In This IssueIn This Issue
From the Editor’s DeskFrom the Editor’s Desk: Making It Up
“Life Is Movement, Movement Is Life!” Mobility Politics and the Circulatory State in Nazi Germany Andrew Denning
AHR Conversation: Each Generation Writes Its Own History of Generations
AHR Conversation: Each Generation Writes Its Own History of Generations Abosede George; Clive Glaser; Margaret D. Jacobs; Chitra Joshi ; Emily Marker ...
AHR Reappraisal
Living the Examined Life in the Antebellum North, and in the Post–World War II United States The Grimké Sisters from South Carolina: Pioneers for Women’s Rights and Abolition, by Gerda Lerner Jacqueline Jones
Review Essays
The Power of Queer History Regina Kunzel
It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue Michael J. Watts
Graphic History Reviews
Graphic History Reviews: Introductory Note
Getting Serious about Comic Histories Trevor R. Getz
John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell. March. Eric Arnesen
Ari Kelman and Jonathan Fetter-Vorm. Battle Lines: A Graphic History of the Civil War. Joshua Brown
Michael G. Vann and Liz Clarke. The Great Hanoi Rat Hunt: Empire, Disease, and Modernity in French Colonial Vietnam. Thuy Linh Nguyen
Spain Rodriguez. Che: A Graphic Biography; Inverna Lockpez and Dean Haspiel. Cuba: My Revolution. Louis A. Pérez, Jr.
Joe Sacco. Footnotes in Gaza. Mary N. Layoun
Featured Reviews
Gary Fields. Enclosure: Palestinian Landscapes in a Historical Mirror; Gershon Shafir. A Half Century of Occupation: Israel, Palestine, and the World’s Most Intractable Conflict; Salim Tamari. The Great War and the Remaking of Palestine; Ilan Pappe. The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories; Norman G. Finkelstein. Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom; Michael Sfard. The Wall and the Gate: Israel, Palestine, and the Legal Battle for Human Rights. Ilana Feldman
Alice Rio. Slavery after Rome, 500–1100. Youval Rotman
Federico Finchelstein. From Fascism to Populism in History. Mauricio Tenorio-Trillo
Quinn Slobodian. Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism. Jennifer Burns
David A. Hollinger. Protestants Abroad: How Missionaries Tried to Change the World but Changed America. Andrew Preston
Jonathan C. Brown. Cuba’s Revolutionary World. Nicola Miller
Peter Guardino. The Dead March: A History of the Mexican-American War. Jocelyn Olcott
John Tutino. The Mexican Heartland: How Communities Shaped Capitalism, a Nation, and World History, 1500–2000. Jeremy Adelman
Kyle Harper. The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire. Peter Sarris
Ilya Berkovich. Motivation in War: The Experience of Common Soldiers in Old-Regime Europe; Christy Pichichero. The Military Enlightenment: War and Culture in the French Empire from Louis XIV to Napoleon; Thomas Dodman. What Nostalgia Was: War, Empire, and the Time of a Deadly Emotion. Brian Sandberg
Reviews of Books
Ethan Kleinberg. Haunting History: For a Deconstructive Approach to the Past. Penelope J. Corfield
Terry Pinkard. Does History Make Sense? Hegel on the Historical Shapes of Justice. Lydia Moland
Stefan Müller-Doohm. Habermas: A Biography. Thomas Wheatland
Philippe Carrard. History as a Kind of Writing: Textual Strategies in Contemporary French Historiography. David Carroll
Jutta Schickore. About Method: Experimenters, Snake Venom, and the History of Writing Scientifically. Pietro Corsi
Rebecca Jinks. Representing Genocide: The Holocaust as Paradigm? Rebecca Clifford
Amitava Chowdhury and Donald Harman Akenson, editors. Between Dispersion and Belonging: Global Approaches to Diaspora in Practice. Khachig Tölölyan
Ann Laura Stoler. Duress: Imperial Durabilities in Our Times. Aviva Chomsky
Antonio Feros. Speaking of Spain: The Evolution of Race and Nation in the Hispanic World. Natalia Sobrevilla Perea
Tatiana Seijas and Jake Frederick. Spanish Dollars and Sister Republics: The Money That Made Mexico and the United States. Margarita Suárez
Tore C. Olsson. Agrarian Crossings: Reformers and the Remaking of the US and Mexican Countryside. Catherine Nolan-Ferrell
Steven Sabol. “The Touch of Civilization”: Comparing American and Russian Internal Colonization. Steven L. Danver
Shane Nagle. Histories of Nationalism in Ireland and Germany: A Comparative Study from 1800 to 1932. Joep Leerssen
Mark McNicholas. Forgery and Impersonation in Imperial China: Popular Deceptions and the High Qing State. Cynthia Brokaw
William T. Rowe. Speaking of Profit: Bao Shichen and Reform in Nineteenth-Century China. Melissa Macauley
Mao Haijian. The Qing Empire and the Opium War: The Collapse of the Heavenly Dynasty. Stephen R. Platt
Yijiang Zhong. The Origin of Modern Shinto in Japan: The Vanquished Gods of Izumo. Anna Andreeva
Lynn Hollen Lees. Planting Empire, Cultivating Subjects: British Malaya, 1786–1941. Albert Lau
Kwangmin Kim. Borderland Capitalism: Turkestan Produce, Qing Silver, and the Birth of an Eastern Market. Devin DeWeese
