Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 2 (2010), 1

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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 2 (2010), 1
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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica
Czech Republic
Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica Centrum medievistických studií Jilska 1 110 00 Praha 1 Tschechische Republik
Zurek, Vaclav


GEORG MODESTIN, Eine coniuratio gegen Kaiser Karl IV. und das Schweigen des Chronisten. Heinrich von Diessenhofen als Historiograph Herzog Rudolfs IV. von Österreich (1357-1361)
(A coniuratio against Emperor Charles IV and the Silence of the Chronicler. Henry of Diessenhofen as the Historiographer of Rudolf IV, the Duke of Austria (1357–1361), pp. 7–24

This study is devoted to the examination of the image of Rudolph IV of Austria in the historical writings of Henry Truchsas of Diessehofen. His chronicle, which maps the years 1316–1361, deals primarily with the history of the Empire; however, the attention of the author of this article is continuously drawn to the history of the Dukes of Austria, which is closely related to this area. The author try to explain the silence of the chronicler on the Rudolph’s participation in the allegiance formed by the Dukes of Württemberg in 1359, which was potentially aimed against Emperor and Rudolph’s father-in-law Charles IV.

Keywords: Henry of Diessenhofen, Charles IV, Rudolf IV of Austria, Medieval Historiography

ANNE HUDSON, From Oxford to Bohemia: reflections on the transmission of Wycliffite texts, pp. 25–37

The number of copies of Wyclif’s Latin works that derive from Bohemia and are mostly preserved now in Prague and Vienna is familiar ground. The evidence for the scrutiny of those works is less frequently mentioned: very extensive indexes were provided in Bohemia for many of the longer works, together with a catalogue of 115 items by Wyclif, listing titles, incipits and explicits and the number of books and chapters for each. Even more remarkable are the copies of the writings of some of Wyclif’s English followers, though some of these followers were in correspondence with Bohemian fellows, some of the texts narrate entirely English affairs that would seem of little interest so far away. The paper surveys these manuscripts and notes the questions that they raise.

Keywords: John Wyclif, Hussites, Bohemian Reformation, Medieval Manuscripts

MARTIN NEJEDLÝ, Paměti o varanovi „mňoukajícím víc než kočka“ a o rubínu svatováclavske koruny, „velikém jako zralá datle“. Zvěd Bertrandon de la Broquière na cestách (sebe)poznání
(Memoirs About a Dragon Who Meowed Like a Cat and About the Ruby on the Crown of Saint Wenceslas that was as Big as a Ripe Date. The Spy Bertrandon de la Broquière on a Journey Towards (Self-)Knowledge), pp. 39–73

Bertrandon de la Broquière, the spy of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, underwent a long
pilgrimage in the Holy Land and Turkey during 1432–1433. In his declining years, in the 1450s,he wrote an account of his travels in the genre of an adventurous memoir entitled Le Voyage d’outre-mer (The Overseas Voyage). His primary task was to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor in espionage Guillebert de Lannoy and gather information that could be used in the next crusade and liberation of Jerusalem. However, he had set a different personal goal for himself: to gather information about the life and faith of the Osman Turks. The unusual nature of Bertrandon’s memoirs accommodated the shift from his original objective. The Overseas Voyage was not intended as a mere handbook for future crusaders and pilgrims; it was also designed to serve as a tool for understanding the “other” world.

Keywords: Burgundy, Pilgrimage, Itinerary, Bertrandon de la Broquière, Islam

DANIELA DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Žofia Bavorská a Žigmund Luxemburský. K bratislavskému pobytu českej kraľovnej
(Sophia of Bavaria and Sigismund of Luxembourg. On the Sojourn of the Queen of Bohemia in Bratislava), pp. 75–114

This article examines the mutual relationship between King Sigismund of Luxembourg and his sister-in-law, Czech Queen Sophia of Bavaria. Sophia of Bavaria, the wife of Czech King Wenceslas IV, was forced to leave the Kingdom of Bohemia; accompanied by Wenceslas’ brother Sigismund, she left for Hungary. She spent the last several years of her life (1422–1428) in exile in Bratislava. The sojourn of the Queen in Bratislava is surrounded by many legends that originated primarily as a result of unilateral interpretations of Sophia’s correspondence with her brothers, Dukes Ernest and Wilhelm of Bavaria. This study attempts to confront this correspondence with available written sources from the Hungarian province.

Keywords: Sigismund of Luxembourg, Sophia of Bavaria, Correspondence


Rudolf Procházka, Vyvoj opevňovaci techniky na Moravě a v českem Slezsku v ranem středověku (Kateřina Tomková) pp. 115–119

Robert Antonin – Tomaš Borovský, Panovnické vjezdy na středověké Moravě (František Šmahel) pp. 120–122

Antonín Kalous, Matyáš Korvín (1443–1490). Uhersky a česky kral (Robert Novotný) pp. 123–127

Pavel Kalina, Benedikt Ried a počátky zaalpské renesance (Martina Kudliková) pp. 127–133

Milena Bartlová, Naše, národní umění. Studie z dějepisu umění (Vit Vlnas) pp. 133–137

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