The Journal of Roman Studies 102 (2012)
SIMON PRICE, Religious Mobility in the Roman Empire, 1–19
MARY BEARD, Cicero’s ‘Response of the haruspices’ and the Voice of the Gods, 20–39
KATHERINE MCDONALD, The Testament of Vibius Adiranus, 40–55
ROY GIBSON, On the Nature of Ancient Letter Collections, 56–78
MICHAEL KULIKOWSKI, Coded Polemic in Ammianus Book 31 and the Date and Place of its Composition, 79–102
ROBERT CHENAULT, Statues of Senators in the Forum of Trajan and the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity, 103–132
ALAN CAMERON, Anician Myths, 133–171
ALISON E. COOLEY and BENET SALWAY, Roman Inscriptions 2006–2010, 172–286
RICHARD FLOWER, Visions of Constantine (T. D. Barnes, Constantine: Dynasty, Religion and Power in the Later Roman Empire; K. M. Girardet, Der Kaiser und sein Gott: Das Christentum im Denken und in der Religionspolitik Konstantins des Grossen; J. Harries, Imperial Rome AD 284 to 363: The New Empire; R. Van Dam, Remembering Constantine at the Milvian Bridge; P. Veyne and J. Lloyd, When our World Became Christian, 312–394), 287–305
AMBROSETTI, M., Q. Claudio Quadrigario Annali. Introduzione, edizione critica e commento (by John Briscoe), 374
AUGOUSTAKIS, A. (Ed.), Brill’s Companion to Silius Italicus (by Françoise Morzadec), 393
AVENARIUS, M., R. MEYER-PRITZL and C. MÖLLER (Eds), Ars Iuris. Festschrift für Okko Behrends zum 70. Geburtstag (by Dominic Rathbone), 359
BARNES, T. D., Early Christian Hagiography and Roman History (by Michael Stuart Williams), 406
BERGMANN, B., Der Kranz des Kaisers, Genese und Bedeutung einer römischen Insignie (by Olivier Hekster), 320
BLOOMER, W. M., The School of Rome. Latin Studies and the Origins of Liberal Education (by Teresa Morgan), 333
BOSCHUNG, D. and W. ECK (Eds), Die Tetrarchie: Ein neues Regierungssystem und seine mediale Präsentation (by Benet Salway), 410
BOSWORTH, R. J. B., Whispering City: Modern Rome and its Histories (by Jennifer Baird), 323
BOWES, K., Houses and Society in the Later Roman Empire (by Veronica Kalas), 334
BOWMAN, A. and A. WILSON (Eds), Quantifying the Roman Economy. Methods and Problems (by Peter Fibiger Bang), 346
BREED, B. W., C. DAMON and A. ROSSI (Eds), Citizens of Discord: Rome and its Civil Wars (by Ian Fielding), 370
BREITENSTEIN, N., Petronius, Satyrica 1–15. Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar (by Jan Kwapisz), 390
CAPOGROSSI COLOGNESI, L. and E. TASSI SCANDONE (Eds), La Lex de imperio Vespasiani e la Rome dei Flavi. Atti del convegno, 20–22 novembre 2008 (by Michael H. Crawford), 357
CARROLL, M. and J. REMPEL (Eds), Living through the Dead: Burial and Commemoration in the Classical World (by Mary Harlow), 330
COGITORE, I., Le doux nom de liberté: Histoire d’une idée politique dans la Rome antique (by Amy Russell), 317
CULPEPPER STROUP, S., Catullus, Cicero, and a Society of Patrons: The Generation of the Text (by G. C. Trimble), 378
DALL’AGLIO, P. L. and G. ROSADA (Eds), Sistemi centuriali e opere di assetto agrario tra età romana e primo medioevo. Atti del convegno, Borgoricco (Padova) – Lugo (Ravenna), 10–12 Settembre 2009 (Agri Centuriati. An International Journal of Landscape Archaeology 6–7) (by Saskia Roselaar), 350
DASEN, V. and T. SPÄTH (Eds), Children, Memory, and Family Identity in Roman Culture (by Christina A. Clark), 332
DE ANGELIS, F. (Ed.), Spaces of Justice in the Roman World (by Cynthia Bannon), 359
DYSON, S., Rome: A Living Portrait of an Ancient City (by Jerry Toner), 322
DZINO, D., Illyricum in Roman Politics, 229 BC–AD 68 (by Arthur Eckstein), 311
FAGAN, G. G., The Lure of the Arena: Social Psychology and the Crowd at the Roman Games (by Gregory S. Aldrete), 329
