The editors of PaRDeS, the journal of the German Association for Jewish Studies (vjs), are pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue, dedicated to “Cultures of Wissenschaft des Judentums at 200.”
It is available online (open access) and in print. You can download the entire issue for free here: Print copies can be purchased here:
Earlier issues of PaRDeS can be downloaded here:
Mirjam Thulin / Markus Krah, Disciplining Jewish Knowledge: Cultures of Wissenschaft des Judentums at 200
Michael A. Meyer / Ismar Schorsch, “Zunz and Steinschneider Would Be Astonished – and Reassured:” Two Senior Scholars of Wissenschaft Reflect on Its 200th Anniversary
Eliezer Brodt, Mattityahu Strashun (1817–1885) and His Relationship with the Early Founders of Wissenschaft des Judentums
Eliezer Sariel, A Historian from the World of Torah: The Historiographical Approach of Rabbi Yitzhak Isaac Halevy Rabinowitz (1847–1914)
Asaf Yedidya, Enlisted History: Zeev Jawitz (1847–1924) and the Making of a National Orthodox Wissenschaft des Judentums
Esther Solomon, Rabbi Dessler’s View of Secular Studies and Wissenschaft des Judentums
Samuel J. Kessler, Rediscovering the Study of Spanish Kabbalism in Wissenschaft des Judentums: Adolf Jellinek in Leipzig, 1842–1856
Mirjam Thulin, Generations of Wissenschaft des Judentums: The Correspondence Between David Kaufmann and Leopold Zunz
Dimitri Bratkin, Manuscripts, Images, and Biographies of Daniel Chwolson: New Details from the Archives of St. Petersburg
Benjamin E. Sax, Wissenschaft and Jewish Thought: Ismar Elbogen’s Early Influence on Franz Rosenzweig
Rose Stair, Gershom Scholem’s Critical Appropriation of Wissenschaft des Judentums and the Necessary Fiction of Historical Objectivity
Ismar Schorsch: Leopold Zunz. Creativity in Adversity (Yaakov Ariel)
Amir Engel: Gershom Scholem. An Intellectual Biography (Daniel Weidner) Lorenz Jäger: Walter Benjamin. Das Leben eines Unvollendeten (Sophia Ebert)
Ellen D. Haskell: Mystical Resistance. Uncovering the Zohar’s Conversations with Christianity (Annett Martini)
William Hiscott. Saul Ascher. Berliner Aufklärer. Eine philosophiehistorische Darstellung (Bernd Fischer)
Joachim Schlör: „Liesel, it’s time for you to leave.“ Von Heilbronn nach England. Die Flucht der Familie Rosenthal vor der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung (Eva-Maria Thüne)
Primo Levi: So war Auschwitz. Zeugnisse 1945–1986 (Dennis Bock)
Jörn Wendland: Das Lager von Bild zu Bild. Narrative Bildserien von Häftlingen aus NS-Zwangslagern (Jonas Engelmann)
Nathanael Riemer (ed.): Einführungen in die Materiellen Kulturen des Judentums (Cornelia Aust)
Nancy Walter, Fünfte Nachwuchstagung Judaistik/Jüdische Studien. Fifth Conference for Young Researchers in Jewish Studies. Methods and Disciplines between Germany and Israel, Universität Potsdam, 3.−5. Juli 2017