German Studies Review 38 (2015), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
German Studies Review 38 (2015), 3
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three times each year



German Studies Review
United States
Fritsche, Jana

German Studies Review (GSR) is the scholarly journal of the German Studies Association (GSA), the world’s largest academic association devoted to the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary study of the German-speaking countries. Recent issues have covered topics from Alexander von Humboldt and postcolonial theory to Krupp housing estates in the Ruhr valley to the popularity of German gangsta rap. A peer-reviewed journal, GSR includes articles and book reviews on the history, literature, culture, and politics of the German-speaking areas of Europe encompassing primarily, but not exclusively, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.


Table of Contents

In Memoriam

Some Reflections on the Passing of Günter Grass (1927–2015)
pp. 483–489
Stuart Taberner


Following in the Tracks of a Dog: “The Beggarwoman of Locarno” Revisited
pp. 491–508
Cecilia Novero

Performing German Women’s Professional Identity: The Correspondence of Rahel Levin Varnhagen and Auguste Brede
pp. 509–529
Laura Deiulio

Zwischen Romantik und Orientalismus. Ostasiatische Kunstgeschichte in der Weimarer Republik am Beispiel von Karl With und Alfred Salmony
pp. 531–554
Weijia Li

Castle Studies and the Idea of Europe: Medievalism in German-Speaking Europe between Politics and Scientific Research, 1918–1945
pp. 555–572
Fabian Link

Austrian Trümmerfilm?: What a Genre’s Absence Reveals about National Postwar Cinema and Film Studies
pp. 573–595
Amanda Z. Randall

East German Art and the Permeability of the Berlin Wall
pp. 597–616
April A. Eisman

Shadowland: Swiss Identity and Urs Faes’s Ombra
pp. 617–633
Thyra E. Knapp

Review Essay

German Ecocriticism and the Environmental Humanities
pp. 635–652
Sabine Wilke


Der Mann aus Babadag: Wie ein türkischer Janitschar 1683 nach München verschleppt und dort fürstlicher Sänftenträger wurde by Markus Krischer (review)
pp. 653–654
Gerhild Scholz Williams

German Literature as World Literature ed. by Thomas Oliver Beebee (review)
pp. 654–657
John Pizer

Goethe’s Allegories of Identity by Jane K. Brown (review)
pp. 657–659
Anna Guillemin

Verliebt, Verlobt, Verheiratet. Eine Geschichte der Ehe seit der Romantik by Monika Wienfort (review)
pp. 659–661
Adrian Daub

Visualizing the Past: The Power of the Image in German Historicism by Kathrin Maurer (review)
pp. 661–664
Nicholas Rennie

Jewish Pasts, German Fictions: History, Memory and Minority Culture in Germany, 1824–1955 by Jonathan Skolnik (review)
pp. 664–666
Gabriel S. Cooper

Wagner’s Melodies: Aesthetics and Materialism in German Musical Identity by David Trippett (review)
pp. 667–668
Andrew J. Mitchell

The Legacy of Johann Strauss by Zoë Alexis Lang (review)
pp. 668–671
Celia Applegate

The Modernity of Others: Jewish Anti-Catholicism in Germany and France by Ari Joskowicz (review)
pp. 671–673
Barbara Thériault

Arthur Richard Weber. Ein norddeutscher Kaufmann in Japan zur Zeit der Meiji-Restauration by Peter Janocha and Masatoshi Aoyagi (review)
pp. 673–675
Aaron D. Horton

Japanische Unternehmen in Deutschland. Ein Aufeinandertreffen verschiedener Kulturen by Meike Michele Albers (review)
pp. 675–677
Ruprecht Mattig

Kulturmacht ohne Kompass. Deutsche auswärtige Kulturbeziehungen im 20. Jahrhundert by Frank Trommler (review)
pp. 678–680
Jessica C.E. Gienow-Hecht

Geschichte Deutschlands im 20. Jahrhundert by Ulrich Herbert (review)
pp. 680–682
Matthew Stibbe

Generic Histories of German Cinema: Genre and Its Deviations ed. by Jaimey Fisher (review)
pp. 682–684
Roger F. Cook

Women in the Weimar Republic by Helen Boak (review)
pp. 685–686
Barbara Hales

Marching into Darkness: The Wehrmacht and the Holocaust in Belarus by Waitman W. Beorn (review)
pp. 686–688
Leonid Rein

Deutsche Exilliteratur im niederländisch-deutschen Beziehungsgeflecht. Eine Geschichte der Kommunikation und Rezeption 1933–2013 by Els Andringa (review)
pp. 688–692
Johannes F. Evelein

Stefan Wolpe and the Avant-Garde Diaspora by Brigid Cohen (review)
pp. 692–694
Alexandra Monchick

Continental Strangers: German Exile Cinema, 1933–1951 by Gerd Gemünden (review)
pp. 694–697
Regina Range

Death in East Germany, 1945–1990 by Felix Robin Schulz (review)
pp. 697–699
Erika Quinn

Envisioning Socialism: Television and the Cold War in the German Democratic Republic by Heather Gumbert (review)
pp. 699–701
Stewart Anderson

The Allied Air War and Urban Memory: The Legacy of Strategic Bombing in Germany by Jörg Arnold (review)
pp. 702–703
Julia Torrie

Herta Müller: Politics and Aesthetics ed. by Bettina Brandt and Valentina Glajar (review)
pp. 704–706
Gabriela Stoicea

Was wird, wenn die Zeitbombe hochgeht? Eine sozialgeschichtliche Analyse der fremdenfeindlichen Ausschreitungen in Hoyerswerda im September 1991 by Christoph Wowtscherk (review)
pp. 707–708
Peter Thaler

Hypersexuality and Headscarves: Race, Sex, and Citizenship in the New Germany by Damani J. Partridge (review)
pp. 709–710
Mayanthi L. Fernando

Philologie und Mehrsprachigkeit ed. by Till Dembeck and Georg Mein (review)
pp. 711–713
Spencer Hawkins

pp. 715–716

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