FELDHERR, A., Playing Gods: Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the Politics of Fiction (by Laura Jansen), 384
FELDHERR, A. (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians (by Liv Mariah Yarrow), 369
FÉVRIER, C., Supplicare deis. La supplication expiatoire à Rome (by John Bollan), 341
FLOWER, H. I., Roman Republics (by John Rich), 306
FRONDA, M., Between Rome and Carthage: Southern Italy during the Second Punic War (by Rafael Scopacasa), 310
GAUGHAN, J. E., Murder was not a Crime: Homicide and Power in the Roman Republic (by Janet Kroll), 355
GEIST, S., Der gescheiterte Feldherr (Dux Ferox): Der besiegte römische Feldherr als literarische Figur bei römischen Niederlagen, dargestellt an ausgewählten schweren Niederlagen von der frühen Republik bis zu Augustus (by Jeremy Armstrong), 372
GILDENHARD, I., Creative Eloquence. The Construction of Reality in Cicero’s Speeches (by Henriette van der Blom), 375
GRUEN, E. S., Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (by Joseph Skinner), 307
GUERBER, É., Les Cités grecques dans l’empire romain: Les privilèges et les titres des cités de l’orient hellénophone d’Octave Auguste à Dioclétien (by Georgy Kantor), 325
HEUSCH, C., Die Macht der memoria: Die ,Noctes Atticae‘ des Aulus Gellius im Licht der Erinnerungskultur des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. (by Leofranc Holford-Strevens), 398
HEYWORTH, S. and J. MORWOOD, A Commentary on Propertius, Book 3 (by Lee Fratantuono), 381
HOPE, V. and J. HUSKINSON (Eds), Memory and Mourning: Studies on Roman Death (by Mary Harlow), 330
INGLEHEART, J., A Commentary on Ovid, Tristia, Book 2 (by Genevieve Liveley), 387
JAKAB, É., Risikomanagement beim Weinkauf: Periculum und Praxis im Imperium Romanum (by Dominic Rathbone), 354
JANAN, M., Reflections in a Serpent’s Eye: Thebes in Ovid’s Metamorphoses (by Matthew Robinson), 385
JOHNSON, W. A. and H. PARKER, Ancient Literacies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome (by Joseph Howley), 365
KATSARI, C., The Roman Monetary System: The Eastern Provinces from the First to the Third Century AD (by Fleur Kemmers), 351
KEAVENEY, A. and L. EARNSHAW-BROWN (Eds), The Italians on the Land: Changing Perspectives on Republican Italy Then and Now (by Alessandro Launaro), 349
KOON, S., Infantry Combat in Livy’s Battle Narratives (by James T. Chlup), 362
LACAM, J.-C., Variations rituelles: les pratiques religieuses en Italie centrale et méridionale au temps de la deuxième guerre punique (by Tesse D. Stek), 345
LIBERATI, A. M. and E. SILVERIO, Servizi segreti in Roma antica: Informazioni e sicurezza dagli initia urbis all’impero universale (by Rose Mary Sheldon), 360
LIEBESCHUETZ, J., Ambrose and John Chrysostom: Clerics between Desert and Empire (by Jaclyn Maxwell), 414
LITTLEWOOD, R. J., A Commentary on Silius Italicus’ Punica 7 (by Gesine Manuwald), 395
LONGFELLOW, B., Roman Imperialism and Civic Patronage: Form, Meaning and Ideology in Monumental Fountain Complexes (by Andreas J. M. Kropp), 326
MACMULLEN, R., The Second Church. Popular Christianity A.D. 200–400 (by Ann Marie Yasin), 405
MANKIN, D. (Ed.), Cicero, de Oratore III (by Kathryn Tempest), 376
MAZZONI, C., She-Wolf: The Story of a Roman Icon (by T. P. Wiseman), 321
MCGILL, S., C. SOGNO and E. WATTS (Eds), From the Tetrarchs to the Theodosians: Later Roman History and Culture, 284–450 CE (by Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe), 413
MEIER, M. (Ed.), Justinian (by John Noël Dillon), 417
MENEGHINI, R., I Fori imperiali e i mercati di Traiano. Storia e descrizione dei monumenti alla luce degli studi e degli scavi recenti (by Penelope J. Goodman), 324
MENNEN, I., Power and Status in the Roman Empire, AD. 193–284 (by Alexander Skinner), 409
