Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 4 (2012), 1

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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 4 (2012), 1
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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica
Czech Republic
Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica Centrum medievistických studií Jilska 1 110 00 Praha 1 Tschechische Republik
Zurek, Vaclav



PETR ULIČNÝ, Prostor a rituál: Velikonoční slavnosti v bazilice sv. Jiří na Pražském hradě
(Space and Ritual: Easter celebrations in St George’s Basilica at Prague Castle)
pp. 7–33
The study is an attempt at a reconstruction of the course of the Easter celebrations in the church of the Benedictine monastery of St George at Prague Castle from the period around 1200, to when the earliest preserved record is dated, until the 15th century. The first part of the celebration was the Quem queritis dialogue; in the next act the meeting of Mary Magdalene with Christ was played out and in the third part the amassed believers were ceremonially shown the linen from the empty Sepulchre. From the 14th century, the meeting of Mary with the Spice Merchant was included before these three scenes. Where and how these scenes were played is not entirely apparent from the rubrics of the preserved liturgical manuscripts. The showing of the linen probably took place on the stairs to the eastern chancel and according to one of the records from the 14th century at the ‘iron tomb’, which might have been the tomb of Duke Boleslav II, buried in front of the staircase. The first two scenes thus almost certainly took place in the area of the eastern chancel, where the main altar was, initially transformed each year into a temporary Holy Sepulchre. A permanent stone Sepulchre, which was established there between 1344 and 1345, presented an entirely open architecture – which differed from the generally widespread closed coffin-like forms – apparently bearing the relics of St Ludmila in the tomb of green porphyry. From the 14th century, the ritual of Depositio crucis, in which a cross was placed in the Sepulchre, also began to be performed.
Keywords: Easter celebrations, St George’s Basilica at Prague Castle, rituals

JAN ODSTRČILÍK, Účinky příchodu Páně do duše. K anonymním bohemikálním traktátům z Corpus Christi College Library v Cambridgi
(The Effect of the Entry of the Lord into the Soul: On the anonymous Bohemical tractates from Corpus Christi College Library in Cambridge)
pp. 35–55
The paper is concerned with a small group of anonymous treatises, located together in the Ms. 524 of the Corpus Christi College Library in Cambridge on fol. 112r to 131v. How these treatises are connected together through their common structure and subject matter and how they create one consistent group is examined. Particular attention is paid to the brief treatise Effectus adventus Domini (On the Effects of the Entry of the Lord <into the Soul>), which is remarkable for its elaborate structure and colourful narrative of the individual effects. The treatise is compared with similar texts as well and an edition of the treatise is provided at the end of the paper.
Keywords: medieval manuscripts, treatises, Corpus Christi College Library in Cambridge, Elbing

PETR ČORNEJ, Pražský husita Jeroným Šrol
(The Prague Hussite Jeroným Šrol)
pp. 57–74
Based on all of the known sources, the study reconstructs the life of the important Prague Hussite burgher Jeroným Šrol and also deals with the image of this figure as he was described by the late historian Jaroslav Mezník in his famous essay. Jeroným Šrol, mentioned first in 1414 as a student of the University of Prague, came from an ethnically German family (his father, the furrier Ludwig Schroll, came to Prague after 1380 from Cham), which did not stop him from a leaning towards the Hussite programme. Unlike his father who emigrated, he remained in the Old Town of Prague, kept and enlarged the family holdings, got into the town council and became famous as an adherent of the radical Hussite preacher Jan Želivský. After his fall, he appeared sporadically among the town councillors, usually in politically charged times, perhaps because in his actions in 1422 made enemies with Jacobellus of Mies and John of Rokycany, the spiritual leaders of the Prague Hussites. Even when Šrol took part in the subjugation of the New Town of Prague in May 1434, it is not possible to confirm Mezník’s idea that he had fundamentally changed his political opinion. His life’s fates mirrored both the changes of the Prague situation and the rapid process of the Czechification of the originally German families as a result of the religious and social reversals and marriages with members of the Czech ethnic group.
Keywords: Hussite revolution, Jeroným Šrol, Prague, Jaroslav Mezník

ALEXANDRU SIMON, Notes and Documents on the Southern Background of Matthias Corvinus’Bohemian War
pp. 75–94
By the end of spring 1468, within just a few months of one another, the anti-Ottoman crusade had suffered two grievous losses, both unavoidable or, at least, expected. In mid-January, Skanderbeg passed away. With the exception of a couple of fortresses and the Venetian possessions, Albania came under Ottoman rule. The difficult Hungarian-Ottoman negotiations of February-April 1468 led to the conclusion of a two-year truce between King Matthias Corvinus and Sultan Mehmed II (twice prolonged, in 1470 and in 1472). John Hunyadi’s soon left on his other crusade, against the heretic king of Bohemia, George Podiebrad, whom he accused, like his fellow crusader leaguer of 1463, Duke Philip the Good of Burgundy, of also conspiring with the Turk. The paper explores – based on archival material – the Hungarian and Wallachian background that led to this change in the policy of Matthias Corvinus, who had been prepared to attack the Turks, not the realm of Bohemia, in mid-1467.
Keywords: Matthias Corvinus, George Podiebrad, crusades, Turks


Dana Dvořáčková-Malá – Jan Zelenka, Curia ducis, curia regis. Panovnický dvůr za vlády Přemyslovců / Dana Dvořáčková-Malá, Královský dvůr Václava II. (Josef Šrámek)
pp. 95–106

Petr Kubín, Sedm přemyslovských kultů (David Kalhous)
pp. 106–110

Maria Theisen, History buech reimenweisz: Geschichte, Bildprogramm und Illuminatoren des Willehalm-Codex König Wenzels IV. von Böhmen (Tomáš Gaudek)
pp. 110–114

Michaela Hrubá, Zvonění na sv. Alžbětu. Odraz norem a sociální praxe v životních strategiích měšťanek na prahu raného novověku (Michaela Antonín Malaníková)

pp. 119–163

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