Journal of Roman Studies 93 (2003)

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Journal of Roman Studies 93 (2003)
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Journal of Roman Studies (JRS)
United Kingdom
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Udo Hartmann


Tonio Hölscher, Images of War in Greece and Rome: Between Military Practice, Public Memory, and Cultural Symbolism, 1-17

W. V. Harris: Roman Opinions about the Truthfulness of Dreams, 18-34

I. A. Ruffell, Beyond Satire: Horace, Popular Invective and the Segregation of Literature, 35-65

Llewelyn Morgan, Child's Play: Ovid and his Critics, 66-91

Miriam Griffin, De Beneficiis and Roman Society, 92-113

Jas Elsner, Archaeologies and Agendas: Reflections on Late Ancient Jewish Art and Early Christian Art, 114-28

Julia Hillner, Domus, Family and Inheritance: the Senatorial Family House in Late Antique Rome, 129-45

Simon Keay, Recent Archaeological Work in Roman Iberia (1990-2002), 146-211

Richard Gordon with Joyce Reynolds, Roman Inscriptions 1995-2000, 212-94

Eleanor Dickey: Ancient Bilingualism (reviews J. N. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language; J. N. Adams, M. Janse and S. Swain (eds.), Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language Contact and the Written Text), 295-302

REVIEWS (in alphabetical order)

Alston, R., The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt (by N. Morley), 311-12

Anderson, G., Fairytale in the Ancient World (by J. R. Morgan), 344

As'ad, K., and J.-B. Yon, with T. Fournet, Inscriptions de Palmyre. Promenades épigraphiques dans la ville antique de Palmyre (by T. Kaizer), 327

Bagordo, A., Beobachtungen zur Sprache des Terenz: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der umgangssprachlichen Elemente (by B. Dunsch), 357-8

Barchiesi, A., Speaking Volumes. Narrative and Intertext in Ovid and other Latin Poets (by P. Hardie), 376-7

Barsby, J. (Ed.), Terence I. Woman of Andros, Self-Tormentor, Eunuch (by S. M. Goldberg), 358

Barsby, J. (Ed.), Terence II. Phormio, The Mother-In-Law, The Brothers (by S. M. Goldberg), 358

Beard, M., and J. Henderson, Classical Art from Greece to Rome (by Z. Newby), 317-19

Beck, H., and U. Walter, Die frühen römischen Historiker. I. Von Fabius Pictor bis Cn. Gellius (by J. Briscoe), 355

Belayche, N., Iudaea-Palaestina (by J. Kirkpatrick), 418-19

Bettini, M., Classical Indiscretions: a Millennial Enquiry into the State of Classics (by M. Leonard), 349

Birley, A. R., Onomasticon to the Younger Pliny: Letters and Panegyric (by I. Marchesi), 389-90

Borca, F., Terra mari cincta. Insularità e cultura romana (by G. Bradley), 312

Boyd, B. W. (Ed.), Brill's Companion to Ovid (by N. Holzberg), 374-6

Brandt, J. R., and O. Steen, Imperial Art as Christian Art - Christian Art as Imperial Art (by J. Elsner), 408

Brodersen, K. (Ed.), Virtuelle Antike: Wendepunkte der alten Geschichte (by R. Morello), 343-4

Brown, P. R. L., Poverty and Leadership in the Later Roman Empire (by G. Osborn), 414-15

Butler, S., The Hand of Cicero (by M. Griffin), 364-5

Caner, D., Wandering, Begging Monks: Spiritual Authority and the Promotion of Monasticism in Late Antiquity (by A. Hartney), 417

Capasso, L., I Fuggiaschi di Ercolano: paleobiologia delle vittime dell'eruzione Vesuviana del 79 D.C. (by M. J. Becker), 404-6

Cavarzere, A., A. Aloni, and A. Barchiesi (Eds), Iambic Ideas: Essays on a Poetic Tradition from Archaic Greece to the Late Roman Empire (by A. D. Morrison), 340-1

Clausen, W., Virgil's Aeneid: Decorum, Allusion, and Ideology (by S. Casali), 368-70

Clauss, M., The Roman Cult of Mithras: the God and his Mysteries (by C. Beall), 314

Cucchiarelli, A., La satira e il poeta. Orazio tra epodi e sermones (by E. Gowers), 370

