Issue 4, 2018, of "Südosteuropa" is a thematically open one and contains several worthwhile research articles. I particularly recommend the two contributions on the extreme right in Serbia and Greece respectively.
In the light of the recent steps undertaken in order to solve Macedonia's "name dispute" with Greece, the issue contains a research article on Albanian monument and remembrance culture in Macedonia, and a Commentary by Stefan Rohdewald on the implications of the Agreement stipulated between the two countries on the shore of Lake Prespa this summer.
The journal is available with the publisher, De Gruyter. Our book review section is published also open access at
Best regards, Sabine Rutar (Editor-in-Chief)
Paul Reef: Macedonian Monument Culture Beyond ‘Skopje 2014’ 451–480
Srđan Mladenov Jovanović: The Dveri Movement Through a Discursive Lens. Serbia’s Contemporary Right-Wing Nationalism 481–502
Spyridon Tsoutsoumpis: The Far Right in Greece. Paramilitarism, Organized Crime and the Rise of ‘Golden Dawn’ 503–531
Ismet Kumalić: Traditional Home Slaughtering of Animals in the Framework of EU Legislation. Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina 532–553
Alberto Sartori and Joachim Pranzl: Politics Going Civil. Contentious (Party) Politics in Montenegro 554–576
Stefan Rohdewald: Citizenship, Ethnicity, History, Nation, Region, and the Prespa Agreement of June 2018 between Macedonia and Greece 577–593
Stef Jansen, Yearnings in the Meantime. ‘Normal Lives’ and the State in a Sarajevo Apartment Complex (Ger Duijzings) 594–596
Đorđe Tomić, Phantomgrenzen und regionale Autonomie im postsozialistischen Südosteuropa. Die Vojvodina und das Banat im Vergleich (Haşim Koç) 597–598
Sabrina P. Ramet / Marko Valenta, eds, Ethnic Minorities and Politics in Post-Socialist Southeastern Europe (Ioana Vrăbiescu) 599–601
Tobias Flessenkemper / Nicolas Moll, eds, Das politische System Bosnien und Herzegowinas (Damir Kapidžić) 601–603
Hans Vermeulen / Martin Baldwin-Edwards / Riki van Boeschoten, eds, Migration in the Southern Balkans. From Ottoman Territory to Globalized Nation States (Cengiz Haksöz). 603–605