The American Historical Review 122 (2017), 3

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The American Historical Review 122 (2017), 3
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Washington DC [u.a.] 2017: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers
February, April, June, October, and December



American Historical Review (AHR)
United States
American Historical Association (AHA), 400 A Street, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003 (202-544-2422) American Historical Review Indiana University • 914 Atwater • Bloomington, Indiana USA 47401 Telephone: (812) 855-7609 • Fax: (812) 855-5827
Fritsche, Jana


Table of Contents


Rumors of Slavery: Defending Emancipation in a Hostile Caribbean
Anne Eller

The Qianlong Emperor’s Letter to George III and the Early-Twentieth-Century Origins of Ideas about Traditional China’s Foreign Relations
Henrietta Harrison

“Condemned to Rootlessness and Unable to Budge”: Roma, Migration Panics, and Internment in the Habsburg Empire
Tara Zahra

Covert and Overt Operations: Interwar Political Policing in the United States and the United Kingdom
Jennifer Luff

The Authenticity of Heritage: Global Norm-Making at the Crossroads of Cultures
Aurélie Élisa Gfeller

Featured Reviews

Gareth Stedman Jones. Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion.
John E. Toews

Elizabeth Hinton. From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America.
Daniel Geary

Heather Ann Thompson. Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy.
Jen Manion

Reviews of Books


Katja Guenther. Localization and Its Discontents: A Genealogy of Psychoanalysis and the Neuro Disciplines.
Camille Robcis

Rebecca Lemov. Database of Dreams: The Lost Quest to Catalog Humanity.
David Price


David A. Graff. The Eurasian Way of War: Military Practice in Seventh-Century China and Byzantium.
Michael J. Decker

Matthew P. Dziennik. The Fatal Land: War, Empire, and the Highland Soldier in British America.
Matthew C. Ward

Amanda B. Moniz. From Empire to Humanity: The American Revolution and the Origins of Humanitarianism.
Caroline Shaw

Allyson M. Poska. Gendered Crossings: Women and Migration in the Spanish Empire.
Mercedes Camino

María Josefina Saldaña-Portillo. Indian Given: Racial Geographies across Mexico and the United States.
F. Todd Smith

Eileen Kane. Russian Hajj: Empire and the Pilgrimage to Mecca.
James H. Meyer

Carlos Alamo-Pastrana. Seams of Empire: Race and Radicalism in Puerto Rico and the United States.
Sonia Lee

Lucien Bianco. La récidive: Révolution russe, révolution chinoise.
Julia Lovell

Jeremy Friedman. Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World.
Eugene P. Trani

Mark Hurst. British Human Rights Organizations and Soviet Dissent, 1965–1985.
Steven L. B. Jensen

Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi. Foucault in Iran: Islamic Revolution after the Enlightenment.
Ali Gheissari


Cynthia Talbot. The Last Hindu Emperor: Prithviraj Chauhan and the Indian Past, 1200–2000.
Daud Ali

David Arnold. Toxic Histories: Poison and Pollution in Modern India.
Kavita Sivaramakrishnan

Eric Lewis Beverley. Hyderabad, British India, and the World: Muslim Networks and Minor Sovereignty, c. 1850–1950.
Francis Robinson

David Brophy. Uyghur Nation: Reform and Revolution on the Russia-China Frontier.
Michael C. Brose

Hsiao-ting Lin. Accidental State: Chiang Kai-shek, the United States, and the Making of Taiwan.
Robert Sutter

Sigrid Schmalzer. Red Revolution, Green Revolution: Scientific Farming in Socialist China.
Lynda S. Bell

Morgan Pitelka. Spectacular Accumulation: Material Culture, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Samurai Sociability.
Thomas D. Conlan

Terrence Jackson. Network of Knowledge: Western Science and the Tokugawa Information Revolution.
Federico Marcon

Albert L. Park. Building a Heaven on Earth: Religion, Activism, and Protest in Japanese-Occupied Korea; Carl F. Young. Eastern Learning and the Heavenly Way: The Tonghak and Ch’ŏndogyo Movements and the Twilight of Korean Independence.
Yumi Moon

Canada and the United States

Nancy Isenberg. White Trash: A 400-Year Untold History of Class in America.
Anthony Harkins

Marcia A. Zug. Buying a Bride: An Engaging History of Mail-Order Matches.
Mary Beth Sievens