Cuomo, S., Ancient Mathematics (by K. Tybjerg), 324-5

Cuomo, S., Pappus of Alexandria and the Mathematics of Late Antiquity (by E. Robertson), 420-21

Dangel, J. (Ed.), Le Poète architecte: arts métriques et art poétique latins (by J. Diggle), 332-3

David, J.-M., La République romaine de la deuxième guerre punique à la bataille d'Actium 218-31: crise d'une aristocratie (by A. Keaveney), 367-8

Davies, G., A. Gardner and K. Lockyear (Eds.), Trac 2000: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Theoretical Archaeological Conference London 2000 (by R. Hingley), 322-23

Degeorge, G., Palmyre, métropole caravanière (by T. Kaizer), 327

Delbey, E., Poétique de l'élégie romaine. Les âges cicéronien et augustéen (by R. Armstrong), 370-1

Depew, M., and D. Obbink (Eds), Matrices of Genre: Authors, Canons, and Society (by D. Feeney), 337-9

Descœudres, J.-P. (Ed.), Ostia, port et porte de la Rome antique. Catalogue of the Exhibition held 23 February-22 July 2001, Musée Rath, Geneva (by A. Claridge), 321-2

Dickey, E., Latin Forms of Address from Plautus to Apuleius (by J. T. Katz), 333-4

Dixon, S., Reading Roman Women: Sources, Genres and Real Life (by B. F. McManus), 308-9

Effe, B., and R. F. Glei (Eds), Genie und Wahnsinn. Konzepte psychischer 'Normalität' und 'Abnormalität' im Altertum (by F. Stok), 325-6

Enenkel, K., J. L. de Jong, and J. de Landtsheer (Eds.), Recreating Ancient History: Episodes from the Greek and Roman Past in the Arts and Literature of the Early Modern Period (by I. Macgregor Morris), 348

Ensoli, S., and E. La Rocca (Eds), Aurea Roma: dalla città pagana alla città cristiana (by J. Elsner), 407-8

Erskine, A., Troy between Greece and Rome. Local Tradition and Imperial Power (by A. J. S. Spawforth), 326

Evans, J. A. S., The Empress Theodora: Partner of Justinian (by F. Haarer), 412-13

Farrell, J., Latin Language and Latin Culture, from Ancient to Modern Times (by P. Hardie), 331-2

France, J., Quadragesima Galliarum: l'organisation douanière des provinces alpestres, gauloises et germaniques de l'empire romain (by M. Cottier), 398-9

Fraschetti, A. (Ed.), Roman Women (by R. Langlands), 309-10

Friesen, S. J., Imperial Cults and the Apocalypse of John: Reading Revelation in the Ruins (by P. Oakes), 401-2

Gagos, T., and R. S. Bagnall (Eds.), Essays and Texts in Honor of J. David Thomas (by W. E. H. Cockle), 350-1

Gärtner, U., and E. Stärk (Eds.), Th. Ladewig, Schriften zum römischen Drama republikanischer Zeit (by C. Panayotakis), 356

Greca, F. La, Fonti letterarie greche e latine per la storia della Lucania Tirrenica (by C. S. Mackay), 312-13

Gruen, E., Diaspora: Jews amidst Greeks and Romans (by D. Noy), 330-1

Hardie, P., Ovid's Poetics of Illusion (by A. Feldherr), 373-4

Hardie, P. (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ovid (by N. Holzberg), 374-6

Harrison, S. J. (Ed.), Apuleius Rhetorical Works (by E. Finkelpearl), 394-5

Haynes, S., Etruscan Civilization. A Cultural History (by V. Izzet), 315-16

Hekster, O., Commodus: an Emperor at the Crossroads (by H. Elton), 397

Herbert-Brown, G. (Ed.), Ovid's Fasti. Historical Readings at its Bimillennium (by C. R. Phillips III), 382-3

Herrera Zapién, T., Historia del Humanismo Mexicano: sus textos y contextos neolatinos en cinco siglos (by A. Laird), 345-7

Higgins, A., Constructing the Criollo Archive: Subjects of Knowledge in the Biblioteca Mexicana and the Rusticatio Mexicana (by A. Laird), 345-7

