Issue 3, 2020 of "Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society" features a thematic section on "Changes in Social Relations in Serbia, 2000-2020". Guest Editor is Mladen Lazić (Belgrade).
Željka Manić and Anđelka Mirkov (Belgrade) examine the economic position of households after the regime change of 2000. Marija Babović (Belgrade) focuses on the economic strategies of households after the global financial crisis of 2008. Dunja Poleti Ćosić (Belgrade) analyses changes in work orientations over the last two decades. Jelisaveta Petrović and Dragan Stanojević (both Belgrade) explore patterns of political activism among Serbian citizens. Mladen Lazić and Jelena Pešić (Belgrade) analyse the interplay between the consolidation of capitalist economic patters and liberal value orientations. Irena Petrović and Marija Radoman (both Belgrade) examine how attitudes towards patriarchy, authoritarianism and nationalism have developed over the last two decades.
In the Open Section, Guido Franzinetti (Vercelli), John Breuilly (London), Béatrice von Hirschhausen (Berlin / Paris), Sabine Rutar (Regensburg), and Diana Mishkova (Sofia) discuss Diana Mishkova’s monograph "Beyond Balkanism. The Scholarly Politics of Region Making" (Routledge). The panel focuses, from various angles, precisely on how ‘region making’ has been influenced by scholarly politics and other kinds of policy discourses.
The book reviews are available open access at
Mladen Lazić Social Stratification Changes in Serbia. An Introduction 291–302
Željka Manić and Anđelka Mirkov The Economic Position of Households in Serbia during the post-2000 Capitalist Consolidation 303–322
Marija Babović Economic Strategies of Households during the Period of Recovery Following the Global Financial Crisis 323–342
Dunja Poleti Ćosić Changes in Work Orientations in Postsocialist Serbia 343–364
Jelisaveta Petrović and Dragan Stanojević Political Activism in Serbia 365–385
Mladen Lazić and Jelena Pešić The Stabilisation of the Capitalist Order and Liberal Value Orientations in Serbia 386–407
Irena Petrović and Marija Radoman Changes in Value Orientations in Serbia, 2003–2018. Patriarchy, Authoritarianism and Nationalism 408–431
BOOK SYMPOSIUMGuido Franzinetti, John Breuilly, Béatrice von Hirschhausen, Sabine Rutar, and Diana Mishkova Reflecting on Diana Mishkova’s "Beyond Balkanism. The Scholarly Politics of Region Making" 432–476
Mila Dragojević, Amoral Communities. Collective Crimes in Times of War (Roswitha Kersten-Pejanić) 477–478
Marko Grdešić, The Shape of Populism. Serbia before the Dissolution of Yugoslavia (Rory Archer) 479–481
Johannes Gold, Multiethnizität in Alltag und Konflikt. Schein und Realität von Identitätskonstruktionen in der Balkanstadt Prizren (Thomas Schmidinger) 481–483