Die letzte Ausgabe von National Identities hat folgenden Inhalt:
Martin J. Wiener. Homocide and 'Englishness': Criminal Justice and National Identity in Victorian England, p. 203-214.
Robert Freestone and Sharon Veale. Sydney, 1901: Federation, National Identity and the Arches of Commemoration, p. 215-232.
Carol Medlicott and Michael Hefferman, 'Autograph of a Nation': The Daughters of the American Revolution and the National Old Trails Road, 1910-1927, p. 233-260.
Steven C. Dinero. New Identity / Identities Formulation in a Post-Nomadic Community: The Case of the Bedouin in the Negev, p. 261-276.
Neelu Jain and Benjamin Forest. From Religion to Ethnicity: The Identity of Immigrant and Second Generation Indian Jains in the Unites States, p. 277-298.
Book Reviews, p. 299-314.