Hollenburger-Rusch, C., Liquitur in Lacrimas. Zur Verwendung des Tränenmotivs in den Metamorphosen Ovids (by K. Herrmann), 379-80

Holman, S. R., The Hungry Are Dying, Beggars and Bishops in Roman Cappadocia (by R. Toporoski), 413-14

Holzberg, N., Catull: der Dichter und sein erotisches Werk (by D. Konstan), 358-9

Holzberg, N., Die römische Liebeselegie: eine Einfuhrung (by J. B. DeBrohun), 371-2

Jolivet, J.-C., Allusion et fiction épistolaire dans les Héroïdes: recherches sur l'intertextualité ovidienne (by L. Fulkerson), 383-4

Jouteur, I., Jeux de genre dans les Metamorphoses d'Ovide (by P. Salzman-Mitchell), 377-8

Keay, S., and N. Terrenato (Eds), Italy and the West: Comparative Issues in Romanization (by E. Dench), 327-9

Keulen, A. J., L. Annaeus Seneca Troades, Introduction, Text and Commentary (by H. M. Hine), 386-7

Kolb, F., Herrscherideologie in der Spätantike (by G. Kelly), 416-17

Kraus, C. S. (Ed.), The Limits of Historiography. Genre and Narrative in Ancient Historical Texts (by A. M. Gowing), 342-3

Kroppenberg, I., Die Insolvenz im klassischen römischen Recht. Tatbestände und Wirkungen ausserhalb des Konkursverfahrens (by T. Rüfner), 305-6

Krostenko, B. A., Cicero, Catullus, and the Language of Social Performance (by E. Theodorakopoulos), 359-61

Kuefler, M., The Manly Eunuch: Masculinity, Gender Ambiguity, and Christian Ideology in Late Antiquity (by C. Leyser), 415-16

Laird, A., Powers of Expression, Expressions of Power (by A. D. Morrison), 336-7

Lamberton, R., Plutarch (by A. V. Zadorojnyi), 392-4

Lewis, M. J. T., Surveying Instruments of Greece and Rome (by K. Greene), 323-4

Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G., Decline and Fall of the Roman City (by R. Alston), 406-7

Lovano, M., The Age of Cinna: Crucible of Late Republican Rome (by B. M. Levick), 361-2

Lyne, R., Ovid's Changing Worlds: English Metamorphoses, 1567-1632 (by L. Gillespie Cahoon), 380-2

Maas, M., Readings in Late Antiquity: a Sourcebook (by G. Kelly), 408-9

Michalopoulos, A., Ancient Etymologies in Ovid's Metamorphoses: a Commented Lexicon (by B. Pavlock), 378-9

Millar, F., Rome, the Greek World and the East, Vol. I: the Roman Republic and the Augustan Revolution (by T. J. Cornell), 351-4

Millar, F., The Roman Republic in Political Thought (by T. J. Cornell), 351-4

Morton Braund, S., Latin Literature (by S. J. Harrison), 335-6

Mouritsen, H., Plebs and Politics in the Late Roman Republic (by G. Burton), 367

Mueller, H.-F., Roman Religion in Valerius Maximus (by J. Davies), 400

Müller-Wetzel, M., Der lateinische Konjunktiv. Seine Einheit als deiktische Kategorie. Eine Erklärung der modalen Systeme der klassischen Zeit (by E. Rieken), 334-5

Narducci, E. (Ed.), Cicerone Prospettiva 2000. Atti del I Symposium Ciceronianum Arpinas. Arpino 5 Maggio 2000 (by V. Arena), 365-6

Narducci, E. (Ed.), Interpretare Cicerone. Percorsi della critica contemporanea. Atti del II Symposium Ciceronianum Arpinas. Arpino 18 Maggio 2001 (by V. Arena), 365-6

Narducci, E., Lucano. Un'epica contro l'impero (by M. Leigh), 385-6

Nauta, R. R., Poetry for Patrons. Literary Communication in the Age of Domitian (by R. Rees), 388-9

Nelis, D., Vergil's Aeneid and the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius (by S. Casali), 368-70

Noordraven, B., Die Fiduzia im römischen Recht (by T. Rüfner), 305-6

Olsson, B., D. Mitternacht and O. Brandt (Eds.), The Synagogue of Ancient Ostia and the Jews of Rome (by S. Sorek), 331

