ARTICLES Walter Scheidel: Human Mobility in Roman Italy I: The Free Population, 1-26
Tobias Reinhardt: Readers in the Underworld: Lucretius, De Rerum Natura 3.912-1075, 27-46
Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos: Ovid's 'Hecale': Deconstructing Athens in the Metamorphoses, 47-72
Judith S. McKenzie, Sheila Gibson † and A. T. Reyes: Reconstructing the Serapeum in Alexandria from the Archaeological Evidence, 73-121
Matthew Leigh: Quintilian on the Emotions (Institutio Oratoria 6 preface and 1-2), 122-40
Gavin Kelly: Ammianus and the Great Tsunami, 141-67
Edward Watts: Justinian, Malalas, and the End of Athenian Philosophical Teaching in A.D. 529, 168-82
REVIEW ARTICLE Kai Brodersen: Mapping (in) the Ancient World (reviews L. Haselberger et al., Mapping Augustan Rome;E. Rodríguez-Almeida, Formae Urbis Antiquae. Le Mappe Marmoree di Roma tra la Repubblica e Settimio Severo; R. J. A. Talbert (Ed.), Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World), 183-90
REVIEWS (in alphabetical order) Alexander, M. C., The Case for the Prosecution in the Ciceronian Era (by J. Harries), 237-8
Allison, P. M., and F. B. Sear, Casa della Caccia Antica (VII 4, 48) (by R. Laurence), 258-9
Anderson, W. S. (Ed.), Why Horace? A Collection of Interpretations (by D. Spencer), 248
Arthur, P., Naples from Roman Town to City-State: an Archaeological Perspective (by R. Laurence), 278-9
Aubert, J.-J., and B. Sirks (Eds), Speculum Iuris: Roman Law as a Reflection of Social and Economic Life in Antiquity (by N. Morley), 201-2
Baier, T. (Ed.), Studien zu Plautus' Amphitruo (by B. Dunsch), 232-3
Bartlett, J. R. (Ed.), Jews in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities (by S. Gambetti), 216-17
Bottini, A., and E. Setari, La Necropoli italica di Braida di Vaglio in Basilicata. Materiali dallo scavo del 1994 (byE. Isayev), 230-1
Bowman, A. K., H. M. Cotton, M. Goodman and S. Price (Eds), Representations of Empire: Rome and the Mediterranean World (by L. Bligh), 262-3
Bremmer, J. N., The Rise and Fall of the Afterlife. The 1995 Read-Tuckwell Lecture at the University of Bristol (by W. Liebeschuetz), 208
Byron, G. L., Symbolic Blackness and Ethnic Difference in Early Christian Literature (by C. Johnson Hodge), 218-19
Cairns, F., and E. Fantham (Eds), Caesar Against Liberty? Perspectives on his Autocracy (by A. G. Thein), 239
Cameron, A., B. Ward-Perkins and M. Whitby (Eds), The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 14, Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425–600 (by M. Maas), 273-4
Cappelletti, L., Lucani e Brettii, richerche sulla storia politica e istituzionale di due popoli dell'Italia antica (V–III sec. A.C.) (by A. Poulter), 229-30
Cecamore, C., Palatium. Topografia storica del Palatino tra III sec. A.C. e I sec. D.C. (by A. Clark), 210-11
Clark, G., and T. Rajak (Eds), Philosophy and Power in the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Miriam Griffin (by C. E. W. Steel), 192-3
Coffta, D. J., The Influence of Callimachean Aesthetics on the Satires and Odes of Horace (by J. S. C. Eidinow), 243-4
Cohn-Sherbok, D., and J. M. Court (Eds), Religious Diversity in the Graeco-Roman World: a Survey of Recent Scholarship (by P. T. Struck), 214-16
Cokayne, K., Experiencing Old Age in Ancient Rome (by M. Harlow), 196-7
Comella, A., Il Santuario di Punta della Vipera. Santa Marinella comune di Civitavecchia. I. I materiali votivi. Corpus delle stipi votive in Italia XIII, Regio VII, 6 (by C. Roth-Murray), 226-7
Cooley, A. E. (Ed.), The Epigraphic Landscape of Roman Italy (by C. Bruun), 199-200
Corbier, M. (Ed.), Adoption et fosterage (by B. D. Shaw), 194-6
Corey Brennan, T., The Praetorship in the Roman Republic (by N. Rosenstein), 234-5
