Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 7 (2015), 2

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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 7 (2015), 2
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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica
Czech Republic
Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica Centrum medievistických studií Jilska 1 110 00 Praha 1 Tschechische Republik
Zurek, Vaclav



Konventní kostel kláštera cisterciáků v Sedlci: položení základního kamene českým králem Václavem II. roku 1304 (Convent Church of the Cistercian Abbey in Sedlec: the laying of the foundation stone by King Wenceslas II in 1304)
pp. 195–210

The article publishes an as yet unknown fundamental report on the history of the Cistercian Monastery in Sedlec near Kutná Hora and its Gothic Convent Church of the Assumption of Our Lady and Saint John the Baptist. According to annals dating back to the mid-fifteenth century, namely folio 169v in codex Mk 108 of the Moravian Library in Brno, the foundation stone for the new Convent Basilica was laid in 1304 by the Bohemian King Wenceslas II. This record thus gives a precise date for the commencement of work to build this exceptional example of Gothic architecture and presents further proof of the close ties between Wenceslas II and the Cistercian order and Heidenreich, the abbot of Sedlec.

Keywords: Sedlec near Kutná Hora – Cistercian abbey – Convent Church of Our Lady – Bohemian King Wenceslas II. – Gothic architecture

Ke sporům o Viklefa a jeho 45 článků (I): Oxfordské testimonium a Štěpán z Dolan (Disputes about Wyclif and his 45 Articles (I): the Oxford Testimonial and Štěpán of Dolany)
pp. 211–248

This study is the first part of a planned series of articles on the issue of disputations about Wyclif in connection with his 45 articles. It analyses the anonymous undated refutation of Oxford University‘s testimonial on the blameless life and work of John Wyclif, and makes it accessible in a critical edition in the form of an appendix. By taking into consideration manuscript preservation, argumentation, and literary arrangement as well as chronology, the author proves for the first time the immediate relation of the refutation to the Carthusian cloister of Udoli Josafat (Valley of Josephat) in Dolany near Olomouc and its prior Štěpan of Dolany. A component of the study is an excursion into the issue of Archbishop Zbyněk’s synodal directive to surrender books by Wyclif.

Keywords: Štěpán of Dolany – John Wyclif – Berthold Puchhauser of Regensburg – religious
controversy – Moravia – The Carthusian Order – Vienna

Několik textů z odpustkové aféry aneb co je nového v roce 1412 (Some Texts from Prague Indulgence Scandal or, What Is New in 1412)
pp. 249–288

This article presents some manuscript texts that shed new light on the protests against the indulgence campaign connected to the promulgation of Pope John XXIII’s crusade against King Ladislas of Naples in 1412. Thanks to the sources in the University Archives in Vienna, the arrival of indulgence preachers to Prague is set to early April 1412. This new dating suggests that a period of negotiations predated the start of the campaign (possibly on 22 May 1412). These negotiations were accompanied by public controversy. Among evidence of it are the first version of Jan Hus’s polemic Contra cruciatam II and a fragment of a sermon possibly from 12 May 1412, both of which are edited in the appendix. Also edited is a statement on indulgences by a Prague Hospitaller John. This text lets emerge a hitherto unnoticed controversial indulgence campaign that ran parallel to that of John XXIII. The sources suggest that the conflict in Prague in 1412 was escalated not so much by a shock caused by the sale of indulgences but rather by a premeditated Wycliffite counter-campaign.

Keywords: Indulgences – Hussitism – Wycliffism – religious polemics – medieval theology –
John XXIII (antipope) – Jan Hus

Re-use and Reinvent: The Function of Processions in Late Medieval and Early Modern Bohemia
pp. 289–312

This article studies public processions in Bohemia between the fourteenth and early seventeenth centuries. It analyzes processional functions in the context of the kingdom’s tumultuous religious development, including the Hussite revolution and subsequent co-existence of Catholic and utraquist churches. Three case studies of processions in Prague (imperial relics for ostensio reliquiarum, post-Hussite processions of Corpus Christi), Tabor (which rejects traditional forms of devotion yet employs processions in its religious and social life) and the mining town of Kutna Hora (Corpus Christi processions) illustrate the great variability of processional function: religious (indoctrination, mobilization, subversion via parody), social (cohesion), political (representation, competition) and military.

Keywords: Bohemia – Prague – Kutná Hora – religious processions – Hussite revolution


Robert Antonín
Ideální panovník českého středověku. Kulturně-historická skica z dějin středověkého myšlení (Václav Žůrek)
pp. 313–316

Martin Musílek
Patroni, klienti, příbuzní. Sociální svět Starého Města pražského ve 14. století (František Šmahel)
pp. 316–319

Pavlína Cermanová
Čechy na konci věků. Apokalyptické myšlení a vize husitské doby (Jaroslav Boubín)
pp. 319–322

Ota Halama
Svatý Jan Hus. Stručný přehled projevů domácí úcty k českému mučedníku v letech 1415–1620 (Petr Čornej)
pp. 322–326

pp. 327–371

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