Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 6 (2014), 2

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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 6 (2014), 2
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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica
Czech Republic
Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica Centrum medievistických studií Jilska 1 110 00 Praha 1 Tschechische Republik
Zurek, Vaclav



FRANTIŠEK ŠMAHEL, Ordo ostendendarum reliquiarum Crumlovii: Zkoumání pod drobnohledem (Ordo ostendendarum reliquiarum Crumlovii: a microstudy)
pp. 187–234

The study deals with the dating and interpretation of the Latin text known under the title Ordo ostendendarum reliquiarum Crumlovii. The text is a detailed instruction of Corpus Christi processions and the subsequent exhibition and veneration of holy relics in the double monastery of the Minorites and the Poor Clares in Český Krumlov. According to the codicological analyses by Michal Dragoun (see Appendix II), the Ordo comes from the end of the 1360s. The text is a rare monument also in terms of philology, because it contains the prescribed proclamations and responses of the faithful in both local languages, Czech and German. The study further deals with the displayed relics of the saints and their reliquaries. The hymns and songs in the course of the ceremony were determined by Hana Vlhová-Wörner.

Keywords: Český Krumlov – lords of Rožmberk – Corpus Christi procession – ostensio reliquiarum – indulgences – reliquary – hymns and songs

VOJTĚCH VANĚK, Kutnohorští měšťané jako patroni a fundátoři v prostředí venkovských farních kostelů v předhusitské době (Kutna Hora burghers as patrons and founders in the milieu of rural parish churches in the pre-Hussite period)
pp. 235–254

The article provides an investigation into the foundational activities of Kutná Hora burghers at the turn of the 15th century. It summarizes data on the holdings of the patronage rights to rural parish churches in the hands of burgher families. It also presents an analysis of reports on the pious foundations of altars, chapels, or liturgical memorials by burghers in order to establish how much Kutná Hora burghers utilized these churches as family burial grounds and thus also places of family memory, representation, and legitimization of their power or social position.

Keywords: Kutná Hora – burghers – foundation – memorial – representation – patronage rights – rural parish churches

ONDŘEJ VODIČKA, Cisterciáci z Nepomuku v exilu za husitských válek (1419–1436) (Cistercians from Nepomuk in exile during the Hussite wars (1419–1436))
pp. 255–274

The study deals with the fates of monastery of Nepomuk (Pomuk) in exile in the time of the Hussite wars. The core is comprised of an analysis of newly found sources, particularly the accounts of the court of the Ebrach Abbey in Nuremburg. Here, the exiles had part of their financial reserves deposited, acquired from the sale and pledge of valuables and books of their cloister. On blank folios of the accounts, there are drafts of letters by the administrator of the court, Hermann of Kottenheim, for the Nepomuk exiles. The mentioned sources deliver a detailed testimony on the as yet unknown place of their residence, the composition, functioning, and financing of the Nepomuk exile monastery. It was also possible to correct the idea that the Nepomuk monks set out for their maternal abbey of Ebrach immediately after the Hussite wars broke out. The core of the monastery resided at the economic court in Weinzierl bei Krems and was finally disbanded only after 1430 when the exiles ran out of finances.

Keywords: cloister Nepomuk – Ebrach Abbey – financial accounts – Hussite revolution

JAROSLAV SVÁTEK, „Je to bezesporu trápení cestovat touto zemi v takové zimě.“ Andaluský rytíř Pero Tafur v Čechách, ve Slezsku a na Moravě (1438–1439) (“It is indisputably suffering to travel in this country in such cold.” Andalusian knight Pero Tafur in Bohemia, Silesia and Moravia (1438–1439))
pp. 275–288

This article charts the path and the activity of the Andalusian nobleman Pero Tafur in the Czech lands at the end of 1438 and beginning of 1439. The visit formed part of his extensive four-year journey across European countries, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. The main motive was to meet with King of the Romans and of Bohemia Albert II. The meeting occurred in February 1439 in Wroclaw, where Tafur arrived via Prague and Saxony in the entourage of the royal chancellor Kaspar Schlick, and from there he continued through Moravia to the south to Austria. The rather obscure testimony of the well-travelled knight is not only a remarkable document of this monarch as a person and the contemporary historical context of Albert’s brief reign, but also provides an interesting image of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia in the atmosphere of the slowly extinguishing Hussite wars.

Keywords: medieval voyager – Pero Tafur – Albert II of Habsburg – Kaspar Schlick – Wroclaw


Richard Němec, Architektura – vlada – země. Rezidence Karla IV. v Praze a zemích Koruny české (František Šmahel)
pp. 289–294

Jana Fantysová Matějková, Wenceslas de Boheme. Un prince au carrefour de l’Europe (Věra Vejrychová)
pp. 294–298

Dušan Coufal, Polemika o kalich mezi teologii a politikou 1414–1431 (Pavel Soukup)
pp. 298–302

Tomáš Klimek, Krajiny českého středověku (Robert Šimůnek)
pp. 303–306

pp. 307–343


Howard Kaminsky (František Šmahel)
pp. 345–347

Karel Stejskal (Klára Benešovská)
pp. 348–355

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