Cuvigny, H. (Ed.), La Route de Myos Hormos. L'armée romaine dans le desert oriental d'Égypte (by C. Adams), 213-14
Damon, C., Tacitus: Histories 1 (byH. Haynes), 254-5
David, J.-M. (Ed.), Valeurs et mémoire à Rome: Valère Maxime ou la vertu recomposée (byR. Langlands), 253-4
Dignas, B., Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor (by A. Erskine), 263-4
Eilers, C., Roman Patrons of Greek Cities (by A. Zuiderhoek), 264-6
Erdkamp, P. (Ed.), The Roman Army and the Economy (by C. Adams), 212-13
Evans Grubbs, J., Women and the Law in the Roman Empire: a Sourcebook on Marriage, Divorce and Widowhood (by M. Harlow), 269
Faller, S. (Ed.), Studien zu Plautus' Persa (by B. Dunsch), 232-3
Fögen, M. T., Römische Rechtsgeschichten. Über Ursprung und Evolution eines sozialen Systems (by A. Coşkun), 228-9
Fowler, D., Lucretius on Atomic Motion: a Commentary on De Rerum Natura Book Two, Lines 1–332 (by D. Wray), 238-9
Gazda, E. K. (Ed.), The Villa of the Mysteries at Pompeii: Ancient Ritual, Modern Muse (by R. Westgate), 259-60
Gentili, G. V., Verucchio Villanoviana. Il sepolcreto in località Le Pegge e la necropoli al piede della Rocca Malatestiana (by C. Roth-Murray), 226-7
Giardina, A., L'Italia Romana. Storie di un'identità incompiuta (by K. Lomas),205
Gibson, R. K., and C. S. Kraus (Eds), The Classical Commentary: Histories, Practices, Theory (by J. E. G. Zetzel), 205-7
Gibson, R. K., Ovid: Ars Amatoria, Book 3 (by K. Volk), 250
Gunderson, E., Declamation, Paternity, and Roman Identity. Authority and the Rhetorical Self (by A. Corbeill), 207-8
Hägg, T., and P. Rousseau, Greek Biography and Panegyric in Late Antiquity (by S. Johnson), 274-5
Helzle, M. (Ed.), Ovids Epistulae ex Ponto Buch I–II: Kommentar (by B. W. Boyd), 251-2
Holliday, P. J., The Origins of Roman Historical Commemoration in the Visual Arts (by S. Hales), 227-8
Honoré, T., Ulpian. Pioneer of Human Rights (by R. W. Mathisen), 279-80
Hope, V. M., and E. Marshall (Eds), Death and Disease in the Ancient City (by M. Becker), 197-8
Horsfall, N., The Culture of the Roman Plebs (by S. M. Goldberg), 202-3
James, S. L., Learned Girls and Male Persuasion: Gender and Reading in Roman Love Elegy (by R. Armstrong), 240-1
Janowitz, N., Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews, and Christians, Religion in the First Christian Centuries (by I. Sandwell), 217
Kaizer, T., The Religious Life of Palmyra: a Study of the Social Patterns of Worship in the Roman Period (by J. B. Rives), 269-70
Kofler, W., Aeneas und Vergil: Untersuchungen zur poetologischen Dimension der Aeneis (by S. Casali), 241-2
La Regina, A., Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae Suburbium. Volume Primo A–B (by A. Clark), 211-12
Laederich, P., Les Limites de l'empire. Les stratégies de l'impérialisme romain dans l'oeuvre de Tacite (by C. Ando), 255-6
Langner, M., Antike Graffitizeichnungen. Motive, Gestaltung und Bedeutung (by A. E. Cooley), 198-9
Lomas, K., and T. Cornell (Eds), 'Bread and Circuses': Euergetism and Municipal Patronage in Roman Italy (by A. Zuiderhoek), 203-5
MacGeorge, P., Late Roman Warlords (by M. Whitby), 277-8
Mango, C., and R. Scott (Eds), The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor. Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284–813 (by F. R. Trombley), 278
Mathisen, R. W., People, Personal Expression, and Social Relations in Late Antiquity (by P. Rousseau), 276-7
Mayer, R., Seneca, Phaedra (byC. Littlewood), 253
McCall, J. B., The Cavalry of the Roman Republic: Cavalry Combat and Elite Reputations in the Middle and Late Republic (by P. Sabin), 235-6
McNeill, R. L. B., Horace: Image, Identity and Audience (by S. J. Harrison), 246-8
