DANA ZAPLETALOVÁPočátky rajhradského kláštera – monastické, nebo kolegiátní? (The Foundation of the Rajhrad Cloister – Monastic or Collegiate?) pp. 219–245
The study discusses Libor Jan’s hypothesis that the Rajhrad Monastery was not only founded as an independent institution, but was also a collegiate chapter and not a Benedictine cloister. Jan later declared Rajhrad a significant centre for the 10th century South Moravian church and even the seat of a bishop’s filial office. Although these hypotheses were insufficiently supported, they began to be accepted in the literature. However, most of the arguments in favour of these ideas can be disproven. The author examines the so-called Pseudo-Břetislav Fakes that include the Břevnov Monestary’s claim to Rajhrad and proves the authenticity of the testimony within. The conflict between the Olomouc bishops and Břevnov is also discussed, presenting the older claims by the Prague institution. The author also analyses immunity and indulgence documents, which do not show the independence of the Rajhrad Monastery. The author also doubts the church tradition lasting from the post-Great Moravia period, which is the basis for Jan’s hypotheses.
Keywords: Morava – Rajhrad – Břevnov – monastery – collegiate chapter – forgeries – memorial records
PAVEL BLAŽEKDopis brabantské vévodkyni Tomáše Akvinského a jeho recepce v Knížkách šesterých o obecných věcech křesťanských Tomáše ze Štítného (Thomas Aquinas’ Letter to the Duchess of Brabant and its Reception in the Six Books on General Christian Matters by Thomas Štítný) pp. 247–258
The article examines the reception of the Epistola ad Ducissam Brabantiae, a moral-theological report on Jews, usury, and taxation written by Thomas Aquinas at the request of (probably) Adelaide of Burgundy, Duchess of Brabant († 1273) in the Six Books on General Christian Matters (Knížky šestery o obecných věcech křesťanských) by the Bohemian lay theologian and author of Czech religious and didactic treatises Thomas Štítný († before 1409).
Keywords: Jews – usury – taxes – reception of Latin literature – medieval religious and didactic literature – vernacularisation
PAVEL SOUKUPZ prvních polemik o odpustky v roce 1412 (The First Polemics About Indulgences in 1412) pp. 259–289
1412 saw large-scale protests in Prague against crusading indulgences issued by Pope John XXIII. This study identifies and evaluates some polemical manuscript texts that can be situated within the context of this controversy. It offers a critical edition of the anti-indulgence pamphlet Vobis asmodeistis that was found in a money box at Prague Castle on 20 June 1412. The hitherto unknown polemic Motiva pro defensa prelatorum et indulgenciarum is also edited in the appendix. The statement arguing that prelates should not be criticised by their subjects and misdemeanours be dealt with mercy is followed by a Wycliffite refutation. Two manuscript texts on indulgences which were suspected to be treatises from 1412 by Andrew of Brod and Stanislav of Znojmo respectively are an excerpt from the Tractatus fidei by Benoît d’Alignan, with the second paragraph coming from Stanislav’s later work. In sum, the sources examined in this article show the various ways of how the events of 1412 impacted literary output.
Keywords: Indulgences – Hussitism – Wycliffism – religious polemics – medieval theology – John XXIII (antipope) – Ondřej of Brod – Stanislav of Znojmo – Benoît d’Alignan
PAVEL BOLINAKonec, nebo začátek diskuse o problematice desátků v českém středověkém státu? (The beginning or the end of a discussion over tithes in the Czech medieval state?) pp. 291–298
DAVID KALHOUSK otázce desátků v českých zemích doby přemyslovské (On tithing in the Czech lands during the Přemyslid period) pp. 299–308
Slavnosti, ceremonie a rituály v pozdním středověku, edd. Martin Nodl – František Šmahel (Daniela Dvořáková) pp. 309–315
Daniela Rywiková, Speculum mortis. Obraz Smrti v českém malířství pozdního středověku (František Šmahel) pp. 315–318
Pavel Soukup, Jan Hus. Život a smrt kazatele (Dušan Coufal) pp. 318–321
NEKROLOGY / OBITUARIESZdeněk Měřínský (Miroslav Plaček) pp. 367–370