German Studies Review 32/2 (May 2009) Table of Contents:
The Lusitania Effect: 241 America’s Mobilization against Germany in World War I FRANK TROMMLER
The Garden as Literature/Literary Gardens: 267 Notes on Barbara Frischmuth’s Garden Diaries EDITH TOEGEL
Der „Historikerstreit“ und die politische Deutungskultur der 279 Bundesrepublik Deutschland STEFFEN KAILITZ
Archeology as Spectacle: Heinrich Schliemann’s Media of Excavation 303 KATHRIN MAURER
Performativity and the Dialectic of Time in Thomas Mann’s 319 Der Zauberberg JOSHUA KAVALOSKI
“Germany’s Eternal Son:” 343 The Genesis of the Ernst Thälmann Myth, 1930–1950 RUSSEL LEMMONS
The “Tragic Mulatto” in Three Nineteenth-Century German 357 Antislavery Texts JUDITH E. MARTIN
Deserters from the Bundeswehr on Page and Screen: 377 Shifting Cultural Meanings of an Act between Desertion from the Wehrmacht and Conscientious Objection ANDREW PLOWMAN