National Identities 17 (2015), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
National Identities 17 (2015), 4
Weiterer Titel 

Abingdon 2015: Taylor & Francis
4 issues per year
Institutional: US$372/£225; Individual: US$127/£73



National Identities
United Kingdom
Fritsche, Jana

National Identities explores the correlation/mapping between identity, people, state and nation, and examines the complexities of how national identities are created, represented and adopted in any period from antiquity to the current day, and from any geographical location. The focus of the journal is on identity, on how cultural factors (language, architecture, music, gender, religion, the media, sport, encounters with ‘the other’ etc.) and political factors (state forms, wars, boundaries) contribute to the formation and expression of national identities and on how these factors have been shaped and changed over time. The historical significance of ‘nation’ in political and cultural terms is considered in relationship to other important and in some cases countervailing forms of identity such as religion, region, tribe or class.

The variety of viewpoints published in the journal engenders a multifaceted understanding of national identity, and the journal therefore welcomes papers from a wide range of disciplines, including literature, history, geography, religion, sociology, and architecture among others. Comparative perspectives are encouraged, and the journal features regular review essays as well as book reviews.




Cleansing violence in the Tajik Civil War: framing from the dark side of democracy
Doug Foster
Pages: 353–370
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2015.1083967

Engineering confederalism for Iraq
Shamsul Khan & Sherko Kirmanj
Pages: 371–385
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2015.1066322

World War II or Great Patriotic War remembrance? Crafting the nation in commemorative speeches of Ukrainian presidents
Lina Klymenko
Pages: 387–403
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.990956

Sectarian dynamics of multicultural norms and the law in Lebanon: warning for the future of Northern Ireland
Marcello Mollica & James Cook Dingley
Pages: 405–431
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.926879

Editorial Board
Pages: ebi–ebi
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2015.1092246

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