Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society 65 (2017), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society 65 (2017), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Changes in the Narratives of Europeanization

München 2017: Oldenbourg Verlag
viermal jährlich
Anzahl Seiten
193 pp.
Abonnement € 57,00



Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society
Dr. Sabine Rutar Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung Landshuter Straße 4 93047 Regensburg
Dimou, Augusta

Dear colleagues,

Issue 1, 2017, of “Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society” has just been published. Timofey Agarin is guest editor of this issue’s thematic section focusing on “Changes in the Narratives of Europeanization.”
Is Europeanization still a pertinent project? Does it designate a process or a narrative and what are the effects of either approach upon the scholarly engagement with Europe? Is Europeanization simply a normative framework or the result of the interaction between the EU and its member and candidate states? Questions such as these are at the focus of the current issue of Südosteuropa, which takes a critical view at the concept of “Europeanization” from the background of the contemporary European crisis. With an explicit political science focus, this issue’s contributions examine practices and discourses of and about Europe in their interaction with the states of the Western Balkans and the local dynamics that they engender.
Through a comparative study of Macedonia and Bulgaria, Nevena Nancheva ponders on whether EU’s supranational context can provide an apposite framework of desecuritization with the capacity to improve minority/majority relations in the Balkans. Michael Potter examines the position of minorities in Kosovo with reference to the power sharing mechanisms installed through the local constitution and Kosovo’s status as candidate state of the EU. Anastasiia Kudlenko focuses on police and intelligence reforms as state-building tools in Bosnia-Herzegovina and exemplifies on the basis of the local security sector reform, the multifaceted and complex Europeanization policies of the EU. Niké Wentholt analyses the reasons, why cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was made part of the conditionality for accession to the EU and zooms in on the case of Serbia. She explains the reasons why the EU gave precedence to transitional justice over restorative justice in the region. Laura Wise and Timofey Agarin scrutinize local and national elections in Kosovo in 2013 and 2014 in order to understand voter choices and elite agendas while reflecting simultaneously on the larger question whether the context of European aspirations has led to the normalization of electoral politics in Kosovo. Anna-Lena Hoh emphasizes the explosive political nature of censuses in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia, all cases where population numbers are used to determine group rights and/or proportional representation. Timofey Agarin and Gözde Yilmaz analyze the changing narratives of Europeanization and critically evaluate relevant scholarship regarding several issues in relation to EU candidate countries in the Western Balkans and Turkey.

Finally, in an illustrated report, Paul Reef analyses Macedonia’s Colourful Revolution and the elections of 2016 against the background of the criticism and protests aroused by the Skopje 2014 urban reconstruction project.

The journal is available in print from De Gruyter Oldenbourg and online at https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/soeu.2017.65.issue-1/issue-files/soeu.2017.65.issue-1.xml. The book reviews are available in open access at recension.net.

Best regards,
Augusta Dimou




Timofey Agarin
Changes in the Narratives of Europeanization. Reviewing the Impact of the Union before the Crisis

Nevena Nancheva
Securitization Reversed. Does Europeanization Improve Minority/Majority Relations?

Michael Potter
Europeanization and Minority Policies in Post-Conflict Kosovo. Genuine Inclusion or Window Dressing?

Anastasiia Kudlenko
Security Sector Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A Case Study of the Europeanization of the Western Balkans

Niké Wentholt
Mirroring Transitional Justice. Construction and Impact of European Union ICTY-Conditionality

_Laura Wise and Timofey Agarin
European Style Electoral Politics in Ethnically Divided Society. The Case of Kosovo

Anna-Lena Hoh
Counting for What Purpose? The Paradox of Including Ethnic and Cultural Questions in the Censuses in Croatia, Bosnia and Macedonia

Timofey Agarin and Gözde Yilmaz
Talk the Talk, or Walk the Walk? Changing Narratives in Europeanization Research


Paul Reef
Macedonia’s Colourful Revolution. A Chance for Democracy or All for Nothing? An Analysis of the Controversial Skopje 2014 Project and Macedonia’s Recent Elections


Aleksandar Pavković / Christopher Kelen
Anthems and the Making of Nation States. Identity and Nationalism in the Balkans
(Peter Mario Kreuter)

Valeska Bopp-Filimonov
Erinnerungen an die ‘Nicht-Zeit’. Das sozialistische Rumänien im biographisch-zeitgeschichtlichen Gedächtnis der Nachwendezeit (1989–20079)
(Wim van Meurs)

Gayle Munro
Transnationalism, Diaspora and Migrants from the Former Yugoslavia in Britain
(Sara Bernard)

Gorana Ognjenović and Jasna Jozelić, eds
Politicization of Religion, The Power of Symbolism. The Case of Former Yugoslavia and its Successor States; and idem, eds, Politicization of Religion, The Power of State, Nation, and Faith. The Case of Former Yugoslavia and its Successor States
(Katrin Boeckh)

Jana Bacevic
From Class to Identity. The Politics of Education Reforms in Former Yugoslavia
(Águstin Cosovschi)

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