The editors of PaRDeS, the journal of the German Association for Jewish Studies (vjs - Vereinigung für Jüdische Studien e.V.), are pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue, dedicated to "Transformative Translations in Jewish History and Culture." It is available online (open access) and in print.
You can download the entire issue for free here: (by clicking the link near the pdf logo on the right). Print copies can be purchased here: The archive of earlier issues of PaRDeS can be found here:
Markus Krah / Mirjam Thulin – Benjamin, Rosenzweig, and the Babel Fish: The Transformative Impact of Translations in Jewish History and Culture
Morris M. Faierstein – The Melits Yosher and the Audience for Early Modern Yiddish Literature
Danielle Drori – A Translator against Translation: David Frishman and the Centrality of Translation in Early 20th-Century Hebrew Literature and Jewish National Politics
Maria Coors – Tewje in Deutschland: Zu Übersetzungspraktiken von Werken eines jiddischen Autors im Kontext der deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
Netta Schramm – Radical Translation as Transvaluation: From Tsene-Rene to The Jews Are Coming: Three Readings of Korah’s Rebellion
Cory Driver – Translating Jewish Cemeteries in Morocco
Special Articles: Translating the Bible and the Zohar
Gitit Holzman / Ghil‘ad Zuckermann – Tanakh Ram: Translating the Hebrew Bible into Israeli
Eitan P. Fishbane – The Book of Radiance
Research Report
Caroline Gruenbaum – King Arthur’s Jewish Knights: The Many Faces of Medieval Hebrew Literature
Which Works in Jewish Studies Should Urgently Be (Re-)Translated?
Book Reviews
Birgit M. Körner – Hebräische Avantgarde: Else Lasker-Schülers Poetologie im Kontext des Kulturzionismus (Sebastian Schirrmeister)
Vladimir Jankélévitch – Philosophie morale (Francesco Ferrari)
Martin Goodman – A History of Judaism (Günter Stemberger)
Stefanie Fischer – Ökonomisches Vertrauen und antisemitische Gewalt. Jüdische Viehhändler in Mittelfranken 1919–1939; Cornelia Aust – The Jewish Economic Elite. Making Modern Europe (Michaela Schmölz-Häberlein)
Shachar M. Pinsker – A Rich Brew: How Cafés Created Modern Jewish Culture (Judith Müller)
Inka Le-Huu – Die sociale Emanzipation. Jüdisch-christliche Begegnungen im Hamburger Bürgertum 1830–1871 (Michael K. Schulz)
Grażyna Jurewicz – Moses Mendelssohn über die Bestimmung des Menschen. Eine deutsch-jüdische Begriffsgeschichte (Thomas Meyer)
Abraham Teitelbaum – Warschauer Innehöfe. Jüdisches Leben um 1900 – Erinnerungen (Anna Artwińska)
Katharina Hoba – Generation im Übergang. Beheimatungsprozesse deutscher Juden in Israel (Simon Walter)
The next issue, to be published in 2020, will be themed "Jewish Families and Kinship in the Early Modern and Modern Eras.“
PaRDeS is fully peer-reviewed. All articles are indexed in Rambi. Index of Articles on Jewish Studies. The journal is edited by Markus Krah (, Mirjam Thulin (, and Bianca Pick (book reviews,