Journal of Roman Studies 106 (2016)

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Journal of Roman Studies 106 (2016)
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Journal of Roman Studies (JRS)
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Udo Hartmann



Ábel Tamás, Erroneous Gazes: Lucretian Poetics in Catullus 64, 1–20

Clare Rowan, Ambiguity, Iconology and Entangled Objects on Coinage of the Republican World, 21–57

Celia e. Schultz, Roman Sacrifice, Inside and Out, 58–76

Eleanor Cowan, Contesting Clementia: the Rhetoric of Severitas in Tiberian Rome before and after the Trial of Clutorius Priscus, 77–101

Virginia Closs, Neronianis Temporibus: the So-Called Arae Incendii Neroniani and the Fire of A.D. 64 in Rome’s Monumental Landscape, 102–123

Martin Beckmann, Trajan’s Column and Mars Ultor, 124–146

Benedikt Eckhardt, Romanization and Isomorphic Change in Phrygia: the Case of Private Associations, 147–171

Paul Schubert, On the Form and Content of the Certificates of Pagan Sacrifice, 172–198

Survey Article

Carlo Pavolini, A Survey of Excavations and Studies on Ostia (2004–2014), 199–236

Review Articles

John Marincola, Shored Against Our Ruins (T. J. Cornell (ed.); E. H. Bispham, J. Briscoe, T. J. Cornell, A. Drummond, B. M. Levick, S. J. Northwood, S. P. Oakley, M. P. Pobjoy, J. W. Rich and C. J. Smith, The Fragments of the Roman Historians. Volume 1: Introduction; Volume 2: Texts and Translations; Volume 3: Commentary), 237–248

Marios Costambeys, The Legacy of Theoderic (J. J. Arnold, Theoderic and the Roman Imperial Restoration; M. S. Bjornlie, Politics and Tradition between Rome, Ravenna and Constantinople: a Study of Cassiodorus and the Variae 527–554; D. Laccetti (ed.), Cassiodoro, Roma immaginaria. Sulle ceneri del più grande impero l’Utopia di un nuovo stato. Le Variae e l’Italia di Teoderico tra rimpianto e speranza; S. D. W. Lafferty, Law and Society in the Age of Theoderic the Great. A Study of the Edictum Theoderici; G. Marconi, Ennodio e la nobilità gallo-romana nell’Italia Ostrogota; P. Porena, L’insediamento degli Ostrogoti in Italia; M. Vitiello, Theodahad: A Platonic King at the Collapse of Ostrogothic Italy), 249–263

Reviews (in alphabetical order)

Albers, J., Campus Martius. Die urbane Entwicklung des Marsfeldes von der Republik bis zur mittleren Kaiserzeit (by Carlos F. Noreña), 285

Beresford, J., The Ancient Sailing Season (by Philip de Souza), 317

Blackman, D. and B. Rankov with K. Baika, H. Gerding, J. Pakkanen and J. Mckenzie, Shipsheds of the Ancient Mediterranean (by Philip de Souza), 317

Blake, E., Social Networks and Regional Identity in Bronze Age Italy (by Peter Attema), 265

Blouin, K., Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule (by Jane Rowlandson), 305

Boislève, J., A. Dardenay and F. Monier (Eds), Peintures et stucs d’époque romaine. Révéler l’architecture par l’étude du décor: Actes du 26e Colloque de l’AFPMA, Strasbourg, 16 et 17 novembre 2012 (by Thomas Lappi), 311

Bonghi Jovino, M. and G. Bagnasco Gianni (Eds), Tarquinia: il santuario dell’Ara della Regina: i templi arcaici (by Ingrid Edlund-Berry), 269

Borbonus, D., Columbarium Tombs and Collective Identity in Augustan Rome (by Emma-Jayne Graham), 284

Brandon, C. J., R. L. Hohlfelder, M. D. Jackson and J. P. Oleson, Building for Eternity: the History and Technology of Roman Concrete Engineering in the Sea (by Linn W. Hobbs), 314

Bruun, C. and J. Edmondson (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy (by M. H. Crawford), 331

