Die neueste Ausgabe von National Identities hat folgenden Inhalt:
Bertalan Pusztai, Discursive Tactics and Political Identity: Shaping Hungarian Greek Catholic Identity at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 117
Angela Coutts, Meshi by Hayashi Fumiko: Using the Domestic to Explore Gendered Concepts of National Identity, p. 133
Rebecca Kook, Changing Representations of National Identity and Political Legitimacy: Independence Day Celebrations in Israel, 1952-1998, p. 151
Ailsa Henderson, Nicola McEwen, Do Shared Values Underpin National Identity? Examining the Role of Values in National Identity in Canada and the United Kingdom, p. 173
Jackie Hogan, Gender, Ethnicity and National Identity in Australian and Japanese Television Advertisements, p. 193
Annegret Haase, Between Integration and Exclusion: Ethnic Minorities at the Polish Eastern Border after the First Decade of Transition, p. 213
Review Essay Being at Once National, Global, Other and Between, p. 231