Susan L. Woodward, Denisa Kostovicova, Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic: Introduction: Methodology and the Study of State-Building in the Western Balkans, 469–471
Susan L. Woodward: Can We Measure Legitimacy? 472–484
Andrew Gilbert: Legitimacy Matters: Managing the Democratization Paradox of Foreign State-Building in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 485–498
Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers, Isabel Ströhle: An Ethnography of “Political Will”: Towards a Thick Description of Internal Scripts in Post-War Kosovo, 499–515
Sherrill Stroschein: Must the State Be a Vertical Network? Considering Kosovo, 516–527
Florian Bieber: Reconceptualizing the Study of Power-Sharing, 528–537
Dane Taleski: Within State-Building: Studying Parties from Guerrillas in Croatia and Macedonia, 538–546
Adam Fagan: The End of State-Building and a Return to “Democracy”: The Legacy of the Arab Spring for Studying the Successor States of the Former Yugoslavia, 547–556
Gëzim Krasniqi: Unpacking Post-Communist Socio-Political Transformations in the Western Balkans: A Citizenship-Centred Approach, 557–566
Paula M. Pickering: Gauging the Impact of State-Building at the Local Level in the Western Balkans, 567–575
Francesco Strazzari: The Informal and the Criminal: State-Building as an Extralegal Field, 576–590
Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Denisa Kostovicova: Locating Power in State-Building: The Conflict Network Perspective, 591–602
Buchbesprechungen/Book Reviews
Oliver Jens Schmitt, Die Albaner: Eine Geschichte zwischen Orient und Okzident (Hubert Neuwirth), 603-605 David J. Galbreath/Carmen Gebhard (Hgg.), Cooperation or Conflict? Problematizing Organizational Overlap in Europe (Sebastian Mayer), 605–607
Enver Hasani/Péter Paczolay/Michael Riegner (Hgg.), Constitutional Justice in South East Europe. Constitutional Courts in Kosovo, Serbia, Albania and Hungary between Ordinary Judiciaries and the European Court of Human Rights (Herbert Küpper), 607–609
Marko Valenta/Sabrina Ramet (eds.), The Bosnian Diaspora: Integration in Transnational Communities (Daphne Winland), 609–613
Thorsten Gromes, Ohne Staat und Nation ist keine Demokratie zu machen. Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kosovo und Makedonien nach den Bürgerkriegen (Dieter Segert), 613–615
Joachim Ruecker, Standards and Status. How Kosovo Became Independent (Sandrino Smeets), 615–616