Alejandra Dubcovsky. Informed Power: Communication in the Early American South.
Angela Pulley Hudson

Antoinette Sutto. Loyal Protestants and Dangerous Papists: Maryland and the Politics of Religion in the English Atlantic, 1630–1690.
Debra Meyers

Jared Ross Hardesty. Unfreedom: Slavery and Dependence in Eighteenth-Century Boston.
Emily Blanck

Randy J. Sparks. Africans in the Old South: Mapping Exceptional Lives across the Atlantic World.
Benjamin N. Lawrance

John Reda. From Furs to Farms: The Transformation of the Mississippi Valley, 1762–1825.
John R. Van Atta

David A. Chang. The World and All the Things upon It: Native Hawaiian Geographies of Exploration.
Jean Barman

Catherine E. Kelly. Republic of Taste: Art, Politics, and Everyday Life in Early America.
Steven C. Bullock

Gautham Rao. National Duties: Custom Houses and the Making of the American State.
Sharon Ann Murphy

Thomas A. Apel. Feverish Bodies, Enlightened Minds: Science and the Yellow Fever Controversy in the Early American Republic.
Owen Whooley

James Alexander Dun. Dangerous Neighbors: Making the Haitian Revolution in Early America.
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg

Tamara Plakins Thornton. Nathaniel Bowditch and the Power of Numbers: How a Nineteenth-Century Man of Business, Science, and the Sea Changed American Life.
Gautham Rao

Andrew K. Diemer. The Politics of Black Citizenship: Free African Americans in the Mid-Atlantic Borderland, 1817–1863.
Christopher Malone

Patrick H. Breen. The Land Shall Be Deluged in Blood: A New History of the Nat Turner Revolt.
Louis A. DeCaro, Jr.

Matthew Karp. This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy.
Howard Jones

Sergio A. Lussana. My Brother Slaves: Friendship, Masculinity, and Resistance in the Antebellum South.
Charity Rakestraw

Benjamin Fagan. The Black Newspaper and the Chosen Nation.
Amy Helene Forss

Elizabeth J. Clapp. A Notorious Woman: Anne Royall in Jacksonian America.
Alison M. Parker

Julie L. Reed. Serving the Nation: Cherokee Sovereignty and Social Welfare, 1800–1907.
Rowena McClinton

John P. Bowes. Land Too Good for Indians: Northern Indian Removal.
Christopher D. Haveman

Benjamin Madley. An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846–1873.
David A. Chang

Thomas G. Andrews. Coyote Valley: Deep History in the High Rockies.
Jeff Crane

Jon Grinspan. The Virgin Vote: How Young Americans Made Democracy Social, Politics Personal, and Voting Popular in the Nineteenth Century.
Peter H. Argersinger

Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai. Northern Character: College-Educated New Englanders, Honor, Nationalism, and Leadership in the Civil War Era.
Dan R. Frost

George C. Rable. Damn Yankees! Demonization and Defiance in the Confederate South.
Matthew C. Hulbert

Michael Brem Bonner. Confederate Political Economy: Creating and Managing a Southern Corporatist Nation.
Harold S. Wilson

Mark A. Lause. Free Labor: The Civil War and the Making of an American Working Class.
Gary J. Kornblith

Daniel W. Crofts. Lincoln and the Politics of Slavery: The Other Thirteenth Amendment and the Struggle to Save the Union.
Richard Striner

Elaine Frantz Parsons. Ku-Klux: The Birth of the Klan during Reconstruction.
Rory McVeigh

Luis-Alejandro Dinnella-Borrego. The Risen Phoenix: Black Politics in the Post–Civil War South.
Kevern Verney

Peter Knight. Reading the Market: Genres of Financial Capitalism in Gilded Age America.
Jeff W. Coker

Susan E. Cayleff. Nature’s Path: A History of Naturopathic Healing in America.
Jonathan Engel

Silas Chamberlin. On the Trail: A History of American Hiking.
Sarah Mittlefehldt

Iyko Day. Alien Capital: Asian Racialization and the Logic of Settler Colonial Capitalism.
Diana L. Ahmad

Jason E. Pierce. Making the White Man’s West: Whiteness and the Creation of the American West.
Kristofer Allerfeldt

David Wallace Adams. Three Roads to Magdalena: Coming of Age in a Southwest Borderland, 1890–1990.
Anthony Mora

