 948
Anthony Page, John Jebb and the Enlightenment Origins of British Radicalism Margaret C. Jacob Page 950
John Ward, W. B. Ferrand: "The Working Man's Friend," 1809-1889 Nancy LoPatin-Lummis Page 951
F. David Roberts, The Social Conscience of the Early Victorians Margot Finn Page 953
Peter Leese, Shell Shock: Traumatic Neurosis and the British Soldiers of the First World War Roger Cooter Page 955
Natalie Zemon Davis, The Gift in Sixteenth-Century France Roger Chartier Page 957
Xavier Le Person, "Practiques" et "Practiqueurs": La vie politique a la fin du regne de Henri III, 1584-1589 Katherine B. Crawford Page 959
Dirk Van der Cruysse, Le noble desir de courir le monde: Voyager en Asie au XVIIe siecle Glenn J. Ames Page 960
Kenneth J. Banks, Chasing Empire across the Sea: Communications and the State in the French Atlantic, 1713-1763 James E. McClellan III Page 962
Bailey Stone, Reinterpreting the French Revolution: A Global-Historical Perspective Howard G. Brown Page 964
Richard Wrigley, The Politics of Appearances: Representations of Dress in Revolutionary France Jennifer Jones Page 966
James R. Lehning, To Be a Citizen: The Political Culture of the Early French Third Republic Avner Ben-Amos Page 968
Laura Lee Downs, Childhood in the Promised Land: Working-Class Movements and the Colonies de Vacances in France, 1880-1960 Edward Berenson Page 970
Paul F. Grendler, The Universities of the Italian Renaissance Jurgen Miethke Page 972
Gabriele Turi, Lo stato educatore: Politica e intellettuali nell'Italia fascista Alexander De Grand Page 974
Davide Rodogno, Il nuovo ordine mediterraneo: Le politiche di occupazione dell'Italia fascista in Europa, 1940-1943 MacGregor Knox Page 976
Michael Seidman, Republic of Egos: A Social History of the Spanish Civil War Paloma Aguilar Page 978
Paloma Aguilar, Memory and Amnesia: The Role of the Spanish Civil War in the Transition to Democracy Michael Seidman Page 980
Ursula Baumann, Vom Recht auf den eigenen Tod: Die Geschichte des Suizids vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert Michael H. Kater Page 982
John H. Zammito, Kant, Herder, and the Birth of Anthropology Steven Lestition Page 984
Susan A. Crane, Collecting and Historical Consciousness in Early Nineteenth-Century Germany Robin Lenman Page 986
Dirk Gotschmann, Bayerischer Parlamentarismus im Vormarz: Die Standeversammlung des Konigreichs Bayern, 1819-1848 Jonathan Sperber Page 988
Franz Adlgasser, ed., Die Aehrenthals: Eine Familie in ihrer Korrespondenz 1872-1911 William D. Godsey, Jr. Page 990
Ludwig Richter, Die Deutsche Volkspartei, 1918-1933; Markus Muller, Die Christlich-Nationale Bauern- und Landvolkpartei, 1928-1933 Barry A. Jackisch Page 992
Timothy R. Vogt, Denazification in Soviet-Occupied Germany: Brandenburg, 1945-1948 Uta G. Poiger Page 995
Jay Lockenour, Soldiers as Citizens: Former Wehrmacht Officers in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-1955 Norman J. W. Goda Page 997
Claire E. Nolte, The Sokol in the Czech Lands to 1914: Training for the Nation Bradley Abrams Page 999
Norbert Spannenberger, Der Volksbund der Deutschen in Ungarn 1938-1944 unter Horthy und Hitler Paul Hanebrink Page 1000
Eric Lohr and Marshall Poe, eds., The Military and Society in Russia, 1450-1917 Roger R. Reese Page 1002
Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter, The Play of Ideas in Russian Enlightenment Theater David L. Ransel Page 1004
Mark D. Steinberg, Proletarian Imagination: Self, Modernity, and the Sacred in Russia, 1910-1925 Susan Morrissey Page 1006
George O. Liber, Alexander Dovzhenko: A Life in Soviet Film Joan Neuberger Page 1008
Bertrand M. Patenaude, The Big Show in Bololand: The American Relief Expedition to Soviet Russia in the Famine of 1921 Lars T. Lih Page 1009
Steven Merritt Miner, Stalin's Holy War: Religion, Nationalism, and Alliance Politics, 1941-1945 Geoffrey Hosking Page 1011
Index to Volume 76 Page 1015