Cannatà, M., La Colonia Latina di Vibo Valentia (by Kathryn Lomas), 270

Casiday, A., Reconstructing the Theology of Evagrius Ponticus: Beyond Heresy (by Jonathan L. Zecher), 370

Clark, J. H., Triumph in Defeat: Military Loss in the Roman Republic (by Michael P. Fronda), 277

Cribiore, R., Libanius the Sophist: Rhetoric, Reality, and Religion in the Fourth Century (by Richard Flower), 364

Coarelli, F., Collis: il Quirinale e il Viminale nell’antichità (by Alexander Thein), 288

Connolly, J., The Life of Roman Republicanism (by Hannah J. Swithinbank), 274

Cornell, T. and O. Murray (Eds), The Legacy of Arnaldo Momigliano (by Neville Morley), 327

Demacopoulos, G. E., The Invention of Peter: Apostolic Discourse and Papal Authority in Late Antiquity (by Julia Hillner), 373

Dessales, H., Le Partage de l’eau. Fontaines et distribution hydraulique dans l’habitat urbain de l’Italie romaine (by Julian Richard), 309

De Vos Raaijmakers, M. and R. Attoui, Rus Africum: Tome I. Le paysage rural antique autour de Dougga et Téboursouk: cartographie, relevés et chronologie des établissements (by R. Bruce Hitchner), 307

De Vos Raaijmakers, M., R. Attoui, A. Battisti and M. Boeijen, Rus Africum: Tome II. Le paysage rural antique autour de Dougga: l’aqueduc Aïn Hammam-Thugga, cartographie et relevés (by R. Bruce Hitchner), 307

De Vos Raaijmakers, M., R. Attoui and A. Battisti, Rus Africum: Tome III. La via a Karthagine Thevestem, ses milliares et le réseau routier rural de la region de Dougga et Téboursouk (by R. Bruce Hitchner), 307

Dey, H. W., The Afterlife of the Roman City: Architecture and Ceremony in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (by Gareth Sears), 378

Doody, J., K. Kloos and K. Paffenroth (Eds), Augustine and Apocalyptic (by Paula Fredriksen), 372

Drogula, F. K., Commanders and Command in the Roman Republic and Early Empire (by J. W. Rich), 279

Dutsch, D., S. L. James and D. Konstan (Eds), Women in Roman Republican Drama (by Anise K. Strong), 340

Elsner, J. and M. Meyer (Eds), Art and Rhetoric in Roman Culture (by Ellen Perry), 325

Esposito, D., La Pittura di Ercolano (by Mantha Zarmakoupi), 300

Feitosa, L. C., The Archaeology of Gender, Love and Sexuality in Pompeii (by Anna Anguissola), 297

Fletcher, R., Apuleius’ Platonism: the Impersonation of Philosophy (by Ken Dowden), 356

Fotheringham, L. S., Persuasive Language in Cicero’s Pro Milone: A Close Reading and Commentary (by Brian Krostenko), 343

Friedland, E. A. and M. Grunow Sobocinski with E. K. Gazda, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture (by Diane Atnally Conlin), 323

Fulminante, F., The Urbanization of Rome and Latium Vetus: from the Bronze Age to the Archaic Era (by Ralph Häussler), 266

Garcia Barraco, M. E. (Ed.), Il Mausoleo di Augusto: monumento funebre e testamento epigrafico del primo imperatore romano: XIV D.C.–MMXIV D.C., bimillenario della morte di Augusto (by Dorian Borbonus), 289

Gee, E., Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition (by C. Castelletti), 346

Gunderson, E., The Sublime Seneca: Ethics, Literature, Metaphysics (by R. Scott Smith), 348

Häuber, C., The Eastern Part of the Mons Oppius in Rome: the Sanctuary of Isis et Serapis in Regio III, the Temples of Minerva Medica, Fortuna Virgo and Dea Syria, and the Horti of Maecenas (by James C. Anderson, Jr.), 287