Michael Lewis. The Coming of Southern Prohibition: The Dispensary System and the Battle over Liquor in South Carolina, 1907–1915.
Michael A. Lerner

Benjamin René Jordan. Modern Manhood and the Boy Scouts of America: Citizenship, Race, and the Environment, 1910–1930.
Eric W. Mogren

Mireya Loza. Defiant Braceros: How Migrant Workers Fought for Racial, Sexual, and Political Freedom.
Darius V. Echeverría

Karin L. Zipf. Bad Girls at Samarcand: Sexuality and Sterilization in a Southern Juvenile Reformatory.
L. Mara Dodge

Tyina L. Steptoe. Houston Bound: Culture and Color in a Jim Crow City.
Christina D. Abreu

Stephen Meyer. Manhood on the Line: Working-Class Masculinities in the American Heartland.
Michael Topp

Eric Schickler. Racial Realignment: The Transformation of American Liberalism, 1932–1965.
Kevin J. McMahon

Darren E. Grem. The Blessings of Business: How Corporations Shaped Conservative Christianity.
Randall Balmer

Sarah D. Wald. The Nature of California: Race, Citizenship, and Farming since the Dust Bowl.
Deborah Cohen

Charles W. Romney. Rights Delayed: The American State and the Defeat of Progressive Unions, 1935–1950.
Melvyn Dubofsky

Zachary Lockman. Field Notes: The Making of Middle East Studies in the United States.
Matthew Farish

Mark Philip Bradley. The World Reimagined: Americans and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century.
William Michael Schmidli

Harry N. Scheiber and Jane L. Scheiber. Bayonets in Paradise: Martial Law in Hawaiʻi during World War II.
Craig C. Felker

Kenton Clymer. A Delicate Relationship: The United States and Burma/Myanmar since 1945.
Stephen L. Keck

David Alvarez and Eduard Mark. Spying through a Glass Darkly: American Espionage against the Soviet Union, 1945–1946.
John Earl Haynes

Gary Murrell. “The Most Dangerous Communist in the United States”: A Biography of Herbert Aptheker.
Michael Kimmage

Gregory W. Bush. White Sand, Black Beach: Civil Rights, Public Space, and Miami’s Virginia Key.
Irvin D. S. Winsboro

Brian J. Daugherity. Keep On Keeping On: The NAACP and the Implementation of Brown v. Board of Education in Virginia.
Robert A. Pratt

Ben Keppel. Brown v. Board and the Transformation of American Culture: Education and the South in the Age of Desegregation.
Leland Ware

Laura Visser-Maessen. Robert Parris Moses: A Life in Civil Rights and Leadership at the Grassroots.
John A. Kirk

Russell Rickford. We Are an African People: Independent Education, Black Power, and the Radical Imagination.
Clarence Taylor

Nancy Weiss Malkiel. “Keep the Damned Women Out”: The Struggle for Coeducation.
Katherine Turk

Janis Thiessen. Not Talking Union: An Oral History of North American Mennonites and Labour.
Elizabeth Fones-Wolf

Paul K. Longmore. Telethons: Spectacle, Disability, and the Business of Charity.
Susan Burch

Tracy Neumann. Remaking the Rust Belt: The Postindustrial Transformation of North America.
Suleiman Osman

Robert Teigrob. Living with War: Twentieth-Century Conflict in Canadian and American History and Memory.
Steven Trout

Kara L. McCormack. Imagining Tombstone: The Town Too Tough to Die.
Eric L. Clements

Edward B. Foley. Ballot Battles: The History of Disputed Elections in the United States.
John F. Reynolds

Sam Lebovic. Free Speech and Unfree News: The Paradox of Press Freedom in America.
Amy Gajda

Caribbean and Latin America

George Reid Andrews. Afro-Latin America: Black Lives, 1600–2000.
Russell Lohse

Amber Brian. Alva Ixtlilxochitl’s Native Archive and the Circulation of Knowledge in Colonial Mexico.
Colin M. MacLachlan

Anna Rose Alexander. City on Fire: Technology, Social Change, and the Hazards of Progress in Mexico City, 1860–1910.
Mark Overmyer-Velázquez

David Sowell. Medicine on the Periphery: Public Health in Yucatán, Mexico, 1870–1960.
Luz María Hernández-Sáenz

Russell Crandall. The Salvador Option: The United States in El Salvador, 1977–1992.
Molly Todd

