German Studies Review, the scholarly journal of the German Studies Association, is published three times each year, in February, May, and October. The journal publishes articles and book reviews in history, literature, culture studies, political science, as well as interdisciplinary topics relating to the German-speaking areas of Europe encompassing primarily, but not exclusively, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Articles and reviews are published in English or German. Each issue contains at least six articles and sixty book reviews.
Like other scholarly journals, German Studies Review seeks articles that make a fresh contribution to knowledge. All submissions are peer-reviewed "double-blind" by experts on the particular subject of the contribution. A major consideration in determining whether an article should be published is to what extent it will appeal to the readership of German Studies Review. Since the journal embraces several disciplines, articles should avoid highly specialized jargon understandable only to experts in a particular field. German Studies Review seeks to engage readers interested in all of the disciplines of German Studies.