Hawkins, T., Iambic Poetics in the Roman Empire (by Kevin Wilkinson), 336

Houston, G. W., Inside Roman Libraries: Book Collections and their Management in Antiquity (by Matthew C. Nicholls), 334

Jacobs II, P. W. and D. A. Conlin, Campus Martius: the Field of Mars in the Life of Ancient Rome (by Carlos F. Noreña), 285

Johnson, A. and J. Schott (Eds), Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations (by Matthew R. Crawford), 369

Jones, C. P., Between Pagan and Christian (by Carlos R. Galvao-Sobrinho), 368

Kalas, G., The Restoration of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity: Transforming Public Space (by Robert R. Chenault), 376

Kay, P., Rome’s Economic Revolution (by Peter Fibiger Bang), 316

Keegan, P., Roles for Men and Women in Roman Epigraphic Culture and Beyond: Gender, Social Identity and Cultural Practice in Private Latin Inscriptions and the Literary Record (by Abigail Graham), 295

Keller, D., J. Price and C. Jackson (Eds), Neighbours and Successors of Rome: Traditions of Glass Production and Use in Europe and the Middle East in the Later 1st Millennium AD (by Paul T. Nicholson), 380

König, J. and G. Woolf (Eds), Encyclopaedism from Antiquity to the Renaissance (by Cynthia Damon), 332

Laehn, T. R., Pliny’s Defense of Empire (by Mary Beagon), 355

Larmour, D. H. J., The Arena of Satire: Juvenal’s Search for Rome (by James Uden), 352

Le Bohec, Y., La Guerre romaine: 58 avant J.-C.–235 après J.-C. (by Michael M. Sage), 280

Lindner, M. M., Portraits of the Vestal Virgins, Priestesses of Rome (by Rachel Kousser), 326

Luke, T. S., Ushering in a New Republic: Theologies of Arrival at Rome in the First Century BCE (by Paul Burton), 276

Lusnia, S. S., Creating Severan Rome: The Architecture and Self-Image of L. Septimius Severus (AD193–211) (by Clare Rowan), 292

Maire, B., ‘Greek’ and ‘Roman’ in Latin Medical Texts: Studies in Cultural Change and Exchange in Ancient Medicine (by Christine F. Salazar), 319

Marder, T. A. and M. Wilson Jones (Eds), The Pantheon: from Antiquity to the Present (by Niccolò Mugnai), 290

Martelli, F. K. A., Ovid’s Revisions: The Editor as Author (by Thea S. Thorsen), 345

Massarelli, R., I Testi etruschi su piombo (by James Clackson), 264

May, R., Apuleius: Metamorphoses or The Golden Ass, Book 1 (by Luca Graverini), 358

McConnell, S., Philosophical Life in Cicero’s Letters (by James E. G. Zetzel), 341

Michaelides, D. (Ed.), Medicine and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean World (by Christine F. Salazar), 319

Milnor, K., Graffiti and the Literary Landscape in Roman Pompeii (by R. Benefiel), 298

Montiglio, S., Love and Providence: Recognition in the Ancient Novel (by James Pletcher), 359

Mulryan, M., Spatial ‘Christanisation’ in Context: Strategic Intramural Building in Rome from the 4th–7th C. AD (by Riccardo Santangeli Valenzani), 374

Murano, F., Le Tabellae Defixionum Osche (by Nicholas Zair), 330

Nechaeva, E., Embassies – Negotiations – Gifts: Systems of East Roman Diplomacy in Late Antiquity (by Alexander Sarantis), 384

Nicholson, P. T., Working in Memphis, the Production of Faience at Roman Period Kom Helul (by Susanne Greiff), 313

Nicols, J., Civic Patronage in the Roman Empire (by Arjan Zuiderhoek), 303

Nielsen, I., Housing the Chosen: the Architectural Context of Mystery Groups and Religious Associations in the Ancient World (by Douglas Ryan Boin), 282

Olivito, R., Il Foro nell’atrio: immagini di architetture, scene di vita e di mercato nel fregio dai praedia di Iulia Felix (Pompei, II, 4, 3) (by Mantha Zarmakoupi), 300