Erik Ching. Stories of Civil War in El Salvador: A Battle over Memory.
Leigh Binford

Iván Molina Jiménez. La educación en Costa Rica de la época colonial al presente.
John A. Britton

Karen Y. Morrison. Cuba’s Racial Crucible: The Sexual Economy of Social Identities, 1750–2000.
Luis Martínez-Fernández

Antonio Sotomayor. The Sovereign Colony: Olympic Sport, National Identity, and International Politics in Puerto Rico.
Reinaldo L. Román

Sabine Hyland. The Chankas and the Priest: A Tale of Murder and Exile in Highland Peru.
Gabriela Ramos

Matthew James Crawford. The Andean Wonder Drug: Cinchona Bark and Imperial Science in the Spanish Atlantic, 1630–1800.
David Sowell

Marcela Echeverri. Indian and Slave Royalists in the Age of Revolution: Reform, Revolution, and Royalism in the Northern Andes, 1780–1825.
Sarah C. Chambers

Walter Fraga. Crossroads of Freedom: Slaves and Freed People in Bahia, Brazil, 1870–1910.
Mariza de Carvalho Soares

Paulina L. Alberto and Eduardo Elena, editors. Rethinking Race in Modern Argentina.
Carolyne R. Larson

Christine Ehrick. Radio and the Gendered Soundscape: Women and Broadcasting in Argentina and Uruguay, 1930–1950.
Gregory Hammond

Donna J. Guy. Creating Charismatic Bonds in Argentina: Letters to Juan and Eva Perón.
Mariano Ben Plotkin

Europe: Ancient and Medieval

Alain Bresson. The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-States.
John Davies

Edward E. Cohen. Athenian Prostitution: The Business of Sex.
Stephanie Lynn Budin

T. Leslie Shear Jr. Trophies of Victory: Public Building in Periklean Athens.
Jonathan M. Hall

Marco Ladewig. Rom—Die antike Seerepublik: Untersuchungen zur Thalassokratie der res publica populi romani von den Anfängen bis zur Begründung des Principat.
W. V. Harris

George E. Demacopoulos. Gregory the Great: Ascetic, Pastor, and First Man of Rome.
Conrad Leyser

Jinty Nelson and Damien Kempf, editors. Reading the Bible in the Middle Ages.
Lesley Smith

Scott G. Bruce. Cluny and the Muslims of La Garde-Freinet: Hagiography and the Problem of Islam in Medieval Europe.
Elizabeth Dachowski

Theodore Evergates. Henry the Liberal: Count of Champagne, 1127–1181.
Kathleen Thompson

Steve Boardman and Susan Foran, editors. Barbour’s Bruce and Its Cultural Context: Politics, Chivalry and Literature in Late Medieval Scotland.
Michael Penman

Emily O’Brien. The Commentaries of Pope Pius II (1458–1464) and the Crisis of the Fifteenth-Century Papacy.
Francis Oakley

Europe: Early Modern and Modern

Ulrich L. Lehner. The Catholic Enlightenment: The Forgotten History of a Global Movement.
Noah Shusterman

Istvan Hont. Politics in Commercial Society: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith.
Carl Wennerlind

Adam Zamoyski. Phantom Terror: Political Paranoia and the Creation of the Modern State, 1789–1848.
Michael Rowe

Christian Gerlach. The Extermination of the European Jews.
Michael Fleming

Aysha Pollnitz. Princely Education in Early Modern Britain.
Nicholas Orme

John Cramsie. British Travellers and the Encounter with Britain, 1450–1700.
Andrew Hadfield

Steven G. Ellis. Defending English Ground: War and Peace in Meath and Northumberland, 1460–1542.
Mark Charles Fissel

Stephen Mark Holmes. Sacred Signs in Reformation Scotland: Interpreting Worship, 1488–1590.
Elizabeth Ewan

Peter Lake. Bad Queen Bess? Libels, Secret Histories, and the Politics of Publicity in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
Susan Doran

Margaret DeLacy. The Germ of an Idea: Contagionism, Religion, and Society in Britain, 1660–1730.
Ann G. Carmichael

K. Theodore Hoppen. Governing Hibernia: British Politicians and Ireland, 1800–1921.
Seán McConville

Matthew S. Adams. Kropotkin, Read, and the Intellectual History of British Anarchism: Between Reason and Romanticism.
George Esenwein

Marc Matera. Black London: The Imperial Metropolis and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century.
Kennetta Hammond Perry