Meyer-Zwiffelhoffer, E., POLITIKWS ARCEIN. Zum Regierungsstil der senatorischen Statthalter in den kaiserzeitlichen griechischen Provinzen (by A. Jördens), 267-9
Michetti, L. M., Le ceramiche argentate e a rilievo in Etruria nella prima età ellenistica (byR. Roth), 225-6
Naas, V., Le Projet encyclopédique de Pline l'ancien (by M. Beagon), 256-7 Newlands, C. E., Statius' Silvae and the Poetics of Empire (by E. Spentzou), 257-8
Niehl, R., Vergils Vergil: Selbstzitat und Selbstdeutung in der Aeneis: ein Kommentar und Interpretationen (by S. Casali), 241-2
Oniga, R. (Ed.), Il Plurilinguismo nella tradizione letteraria latina (byM. Leiwo), 200-1
Orth, B., Lehrkunst im frühen Christentum. Die Bildungsdimension didaktischer Prinzipien in der hellenistisch-römischen Literatur und im lukanischen Doppelwerk (by K. Vössing), 217-18
Painter, K. S., The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii. Volume IV: the Silver Treasure (by D. Bellingham), 260-1
Parkin, T. G., Old Age in the Roman World. A Cultural and Social History (by M. Harlow), 196-7
Pocock, J. G. A., Barbarism and Religion. Vol. 3: the First Decline and Fall (by C. Ando), 219-21
Prescendi, F., Frühzeit und Gegenwart. Eine Studie zur Auffassung und Gestaltung der Vergangenheit in Ovids Fastorum Libri (by L. Galasso), 249
Questa, C., and R. Raffaelli (Eds), Due seminari plautini: la tradizione del testo – i modelli (by B. Dunsch), 234
Rawson, B., Children and Childhood in Roman Italy (by A. Karanika), 193-4
Regter, W., Imitation and Creation: Development of Early Bucchero Design at Cerveteri in the Seventh Century B.C. (by J. A. Becker), 223-4
Ridgway, D., F. R. Serra Ridgway, M. Pearce, E. Herring, R. D. Whitehouse, and J. B. Wilkins, Ancient Italy in its Mediterranean Setting. Studies in Honour of Ellen Macnamara (by R. Laurence), 223
Rivière, Y., Les Délateurs sous l'empire romain (by S. H. Rutledge), 266-7
Rutledge, S. H., Imperial Inquisitions. Prosecutors and Informants from Tiberius to Domitian (byC. S. Kraus), 270-1
Sartre-Fauriat, A., Des Tombeaux et des morts. Monuments funéraires, société et culture en Syrie du sud du Ier s. av. J-C. au VIIe s. apr. J-C. Volume I: Catalogue des monuments funéraires, des sarcophages et des bustes; Volume II: Synthèse (by G. Davies), 261-2
Schindler, C., Untersuchungen zu den Gleichnissen im römischen Lehrgedicht: Lucrez, Vergil, Manilius (by G. Campbell), 209-10
Schmidt, E. A., Augusteische Literatur, System in Bewegung (by M. Dinter), 242-3
Selinger, R., The Mid-Third Century Persecutions of Decius and Valerian (by C. Sogno), 272-3
Sfameni Gasparro, G., Oracoli profeti sibille: Rivelazione e salvezza nel mondo antico (by T. Kaizer), 208-9
Spentzou, E., Readers and Writers in Ovid's 'Heroides': Transgressions of Genre and Gender (by P. A. Miller), 250-1
Sutherland, E.H., Horace's Well-Trained Reader. Towards a Methodology of Audience Participation in the Odes (by S. J. Harrison), 246-8
Tarpin, M., Vici et pagi dans l'occident romain (byM. Peachin), 271-2
Tylawsky, E. I., Saturio's Inheritance: the Greek Ancestry of the Roman Comic Parasite (byC. Panayotakis), 231-2
Volk, K., The Poetics of Latin Didactic: Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, Manilius (by G. Campbell), 209-10
Welwei, K.-W., Sub Corona Vendere: Quellenkritische Studien zu Kriegsgefangenschaft und Sklaverei in Rom bis zum Ende des Hannibalkrieges (by T. Urbainczyk), 236-7
West, D., Horace Odes III: Dulce Periculum. Text, Translation and Commentary (byJ. S. C. Eidinow), 243-4
Wiseman, T. P. (Ed.), Classics in Progress: Essays on Ancient Greece and Rome (byC. Martindale), 191-2
Woodman, T., and D. Feeney (Eds), Traditions and Contexts in the Poetry of Horace (by A. Cucchiarelli), 244-6
Wyke, M., Projecting the Past: Ancient Rome, Cinema and History (by E. Hall), 221-2