VOJTĚCH VEČEŘELitomyšlské biskupství po roce 1421 (The Litomyšl Bishopric After 1421) pp. 7–50
The study describes and comparatively evaluates the activities of the Litomyšl bishopric (the bishop and chapters) in exile after the Hussites took Litomyšl in 1421. The administration of the diocese was never re-established, nor was the secularised ecclesiastic property returned. This study analysis the economic foundations and the clerical activities of these exiled Premonstratensians, uncovering their ties to other monastic houses from the same order in Bohemia and mainly Moravia, and comparing their situation to the Prague and Olomouc bishopric chapters. These analyses demonstrate a clear similarity between the fates of the Litomyšl chapter and those of many other uprooted monasteries. The Litomyšl canons worked to preserve the memory of the effectively-uprooted bishopric over the rest of the 15th century by maintaining the office of administrator. In light of the post-Hussite events, this office was more of a formality, as the actual materials were vacated in light of the disintegration of ecclesiastic administration on the territory of the Litomyšl dioceses. The study is complemented by the edition of several heretofore unpublished documents.
Keywords: Litomyšl – Svitavy – Litomyšl bishopric – ecclesiastic administration – Hussite revolution – Premonstratensian order
JINDŘICH MAREKPražská měšťanka Dorota mydlářka a knihy v husitské Praze (The Prague Burgher Dorota the soap-boiler and Books in Hussite Prague) pp. 51–64
This contribution examines a heretofore unknown list of books that survived in a manuscript in the National Library of the Czech Republic, with the shelf mark V C 11. The list includes books that were probably owned by the Prague burgher Dorota the soap-boiler, which she later bequeathed to the Lauda College of the Prague University. Besides presenting the content of the manuscripts named in the list, it also examines the owner’s property and social relationships. This analysis provides insight into the little-understood relationships between the urban Utraquist elite, Prague’s clerics, and the Prague University.
Keywords: manuscripts – medieval libraries – Prague – Prague University – university colleges
ALEŠ MUDRAK funkcím donátorských portrétů v presbytáři klášterního kostela Čtrnácti svatých pomocníků v Kadani (On the Functions of Donor Portraits in the Chancel of the Kadaň Monastery Church of the Fourteen Holy Helpers) pp. 65–84
This article focuses on the murals painted on the Kadaň monastery church chancel’s southern wall. It analyses the images from the point of view of their function in terms of the transformation of iconography, the typology of donor scenes over time, and the role of images in a sepulchral context. It identifies the depictions of the founder Jan Hasištejnský of Lobkovice and his son Jaroslav from the period between 1512–1517. The necropolis´s decoration and furnishings attempted to combine various demands and functions related to distinct time periods and diverse recipients. It also reflected models from the court of the Saxon Elector Frederick III the Wise. However, the case of Kadaň was not simply a matter of combining the existing conventions donor-depiction, but an active conceptualization and conscious anticipation of the various functions of the image and its overall structured strategy.
Keywords: murals – donor portraits – representation of the nobility – Kadaň – Hasištejnský of Lobkovice family
JAROSLAV ŠPAČEK, Poznámky k akci čelákovického muzea konané k padesátému výročí nálezu „pohřebiště s projevy vampyrismu" pp. 85–92
PAVLÍNA MAŠKOVÁ – PETR LIMBURSKÝ – JAROSLAV BRŮŽEK – TOMÁŠ KLÍR, Reakce na kritické poznámky Jaroslava Špačka k publikaci Byli v Čelákovicích upíři? pp. 92–98
Kristýna Solomon, Tristan-Romane: Zur spätmittelalterlichen Rezeption von Gottfrieds Tristan in den böhmischen Ländern (Matouš Turek) pp. 99–103
Václav Žůrek, Karel IV. Portrét středověkého vládce (František Šmahel) pp. 103–106
Ondřej Schmidt, Jan z Moravy. Zapomenutý Lucemburk na aquilejském stolci (Lenka Bobková) pp. 106–109
Petr Voit, Český knihtisk mezi pozdní gotikou a renesancí I–II (Jindřich Marek) pp. 110–115