Dear colleages,
the editors of PaRDeS, the journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany, are pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue. Dedicated to "Jewish Families and Kinship in the Early Modern and Modern Eras," it is edited by Mirjam Thulin, Markus Krah, and Bianca Pick.
PaRDeS is available online (open access) and in print. You can download the entire issue for free here: (by clicking the link near the pdf logo on the right). Print copies can be purchased here: archive of earlier issues can be found here:
PaRDeS is fully peer-reviewed. All articles are indexed in Rambi. Index of Articles on Jewish Studies.
Contact information for the editors: Markus Krah ( and Björn Siegel (, book reviews).
Mirjam Thulin / Markus Krah – The History of Jewish Families in Early Modern and Modern Times: A Discipline in Search of Its Roots and Roles
Special Section: From the 1920s to the 2020s – A Century of Jewish Family Research
Mirjam Thulin – Arthur Czellitzer (1871–1943) and the Society for Jewish Family Research
Bernd Gausemeier – Squaring the Pedigree: Arthur Czellitzer’s Ventures in Eugenealogy
Frank Mecklenburg – Family History and the Leo Baeck Institute
Annegret Oehme – Tu felix Camelot nube! Heiratspolitik und Familienbande im jiddischen Artusroman
Máté Tamás – “Moses Lackenbacher & Compagnie:” Business and Kinship in the Early 19th-Century Habsburg Monarchy
Lisa Gerlach – Väter, Söhne, Beziehungen, Netzwerke: Empfehlungsschreiben jüdischer Eliten im 19. Jahrhundert
Viktoria Gräbe/Michael Wermke – Soziale Herkunft und Berufswahl: Jüdische Religionslehrer an preußischen höheren Schulen im langen 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel Frankfurt am Main
Ekaterina Oleshkevich – Images of Parenthood in the Pre-Modern and Modern Jewish Family in the Russian Empire
Book Reviews
Giulio Busi/Silvana Greco, eds. – The Renaissance Speaks Hebrew (Rafael D. Arnold)
Jay Berkowitz – Law’s Dominion: Jewish Community, Religion, and Family in Early Modern Metz (Stephan Wendehorst)
David Biale, David Assaf, Benjamin Brown, Uriel Gellman, Samuel Heilman, Moshe Rosman, Gadi Sagiv, Marcin Wodziński – Hasidism: A New History (Susanne Talabardon)
Sarah Abrevaya Stein – Family Papers: A Sephardic Journey Through the twentieth Century (Devi Mays)
Sebastian Schirrmeister – Begegnung auf fremder Erde: Verschränkungen deutsch- und hebräischsprachiger Literatur in Palästina/Israel nach 1933 (Judith Müller)
Rachel Rojanski – Yiddish in Israel: A History (Yaakov Herskovitz)
Doerte Bischoff/Anja Tippner, Hgg. – Mobile Identitäten: Figurationen in der zeitgenössischen europäisch-jüdischen Literatur/Figurations of Mobile Identities in Contemporary European Jewish Literature (Katja Garloff)
Peter Banki – The Forgiveness to Come: The Holocaust and the Hyper-Ethical (Katharina von Kellenbach)
Miriam Feldmann Kaye – Jewish Theology for a Postmodern Age (Marcus Held)
Zum Tod von Professor Dr. Manfred Voigts (Karl E. Grözinger)