Table of Contents
Wilder’s Dietrich: Witness for the Prosecution in the Context of the Cold War Steffen Hantke 247
“… immerzu Krieg”: History, Intertextuality and the Memoir of Günter Grass Richard Erich Schade 261
Benjamin Franklin, Student of the Holy Roman Empire: His Summer Journey to Germany in 1766 and His Interest in the Empire’s Federal Constitution Jürgen Overhoff 277
Von angezogenen Affen und angekleideten Männern in Baja California: Zu einer Bewertung der Schriften Alexander von Humboldts aus postkolonialer Sicht Sabine Wilke 287
The Christian Love of the German Middle Class: Thuringia, 1870–1912 Edward Mathieu 305
Anti-Bourgeois Novels with Bourgeois Readers: “Justifying” Violence in German Volunteer Corps Novels Rainer Godel 325
The Tastes of Home: Cooking the Lost Heimat in West Germany in the 1950s and 1960s Alice Weinreb 345
Popkultur, Profit und das Banale: Stefan Raabs Erfolgssong „Maschendrahtzaun“ und der lächerliche Ossi Gabriele Eckart 365
Minority Identity as German Identity in Conscious Rap and Gangsta Rap: Pushing the Margins, Redefining the Center Kathrin Bower 377
Nietzsche’s Decadent Will and große Gesundheit: Psychology, Sexualized maladies de volonté, and große Politik John H. Smith 399
Book and Film Reviews 419-488