Freemasonry and the Catholic Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century France Kenneth Loiselle 499-536
“Savage War” as “People’s War”: Nineteenth-Century African Wars, European Perceptions, and the Future of Warfare Dieter Langewiesche 537-563
Church Burning: Desecrating and Recreating Sacred Space in Twentieth-Century Spain Mary Vincent 564-607
Wartime Germans, Postwar Poles: Nation Switching and Nation Building after 1945 James Bjork 608-647
Authoritarianism and Fascism in Interwar Europe: Approaches and Legacies Shelley Baranowski 648-672
Paul Betts, Ruin and Renewal: Civilizing Europe after World War II Frank Biess 673-674
Julia Hell, The Conquest of Ruins: The Third Reich and the Fall of Rome Lucia Allais 675-677
Andrew Lambert, Seapower States: Maritime Culture, Continental Empires, and the Conflict That Made the Modern World N. A. M. Rodger 677-678
James S. Amelang, Writing Cities: Exploring Early Modern Urban Discourse Eleanor Hubbard 678-680
Barbara Fuchs and Mercedes García-Arenal, eds., The Quest for Certainty in Early Modern Europe: From Inquisition to Inquiry, 1550–1700 Gretchen Starr-LeBeau 680-682
Beatrice de Graaf, Fighting Terror after Napoleon: How Europe Became Secure after 1815 Maartje Abbenhuis 682-683
James Loeffler, Rooted Cosmopolitans: Jews and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century Marco Duranti 683-685
Nadia Zavorotna, Scholars in Exile: The Ukrainian Intellectual World in Interwar Czechoslovakia Thomas Ort 685-687
Despina Stratigakos, Hitler’s Northern Utopia: Building the New Order in Occupied Norway Eric Kurlander 687-689
Jenny Andersson, The Future of the World: Futurology, Futurists, and the Struggle for the Post–Cold War Imagination; Achim Eberspächer, Das Projekt Futurologie: Über Zukunft und Fortschritt in der Bundesrepublik 1952–1982 Alexander C. T. Geppert 689-692
Nadine Akkerman, Invisible Agents: Women and Espionage in Seventeenth-Century Britain Gaby Mahlberg 692-693
Michael Hunter, The Decline of Magic: Britain in the Enlightenment William J. Bulman 693-695
Nicholas Rogers, Murder on the Middle Passage: The Trial of Captain Kimber Padraic X. Scanlan 695-697
Jim Moher, Walter Citrine: Forgotten Statesman of the Trades Union Congress Jonathan Schneer 697-699
Jamie Stoops, The Thorny Path: Pornography in Early Twentieth-Century Britain H. G. Cocks 699-700
Maggie Andrews, Women and Evacuation in the Second World War: Femininity, Domesticity, and Motherhood Patricia Starkey 701-702.
Zoe Strimpel, Seeking Love in Modern Britain: Gender, Dating, and the Rise of “the Single.” Stephen Brooke 702-704
Nicholas Hammond, The Powers of Sound and Song in Early Modern Paris Laura Mason 704-705
Philip T. Hoffman, Gilles Postel-Vinay, and Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Dark Matter Credit: The Development of Peer-to-Peer Lending and Banking in France Paul Cheney 706-707
Elizabeth Andrews Bond, The Writing Public: Participatory Knowledge Production in Enlightenment and Revolutionary France Allan Tulchin 708-709
Robert H. Blackman, 1789: The French Revolution Begins Stephen Miller 709-711
Maurice Samuels, The Betrayal of the Duchess: The Scandal That Unmade the Bourbon Monarchy and Made France Modern Joshua Cole 711-713
Hollis Clayson, Illuminated Paris: Essays on Art and Lighting in the Belle Époque Caroline Ford 713-715
Jason Demers, The American Politics of French Theory: Derrida, Deleuze, Guattari, and Foucault in Translation Michael C. Behrent 715-716
Rick Fantasia, French Gastronomy and the Magic of Americanism Paul Freedman 716-718
Casey Harison, Paris in Modern Times: From the Old Regime to the Present Day Leslie Page Moch 718-720
Paolo Galluzzi, The Italian Renaissance of Machines Sven Dupré 720-721
Hannah Marcus, Forbidden Knowledge: Medicine, Science, and Censorship in Early Modern Italy Douglas Biow 722-723
Anthony L. Cardoza, A History of Modern Italy: Transformation and Continuity, 1796 to the Present Spencer M. Di Scala 723-725
Andrew W. Devereux, The Other Side of Empire: Just War in the Mediterranean and the Rise of Early Modern Spain A. Katie Harris 725-727
Alejandro J. Gómez del Moral, Buying into Change: Mass Consumption, Dictatorship, and Democratization in Franco’s Spain, 1939–1982 Eugenia Afinoguenova 727-728
Martyn Rady, The Habsburgs: To Rule the World; Charles Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618–1815; Steven Beller, The Habsburg Monarchy, 1815–1918 Joachim Whaley 729-733
Tara Nummedal, Anna Zieglerin and the Lion’s Blood: Alchemy and End Times in Reformation Germany Dane Daniel 733-734
Avi Lifschitz, ed., Frederick the Great’s Philosophical Writings Anton M. Matytsin 734-736
Brendan Karch, Nation and Loyalty in a German-Polish Borderland: Upper Silesia, 1848–1960 Jochen Böhler 737-738
Mary Elisabeth Cox, Hunger in War and Peace: Women and Children in Germany, 1914–1924 Maureen Healy 738-740
Devin O. Pendas, Democracy, Nazi Trials, and Transitional Justice in Germany, 1945–1950 Norman J.W. Goda 740-742
Nicholas B. Breyfogle, ed., Eurasian Environments: Nature and Ecology in Imperial Russian and Soviet History Laurent Coumel 742-744
Zbigniew Wojnowski, The Near Abroad: Socialist Eastern Europe and Soviet Patriotism in Ukraine, 1956–1985 Sergei I. Zhuk 744-746
Eliot Borenstein, Plots against Russia: Conspiracy and Fantasy after Socialism; Kate C. Langdon and Vladimir Tismaneanu, Putin’s Totalitarian Democracy: Ideology, Myth, and Violence in the Twenty-First Century Stephen Hutchings 746-749