The German Secrets of New Orleans 1 PATRICIA HERMINGHOUSE
Victims? Perpetrators? “Punching Bags” of European Historical 17 Memory? The Austrians and Their World War II Legacies GÜNTER BISCHOF
Whatever happened to Veronica Voss? Rehabilitating the “68ers” and 33 the Problem of Westalgie in Oskar Roehler’s Die Unberührbare (2000) PAUL COOKE
“Freies Deutschland” Guerrilla Warfare in East Prussia, 1944-1945: 45 A Contribution to the History of the German Resistance PERRY BIDDISCOMBE
Hans Fallada Fixes at Zero Hour: A Bad Example for Rethinking 63 the Postwar Canon BENJAMIN ROBINSON
Reluctant Justice: Government Legal Intervention on Behalf of Jews 83 in Imperial Germany BARNET HARTSTON
Auschwitz und die Deutschen im Spiegel polnischer Schullektüren 103 JOACHIM NEANDER UND MARZENA DABROWA SZATKO
Grete Weil, a Jewish Author? 113 MICHELLE MATTSON