Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society 62 (2014), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society 62 (2014), 4
Weiterer Titel 
Thematic issue "Informal Labour"

München 2014: Oldenbourg Verlag
viermal jährlich
Anzahl Seiten
148 S.
€ 24,80



Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society
Dr. Sabine Rutar Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung Landshuter Straße 4 93047 Regensburg
Rutar, Sabine

Jürgen Jerger and Michael Knogler are the guest editors of the current issue's thematic part on "Informal Labour". Tatiana Karabchuk and Natalia Soboleva reveal the impact of informal employment on subjective well-being in European countries by examining the differences between countries through their employment protection legislations. Vassilis Monastiriotis and Angelo Martelli investigate the individual characteristics associated with nonstandard and informal employment in Serbia, and their changes over time (2008-2011). Ana Luleva surveys the mountain resort of Borovetz in Bulgaria and focuses on the dynamics and interrelationships of formal and informal practices of women in the tourism industry in the post-socialist period. Árpád Töhötöm Szabó presents the phenomenon of traditional reciprocal work (the kaláka) in rural Transylvania (Romania), offering insight into changes in the everyday conceptions and practices of work and thereby on the way morality and rationality as well as informality and formality have been interconnected. Alissa Tolstokorova addresses the formation of an informal labour market of paid domestic services as a new form of gender-specific reproductive labour in Ukraine. Apart from these contributions to the thematic part, Mieczysław P. Boduszyński explains the widespread Euroscepticism in Croatian society, which, a scarce two years after accession, largely remains ambivalent, indifferent, or even hostile to the ostensible benefits of EU membership. In addition, the issue features six book reviews.



Informal Labour

Jürgen Jerger and Michael Knogler: Introduction: Formal and Informal Labour Relations in Southeastern Europe

Tatiana Karabchuk and Natalia Soboleva: Informal Employment and Subjective Well-being in Europe: Evidence from the European Social Survey Data

Vassilis Monastiriotis and Angelo Martelli: Labor-market Informality and Nonstandard Employment in Serbia during the Global Financial Crisis

Ana Luleva: Transformation in the Culture of Informality in Post-socialist Bulgaria. A Case Study on the Borovetz Tourist Resor

Árpád Töhötöm Szabó: Economic Regimes, Local Worlds and the Changing Meanings of Work in Rural Transylvania

Alissa Tolstokorova: Mary Poppins Comes Back: The Revival of Paid Domestic Work in the Informal Labour Market in Ukraine

Mieczysław P. Boduszyński: Euroscepticism, the Croatian Way: Explaining Croatian Attitudes towards the EU

Book Reviews

Soeren Keil, Multinational Federalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Wim van Meurs)

Anna Triandafyllidou / Ruby Gropas / Hara Kouki (eds.), The Greek Crisis and European Modernity (Heinz-Jürgen Axt)

Kristen Ringdal / Albert Simkus (eds.), The Aftermath of War. Experiences and Social Attitudes in the Western Balkans
(Heike Karge)

Stefan Dorondel / Stelu Șerban (eds.), At the Margins of History. The Agrarian Question in Southeast Europe
(Wim van Meurs)

Will Bartlett / Sonja Maleković / Vassilis Monastiriotis (eds.), Decentralization and Local Development in South East Europe
(Vjeran Katunarić)

Cecilie Endresen, Is the Albanian’s Religion Really “Albanianism”? Religion and Nation According to Muslim and Christian Leaders in Albania
(Arolda Elbasani)

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