Oppedisano, F., L’impero d’occidente negli anni di Maioriano (by Kristina Sessa), 385

Papaioannou, S. (Ed.), Terence and Interpretation (by Ariana Traill), 339

Pelttari, A., The Space that Remains: Reading Latin Poetry in Late Antiquity (by Bret Mulligan), 363

Poulou-Papadimitriou, N., E. Nodarou and V. Kilikoglou (Eds), LRCW4: Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and Archaeometry: the Mediterranean, a Market without Frontiers (by James Gerrard), 382

Power, T. and R. K. Gibson (Eds), Suetonius the Biographer: Studies in Roman Lives (by Mark Bradley), 354

Rapp, C. and H. A. Drake (Eds), The City in the Classical and Post-Classical World: Changing Contexts of Power and Identity (by Arjan Zuiderhoek), 303

Richlin, A., Arguments with Silence: Writing the History of Roman Women (by Bonnie Maclachlan), 294

Roberts, C., Edward Gibbon and the Shape of History (by Paul Cartledge), 386

Roman, L., Poetic Autonomy in Ancient Rome (by Francesca Martelli), 335

Schwartz, S., The Ancient Jews from Alexander to Muhammad (by Sarah Pearce), 281

Shaw, P. (Ed.), The Eternal Letter: two Millennia of the Classical Roman Capital (by Mujadad Zaman), 328

Simon, C., Römisches Zaumzeug aus Pompeji, Herculaneum und Stabiae: Metallzäume, Trensen und Kandaren (by Sebastian Schuckelt), 299

Sojc, N., A. Winterling and U. Wilf-Rheidt (Eds), Palast und Stadt im severischen Rom (by Clare Rowan), 292

Spadea, R. (Ed.), Kroton: studi e ricerche sulla polis achea e il suo territorio (by Edward Herring), 268

Spaltenstein, F., Commentaire des fragments dramatiques de Naevius (by J. T. Welsh), 338

Steel, C. E. W., The End of the Roman Republic, 146 to 44 BC: Conquest and Crisis (by John R. Patterson), 275

Stek, T. D. and J. Pelgrom (Eds), Roman Republican Colonization: New Perspectives from Archaeology and Ancient History (by Kathryn Lomas), 270

Stek, T. D. and G.-J. Burgers (Eds), The Impact of Rome on Cult Places and Religious Practices in Ancient Italy (by Saskia T. Roselaar), 272

Tarrant, R. J., Texts, Editors, and Readers: Methods and Problems in Latin Textual Criticism (by S. P. Oakley), 360

Tissol, G. (Ed.), Ovid: Epistulae Ex Ponto, Book I (by Charilaos N. Michalopoulos), 344

Trout, D., Damasus of Rome: the Epigraphic Poetry. Introduction, Texts, Translation and Commentary (by Geoffrey D. Dunn), 375

Uden, J., The Invisible Satirist: Juvenal and Second-Century Rome (by Tom Geue), 350

Upson-Saia, K., C. Daniel-Hughes and A. J. Batten (Eds), Dressing Judeans and Christians in Antiquity (by Ellen Swift), 322

Van den Berg, C. S., The World of Tacitus’ Dialogus de Oratoribus: Aesthetics and Empire in Ancient Rome (by Holly Haynes), 353

Van Hoof, L., Libanius: a Critical Introduction (by Richard Flower), 364

Venturini, F., I Mosaici di Cirene di età ellenistica e romana: un secolo di scoperte (by Ruth Westgate), 312

Washburn, D. A., Banishment in the Later Roman Empire, 284–476 CE (by Dirk Rohmann), 383

Watts, E. J., The Final Pagan Generation (by Carlos Machado), 367

Weiss, Z., Public Spectacles in Roman and Late Antique Palestine (by Michael Carter), 379

Wienand, J. (Ed.), Contested Monarchy: Integrating the Roman Empire in the Fourth Century AD (by Alexander Skinner), 361

Wildberger, J. and M. L. Colish (Eds), Seneca Philosophus (by R. Scott Smith), 347

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