German Studies Review XXVIII/3 (October 2005) Table of Contents:
Frauenschicksale: A DEFA Film Viewed in Light of Brecht’s Critique of the Opera and Eisler/Adorno’s Theory of Film Music, VERA STEGMANN, 481
Myth and Maternalism in the Work of Johann Jakob Bachofen, PETER DAVIES, 501
Major Joachim Kuhn: Explosives Purveyor to Stauffenberg and Stalin’s Prisoner, PETER HOFFMANN, 519
The German Gothic Subculture, GABRIELE ECKART, 547
On a Railroad to Nowhere: Irmgard Keun’s D-Zug dritter Klasse, GEOFF WILKES, 563
Heine’s Lutherbild and the Singularity of the Historical Moment, F. COREY ROBERTS, 579
The Killing of Black Soldiers from the French Army by the Wehrmacht in 1940: The Question of Authorization, RAFFAEL SCHECK, 595
Sarah Sonja Lerch, née Rabinowitz: The Sonja Irene L. of Toller’s Masse-Mensch, ALBERT EARLE GURGANUS, 607