PETR KUBÍN, Středověký kult sv. Mořice v Čechách a na Moravě (The medieval cult of St Maurice in Bohemia and Moravia) pp. 7–16
The article follows the spread of the cult of St Maurice in the Czech lands, where it penetrated apparently from the monastery of St Maurice in Niederaltaich. The chapel in the episcopal palace at Prague Castle might have been consecrated to him under Bishop Severus (Šebíř), primarily Bishop of Olomouc Bruno of Schauenburg was responsible for its spread in Moravia. The spread of the cult was helped also by Maurice’s reliquaries, deposited from the middle 12th century in the cathedral in Prague. In the 14th century, Charles IV brought a sword of St Maurice to Prague, which was part of the imperial treasury. The transport of the body of St Sigismund (1365), the founder of the Abbey of St Maurice d’ Augane, was also important for the expansion of the cult in Bohemia. The study also follows all of the medieval artistic monuments that are connected with the cult.
Keywords: cult of saints – St Maurice – St Sigismund – patrocinium – Prague Castle
PETR ELBEL, Olomoucký biskup Jan Železný a Zikmund Lucemburský. Příspěvek k poznání Zikmundovy spojenecké sítě v českých zemích a jeho dvorských struktur (Bishop of Olomouc Jan Železný and Sigismund of Luxembourg. A contribution to the knowledge of Sigismund’s allied networks in the Czech lands and his court structures.) pp. 17–68
The study introduces the figure of Jan Železný – the bishop of Litomyšl (1388–1418) and Olomouc (1416/18–1430), administrator of the Prague diocese (1421–1430) and Cardinal Priest of the Title of St Cyriac (1426–1430), who is one of the most famous Bohemian opponents of Master Jan Hus and the Bohemian Reformation. Emphasis is placed on following the relationship of Jan Železný to King of Hungary, later of the Romans and Bohemia, Sigismund. This relationship began deep in the reign of Wenceslas IV, when Jan Železný was among the noble opposition to Wenceslas and therefore cooperated with the king of Hungary, but it acquired a new intensity in the context of the death of Jan Hus and particularly in connection with the wars of Sigismund against the Hussites. In the first half of the 1420s, Jan Železný was an important link in Sigismund’s military coalition, but in the second half of the 1420s he had to go into exile at Sigismund’s court and following the intentions of Pope Martin V he attempted to stop the new course of Sigismund’s Hussite policy.
Keywords: Jan Železný – Bishop of Olomouc – Sigismund of Luxembourg – Council of Constance – Hussite revolution
PŘEMYSL BAR, Neznámá falza listin Zikmunda Lucemburského a falzátorská činnost Oldřicha II. z Rožmberka (Unknown forgery of the deeds of Sigismund of Luxembourg and the counterfeiting activity of Oldřich II of Rožmberk) pp. 69–113
The presented study is devoted to the phenomenon of the counterfeiting activity of Oldřich II of Rožmberk (Rosenberg, 1403–1462), particularly newly discovered forgeries and their interpretations. The motivation to create the forgeries was not only legitimation of the holding of unjustly seized royal properties, but also the creation of the “image” of a fearless warrior against the Hussite opposition. The author combines diplomatic and historical methods to understand the background of creation of the three groups of forgeries related to the royal castle Zvíkov, the ecclesiastical goods of Svéraz and Zátoň and the trial with the nobleman Jan Smil of Křemže.
Keywords: medieval forgeries – Oldřich II of Rožmberk – Sigismund of Luxembourg – Hussite revolution
Maddalena Betti, The Making of Christian Moravia (858–882). Papal Power and Political Reality (David Kalhous) pp. 115–119
Miroslav Vepřek, Modlitba sv. Řehoře a Modlitba vyznání hříchů v církevněslovanské a latinské tradici (Václav Čermák) pp. 119–126
Robert Šimůnek, Reprezentace české středověké šlechty (Zdeněk Beran) pp. 126–130
Trans montes. Podoby středověkého umění v severozápadních Čechách, edd. Aleš Mudra – Michaela Ottová (František Šmahel) pp. 130–135