Oppermann, I., Zur Funktion historischer Beispiele in Ciceros Briefen (by C. E. W. Steel), 365

Padgett, J. M., Roman Sculpture in the Art Museum, Princeton University (by F. S. Kleiner), 320-1

Papi, E., L'Etruria dei Romani. Opere pubbliche e donazioni private in età imperiale (by P. Perkins), 403-4

Pelling, C., Plutarch and History: Eighteen Studies (by A. V. Zadorojnyi), 392-4

Perring, D., The Roman House in Britain (by J. Percival), 310-11

Rajak, T., The Jewish Dialogue with Greece and Rome: Studies in Cultural and Social Interaction (by M. H. Williams), 329-30

Rees, R., Layers of Loyalty in Latin Panegyric AD 289-307 (by J. Vanderspoel), 409-10

Renucci, P., Les idées politiques et le gouvernement de l'empereur Julien (by S. Tougher), 410-11

Roller, M. B., Constructing Autocracy: Aristocrats and Emperors in Julio-Claudian Rome (by R. Ash), 395-6

Rowe, G., Princes and Political Cultures: the New Tiberian Senatorial Decrees (by N. T. Elkins), 396-7

Rüpke, J. (Ed.), Von Göttern und Menschen Erzählen: Formkonstanzen und Funktionswandel vormoderner Epik (by H. Lovatt), 341-2

Sauron, G., L'histoire végétalisée: ornement et politique à Rome (by V. Platt), 402-3

Schäfer, P. (Ed.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture (by S. Stern), 419-20

Scheidel, W. (Ed.), Debating Roman Demography (by E. J. Owens), 303-4

Schnegg-Köhler, B., Die augusteischen Säkularspiele (by A. E. Cooley), 399-400

Schulze, C., Celsus (by F. Stok), 384-5

Segal, E. (Ed.), Oxford Readings in Menander, Plautus, and Terence (by R. May), 356-7

Shaw, B. D., Spartacus and the Slave Wars: a Brief History with Documents (by T. Urbainczyk), 304-5

Skoie, M., Reading Sulpicia. Commentaries 1475-1990 (by G. Liveley), 372-3

Späth, T., and B. Wagner-Hasel (Eds), Frauenwelten in der Antike, Geschlechterordnung und weibliche Lebenspraxis (by H. G. Ziche), 307-8

Stärk, E., and G. Vogt-Spira (Eds.), Dramatische Wäldchen: Festschrift für Eckard Lefèvre zum 65 Geburtstag (by E. O'Kell), 339-40

Steel, C. E. W., Cicero, Rhetoric, and Empire (by J. P. Johnson), 363-4

Tacitus, Annals V and VI. Ed. R. Martin (by D. H. Berry), 391-2

Tacitus, Dialogvs De Oratoribvs. Ed. R. Mayer (by D. H. Berry), 390-1

Torelli, M. (Ed.), The Etruscans (by R. Leighton), 316-17

Vaahtera, J., Roman Augural Lore in Greek Historiography. A Study of the Theory and Terminology (by A. Nice), 313-14

Valantasis, R. (Ed.), Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice (by J. Davies), 418

Varner, E. R. (Ed.), From Caligula to Constantine. Tyranny and Transformation in Roman Portraiture (by P. Milnes-Smith), 319

Varone, A., Erotica Pompeiana. Love Inscriptions on the Walls of Pompeii (by S. Hales), 404

Versluys, M. J., Aegyptiaca Romana: Nilotic Scenes and the Roman Views of Egypt (by J. Elsner), 319-20

Vigourt, A., Les Présages impériaux d'Auguste à Domitien (by O. Hekster), 400-1

Vons, J., L'image de la femme dans l'oeuvre de Pline l'ancien (by A. Doody), 387-8

Walsh, P. G. (Ed.), Augustine. De Bono Coniugali. De Sancta Virginitate (by P. Burton), 411-12

Wray, D., Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood (by E. Theodorakopoulos), 359-61

Wycislo, W. E., Seneca's Epistolary Responsum: the De Ira as Parody (by B. Cowan), 387

Wyke, M., The Roman Mistress. Ancient and Modern Representations (by A. M. Keith), 344-5

Zecchini, G., Cesare e il Mos Maiorum (by C. Smith), 362-3

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