Bradley W. Hart. George Pitt-Rivers and the Nazis.
Matthew S. Adams

Stéphane Durand, Arlette Jouanna, and Élie Pélaquier. Des États dans l’État: Les Etats de Languedoc, de la Fronde à la Révolution.
Julian Swann

Daniele Di Bartolomeo. Nelle vesti di Clio: L’uso politico della storia nella Rivoluzione francese (1787–1799).
Jeremy D. Popkin

Alexia M. Yates. Selling Paris: Property and Commercial Culture in the Fin-de-siècle Capital.
Ralph Kingston

Margaret Cook Andersen. Regeneration through Empire: French Pronatalists and Colonial Settlement in the Third Republic.
Kristen Stromberg Childers

Daniel Lee. Pétain’s Jewish Children: French Jewish Youth and the Vichy Regime, 1940–1942.
Daniella Doron

Cécile Terreaux-Scotto. Les âges de la vie dans la pensée politique florentine (ca 1480–1532).
Diane Owen Hughes

Noel Malcolm. Agents of Empire: Knights, Corsairs, Jesuits, and Spies in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean World.
Maria Fusaro

Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger. The Emperor’s Old Clothes: Constitutional History and the Symbolic Language of the Holy Roman Empire; Peter H. Wilson. Heart of Europe: A History of the Holy Roman Empire.
Ronald G. Asch

Charles-Édouard Levillain. Le procès de Louis XIV: Une guerre psychologique; François-Paul de Lisola, citoyen du monde, ennemi de la France.
Paul Sonnino

Janek Wasserman. Black Vienna: The Radical Right in the Red City, 1918–1938.
Mark Cornwall

Han F. Vermeulen. Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment.
Harold Mah

John M. Efron. German Jewry and the Allure of the Sephardic.
David Biale

Jason D. Hansen. Mapping the Germans: Statistical Science, Cartography, and the Visualization of the German Nation, 1848–1914.
Theodore M. Porter

Paul Lerner. The Consuming Temple: Jews, Department Stores, and the Consumer Revolution in Germany, 1880–1940.
Mirjam Zadoff

Clayton J. Whisnant. Queer Identities and Politics in Germany: A History, 1880–1945.
Erik Jensen

Robbert-Jan Adriaansen. The Rhythm of Eternity: The German Youth Movement and the Experience of the Past, 1900–1933.
Andrew Donson

Patrick J. Houlihan. Catholicism and the Great War: Religion and Everyday Life in Germany and Austria-Hungary, 1914–1922.
Lauren Faulkner Rossi

Matt Bera. Lobbying Hitler: Industrial Associations between Democracy and Dictatorship.
Talbot C. Imlay

Peter Polak-Springer. Recovered Territory: A German-Polish Conflict over Land and Culture, 1919–1989.
Jesse Kauffman

Christiane Wienand. Returning Memories: Former Prisoners of War in Divided and Reunited Germany.
Monica Black

Aileen M. Kelly. The Discovery of Chance: The Life and Thought of Alexander Herzen.
Tatiana Saburova

Darius Staliūnas. Enemies for a Day: Antisemitism and Anti-Jewish Violence in Lithuania under the Tsars.
Robert Blobaum

Simon Rabinovitch. Jewish Rights, National Rites: Nationalism and Autonomy in Late Imperial and Revolutionary Russia.
Kenneth B. Moss

Jonathan D. Smele. The “Russian” Civil Wars, 1916–1926: Ten Years That Shook the World.
Aaron B. Retish

Pauline Fairclough. Classics for the Masses: Shaping Soviet Musical Identity under Lenin and Stalin.
Lynn M. Sargeant

Olga Kucherenko. Soviet Street Children and the Second World War: Welfare and Social Control under Stalin.
Margaret Peacock

Gleb Tsipursky. Socialist Fun: Youth, Consumption, and State-Sponsored Popular Culture in the Cold War Soviet Union, 1945–1970.
Kate Transchel

Middle East and Northern Africa

Matthias B. Lehmann. Emissaries from the Holy Land: The Sephardic Diaspora and the Practice of Pan-Judaism in the Eighteenth Century.
Cengiz Sisman

Mostafa Minawi. The Ottoman Scramble for Africa: Empire and Diplomacy in the Sahara and the Hijaz.
Hasan Kayali