MILLER, J., Apollo, Augustus and the Poets (by Peter Heslin), 380
MORGAN, L., Musa Pedestris: Metre and Meaning in Roman Verse (by David Butterfield), 367
MORLEY, N., Antiquity and Modernity (by Daniel Tompkins), 364
NASRALLAH, L. S., Christian Responses to Roman Art and Architecture: The Second-century Church amid the Spaces of Empire (by Rebecca E. McGann), 404
NEWLANDS, C. (Ed.), Statius, Silvae. Book II (by Ruth E. Parkes), 392
ORLIN, E., Foreign Cults in Rome: Creating a Roman Empire (by Anna Clark), 342
OSGOOD, J., Claudius Caesar: Image and Power in the Early Roman Empire (by Myles Lavan), 319
PINA POLO, F., The Consul at Rome: The Civil Functions of the Consul in the Roman Republic (by Andrew Lintott), 309
PITASSI, M., Roman Warships (by Christopher J. Dart), 363
POLOSA, A., Museo archeologico nazionale della Sibaritide. Il medagliere (by Michael H. Crawford), 353
REYES, A. T. (Ed.), C. S. Lewis’s Lost Aeneid. Arms and the Exile (by L. B. T. Houghton), 402
RICHARDSON, J., The Language of Empire: Rome and the Idea of Empire from the Third Century B.C. to the Second Century A.D. (by Valentina Arena), 314
RIGGSBY, A. M., Roman Law and the Legal World of the Romans (by Ernest Metzger), 354
ROBB, M. A., Beyond Populares and Optimates: Political Language in the Late Republic (by Hannah Swithinbank), 316
ROBINSON, M., Ovid Fasti Book 2 (by Paul Murgatroyd), 386
ROCHE, P. (Ed.), Pliny’s Praise: The Panegyricus in the Roman World (by Eleni Manolaraki), 397
ROTH, U. (Ed.), By the Sweat of Your Brow. Roman Slavery in its Socio-Economic Setting (by Saskia T. Roselaar), 348
RÜPKE, J. (Ed.), Fasti Sacerdotum: A Prosopography of Pagan, Jewish and Christian Religious Officials in the City of Rome, 300 BC to AD 499 (by John North), 338
SCHAFFENRATH, F. (Ed.), Silius Italicus: Akten der Innsbrucker Tagung vom 19.–21. Juni 2008 (by Antony Augoustakis), 396
SCHULZ, M.-W., Caesar zu Pferde. Ross und Reiter in Caesars Kommentarien und in der Germania des Tacitus (by James Thorne), 361
SCIARRINO, E., Cato the Censor and the Beginnings of Latin Prose: From Poetic Translation to Elite Transcription (by Thomas Habinek), 372
SKINNER, M. B., Clodia Metelli: The Tribune’s Sister (by Kate Hammond), 318
SPEVAK, O., Constituent Order in Classical Latin Prose (by James W. R. Brookes), 400
SPIER, J., Late Antique and Early Christian Gems (by Michael Squire), 408
STEK, T. D., Cult Places and Cultural Change in Republican Italy. A Contextual Approach to Religious Aspects of Rural Society after the Roman Conquest (by Maurizio Gualtieri), 343
STRAY, C. (Ed.), Classical Dictionaries: Past, Present and Future (by Ian Mcauslan), 401
THIBODEAU, P., Playing the Farmer: Representations of Rural Life in Vergil’s Georgics (by Leah Kronenberg), 379
THOMAS, R. (Ed.), Horace. Odes. Book IV; and Carmen Saeculare (by Victoria Moul), 382
THONEMANN, P., The Maeander Valley: A Historical Geography from Antiquity to Byzantium (by Sviatoslav Dmitriev), 328
VAN WAARDEN, J. A., Writing to Survive. A Commentary on Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters Book 7. Volume 1: The Episcopal Letters 1–11 (by Robin Whelan), 415
VÁRHELYI, Z., The Religion of Senators in the Roman Empire: Power and the Beyond (by Catharine Edwards), 340
VÖSSING, K., Das römische Bankett im Spiegel der Altertumswissenschaften: Internationales Kolloquium 5./6. Oktober 2005, Schloss Mickeln, Düsseldorf (by John Wilkins), 335
WILLIS, I., Now and Rome: Lucan and Vergil as Theorists of Politics and Space (by Antony Augoustakis), 389
WIRTH, H., Die linke Hand. Wahrnehmung und Bewertung in der griechischen und römischen Antike (by Thorsten Fögen), 337
WOYTEK, B., Die Reichsprägung des Kaisers Traianus (98–117) (by Karsten Dahmen), 352