DAVID KOZLERPobyt Jana Husa na hradě Krakovci. K novým otázkám a současnému stavu bádání (New Questions and Current Research into the Stay of Jan Hus at Castle Krakovec) pp. 7–40
The study deals with the stay of Jan Hus at Castle Krakovec from where he was said to have departed for the council of Constance in October 1414. The historicity of this stay was recently doubted by Jan Krško, which lacked support in the sources. However, an analysis of the existing material, particularly the manuscripts of the Old Czech Annals, has shown the record of Hus’s stay at Krakovec comes from contemporary witnesses, which further increases their value. The author also proves Krško’s proposed points of departure for Hus to be unlikely in the case of Prague and thoroughly ruled out in the case of Bechyně.
Keywords: Jan Hus – Petr of Mladoňovice – Krakovec – Prague – Bechyně – Old Czech Annals – Council of Constance
ADAM PÁLKAPapoušek versus Lupáč: polemika o výklad basilejských kompaktát z poloviny 15. století (Papoušek versus Lupáč: Discussions on the Interpretation of the Basel Compacts from the Mid-Fifteenth Century) pp. 41–87
The study follows the polemics between the Catholic Jan Papoušek of Soběslav and the Utraquist Martin Lupáč on the interpretation of the Compactata. The fact that Lupáč’s Sensus is a polemical reaction to Papoušek’s Edicio is raised for the very first time. According to Papoušek’s tractate, the Compactata were a temporary concession by the Council of Basel; whereas the Compactata were not limited in time according to Lupáč’s work. The two authors also differently understood the document, by which the council allowed Bohemian and Moravian priests to provide communion in both kinds. According to Papoušek, the document was a license for Utraquists that was to be reevaluated by the Pope after the dissolution of the council, whereas Lupáč understood the document as an order to the Catholic clergy to provide communion sub utraque to the lay who requested it. There was also no agreement in terms of children taking Communion: according to Papoušek the Compactata forbid such practice; whereas according to Lupáč they do not include a ban on communion for children.
Keywords: Compactata (Basel Compacts) – Council of Basel – Jan Papoušek of Soběslav – Martin Lupáč – religious controversy
ZUZANA KŘENKOVÁKlášter františkánů-observantů v Kamenci. Problematická královská fundace v Horní Lužici (Cloister of the Franciscan Observant Friars in Kamenz – The Problematic Royal Foundation in Upper Lusatia) pp. 89–123 The work deals with the history of the cloister of the Franciscan Observant Friars of St. Anne in Kamenz in light of the known written sources and particularly in the context of the development of the complex itself, which expresses a fundamental testimonial value in terms of research into late Gothic construction in the region. Only the church remains to this day, but it is among the best-preserved buildings of the Franciscan Observants’ Czech provenance. The three-nave hall with a long polygonal-closed chancel is an outstanding work of late Gothic architecture, with its closest relations observed in Upper Lusatia.
Keywords: Franciscan Observant friars – Kamenz – Vladislaus II Jagiellonian – Louis Jagiellonian – Wolff Hrabisch – stonemasons’ marks – diamond vault
KAREL PACOVSKÝKult první svatojiřské abatyše ve středověku pp. 125–132
PETR KUBÍNByla Mlada středověkou světicí? pp. 133–135
Lisa Wolverton, Cosmas of Prague. Narrative, Classicism, Politics (David Kalhous) pp. 137–141
Bez hranic. Umění v Krušnohoří mezi gotikou a renesancí, edd. Jan Klípa – Michaela Ottová (Petr Jindra) pp. 141–152
Zdeňka Hledíková, Svěcení duchovenstva v církvi podjednou: edice pramenů z let 1438–1521 (Petr Elbel) pp. 153–158
Petr Hlaváček, Čtrnáct svatých Pomocníků. K pozdně středověké spiritualitě elit a její christocentrické dimenzi (František Šmahel) pp. 158–162