German Studies Review 34/1 (February 2011) Table of Contents:
Save the Hype: Nanotechnology in Antonia Fehrenbach’s Science Novel Der Lotus Effekt PAUL A. YOUNGMAN AND LJILJANA FRUK 1
Constructing Heimat in the Ruhr Valley: Krupp Housing and the Search for the Ideal German Home 1914–1931 CEDRIC BOLZ 17
Multiple Pseudonymities: The Affinity by Choice between Kurt Tucholsky and Kaspar Hauser BIRGIT LINDER 45
Heinrich Heine’s Transparent Masks: Denominational Politics and the Poetics of Emancipation in Nineteenth-Century Germany and France ARI JOSKOWICZ 69
The Beauty of Enervation: Woman, India, and the Anxiety of System in Hegel’s Philosophy NICHOLAS A. GERMANA 91
Warum liebt der Verfolger seinen Verfolgten? Zum ‚Konzept’ der politisch subversiven Gleichgeschlechtlichkeit bei Josef Mühlberger LUKÁŠ MOTYČKA 109
Scandals of Translation: Cannibalism and the Limits of Colonial Authority in the Trial of Iringa (1908) DAVID D. KIM 125
Elective Affinities in German Literature and Sociology: Storm and Tönnies National Socialist Propaganda and Public Enlightenment NIALL BOND 143
Book and Film Reviews 161-245