Ryan Gingeras. Fall of the Sultanate: The Great War and the End of the Ottoman Empire, 1908–1922.
Mustafa Aksakal

Eyal Ginio. The Ottoman Culture of Defeat: The Balkan Wars and Their Aftermath.
Mehmet Beşikçi

Hoda A. Yousef. Composing Egypt: Reading, Writing, and the Emergence of a Modern Nation, 1870–1930.
Betty S. Anderson

Anaheed Al-Hardan. Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities.
Rochelle Davis

Sub-Saharan Africa

Rhiannon Stephens. A History of African Motherhood: The Case of Uganda, 700–1900.
Cheryl Johnson-Odim

Nancy Rose Hunt. A Nervous State: Violence, Remedies, and Reverie in Colonial Congo.
Matthew M. Heaton

Mustafah Dhada. The Portuguese Massacre of Wiriyamu in Colonial Mozambique, 1964–2013.
Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo

Wendy Urban-Mead. The Gender of Piety: Family, Faith, and Colonial Rule in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe.
David Maxwell

Leslie Anne Hadfield. Liberation and Development: Black Consciousness Community Programs in South Africa.
Richard Pithouse

Susanne M. Klausen. Abortion under Apartheid: Nationalism, Sexuality, and Women’s Reproductive Rights in South Africa.
Alicia C. Decker

Collected Essays


Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth Mostern, and Humphrey Southall, editors. Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers.

Lucy Bond, Stef Craps, and Pieter Vermeulen, editors. Memory Unbound: Tracing the Dynamics of Memory Studies.

Carlavan Boxtel, Maria Grever, and Stephan Klein, editors. Sensitive Pasts: Questioning Heritage in Education.


Antoinette Burton and Tony Ballantyne, editors. World Histories from Below: Disruption and Dissent, 1750 to the Present.

Bernd-Stefan Grewe and Karin Hofmeester, editors. Luxury in Global Perspective: Objects and Practices, 1600–2000.

Canada and the United States

Leslie Brown, Jacqueline Castledine, and Anne Valk, editors. U.S. Women’s History: Untangling the Threads of Sisterhood.

Paul Finkelman and Donald R. Kennon, editors. Lincoln, Congress, and Emancipation.

Matthew Hayday and Raymond B. Blake, editors. Celebrating Canada, vol. 1: Holidays, National Days, and the Crafting of Identities.

Caribbean and Latin America

Luz E. Huertas, Bonnie A. Lucero, and Gregory J. Swedberg, editors. Voices of Crime: Constructing and Contesting Social Control in Modern Latin America.

Europe: Ancient and Medieval

William J. Purkis and Matthew Gabriele, editors. The Charlemagne Legend in Medieval Latin Texts.

Cristiana Sogno, Bradley K. Storin, and Edward J. Watts, editors. Late Antique Letter Collections: A Critical Introduction and Reference Guide.

Paul Webster and Marie-Pierre Gelin, editors. The Cult of St Thomas Becket in the Plantagenet World, c.1170–c.1220.

Europe: Early Modern and Modern

Michela Catto and Claudio Ferlan, editors. I gesuiti e i papi.

Christian G. De Vito, Ralf Futselaar, and Helen Grevers, editors. Incarceration and Regime Change: European Prisons during and after the Second World War.

Silvia De Zordo, Joanna Mishtal, and Lorena Anton, editors. A Fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe.

David González Cruz, director. Versiones, propaganda y repercusiones del Descubrimiento de América: Colón, los Pinzón y los Niño.

Konrad H. Jarausch, Harald Wenzel, and Karin Goihl, editors. Different Germans, Many Germanies: New Transatlantic Perspectives.

Iveta Jusová and Jiřina Šiklová, editors. Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe.

Marco Mondini, editor. La guerra come apocalisse: Interpretazioni, disvelamenti, paure.

Lutz Raphael, editor. Poverty and Welfare in Modern German History.

Jacqueline Rose, editor. The Politics of Counsel in England and Scotland, 1286–1707.

Cornelia Wilhelm, editor. Migration, Memory, and Diversity: Germany from 1945 to the Present.

Claire Zalc and Tal Bruttmann, editors. Microhistories of the Holocaust.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Patrick Chabal and Toby Green, editors. Guinea-Bissau: Micro-State to “Narco-State.”

Emma Hunter, editor. Citizenship, Belonging, and Political Community in Africa: Dialogues between Past and Present.

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