Adeeb Khalid. Making Uzbekistan: Nation, Empire, and Revolution in the Early USSR. Marco Buttino
Canada and the United States
Mark G. McGowan. The Imperial Irish: Canada’s Irish Catholics Fight the Great War, 1914–1918. Terence J. Fay
Claire Elizabeth Campbell. Nature, Place, and Story: Rethinking Historic Sites in Canada. Alan Gordon
Abigail Williams. The Social Life of Books: Reading Together in the Eighteenth-Century Home. James Raven
Theodore Catton. Rainy Lake House: Twilight of Empire on the Northern Frontier. Susan Sleeper-Smith
Rosalyn R. LaPier. Invisible Reality: Storytellers, Storytakers, and the Supernatural World of the Blackfeet. Christopher Vecsey
Katherine Ellinghaus. Blood Will Tell: Native Americans and Assimilation Policy. Jill Doerfler
Paul Frymer. Building an American Empire: The Era of Territorial and Political Expansion. William H. Bergmann
Britt Rusert. Fugitive Science: Empiricism and Freedom in Early African American Culture. Gregory D. Smithers
Paul D. Naish. Slavery and Silence: Latin America and the U.S. Slave Debate. Amy S. Greenberg
Graham A. Peck. Making an Antislavery Nation: Lincoln, Douglas, and the Battle over Freedom. Michael D. Robinson
Ryan Dearinger. The Filth of Progress: Immigrants, Americans, and the Building of the Canals and Railroads in the West. Brian P. Luskey
Shari Rabin. Jews on the Frontier: Religion and Mobility in Nineteenth-Century America. Jenna Weissman Joselit
Richard White. The Republic for Which It Stands: The United States during Reconstruction and the Gilded Age, 1865–1896. Tyler Anbinder
Paul E. Herron. Framing the Solid South: The State Constitutional Conventions of Secession, Reconstruction, and Redemption, 1860–1902. Cynthia Nicoletti
Donald G. Mathews. At the Altar of Lynching: Burning Sam Hose in the American South; Nicholas Villanueva Jr. The Lynching of Mexicans in the Texas Borderlands. Howard Smead
Jon Scott Logel. Designing Gotham: West Point Engineers and the Rise of Modern New York, 1817–1898. Andrew Saint
William Davenport Mercer. Diminishing the Bill of Rights: Barron v. Baltimore and the Foundations of American Liberty. Mark Tushnet
Kali Nicole Gross. Hannah Mary Tabbs and the Disembodied Torso: A Tale of Race, Sex, and Violence in America. Carrie N. Baker
Torrie Hester. Deportation: The Origins of U.S. Policy. Lucy E. Salyer
Eli Cook. The Pricing of Progress: Economic Indicators and the Capitalization of American Life. Tamara Plakins Thornton
Paul Schor. Counting Americans: How the US Census Classified the Nation. Matthew G. Hannah
Britt Haas. Fighting Authoritarianism: American Youth Activism in the 1930s. Gael Graham
Karen L. Cox. Goat Castle: A True Story of Murder, Race, and the Gothic South. Jennifer Rae Greeson
Robert Hunt Ferguson. Remaking the Rural South: Interracialism, Christian Socialism, and Cooperative Farming in Jim Crow Mississippi. Paul Harvey
Sarah Ruth Hammond. God’s Businessmen: Entrepreneurial Evangelicals in Depression and War. Markku Ruotsila
Katherine J. Parkin. Women at the Wheel: A Century of Buying, Driving, and Fixing Cars. Pamela Walker Laird
Anne Fleming. City of Debtors: A Century of Fringe Finance. Mehrsa Baradaran
Terence Young. Heading Out: A History of American Camping. Aaron Shapiro
William I. Hitchcock. The Age of Eisenhower: America and the World in the 1950s. David L. Stebenne
Daniel Horowitz. Happier? The History of a Cultural Movement That Aspired to Transform America. Stephanie Muravchik
Jeremy Milloy. Blood, Sweat, and Fear: Violence at Work in the North American Auto Industry, 1960–80. Randi Storch
Joshua Clark Davis. From Head Shops to Whole Foods: The Rise and Fall of Activist Entrepreneurs. Susan V. Spellman
Laura J. Miller. Building Nature’s Market: The Business and Politics of Natural Foods. Anne Meis Knupfer
Emily E. LB. Twarog. Politics of the Pantry: Housewives, Food, and Consumer Protest in Twentieth-Century America. Bryan McDonald
Emily Dufton. Grass Roots: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America. Joshua Clark Davis
Jimmy Patiño. Raza Sí, Migra No: Chicano Movement Struggles for Immigrant Rights in San Diego. Steven Rosales
Max Krochmal. Blue Texas: The Making of a Multiracial Coalition in the Civil Rights Era. Marc Simon Rodriguez
Maurice J. Hobson. The Legend of the Black Mecca: Politics and Class in the Making of Modern Atlanta. Beryl Satter
Karlyn Forner. Why the Vote Wasn’t Enough for Selma. Robert W. Widell, Jr.
David Goldberg. Black Firefighters and the FDNY: The Struggle for Jobs, Justice, and Equity in New York City. Philip F. Rubio
Fred Carroll. Race News: Black Journalists and the Fight for Racial Justice in the Twentieth Century. Sid Bedingfield
Sid Bedingfield. Newspaper Wars: Civil Rights and White Resistance in South Carolina, 1935–1965. Lauren Rebecca Sklaroff
Kenneth M. Hamilton. Booker T. Washington in American Memory. Scot A. French
Rachel Kranson. Ambivalent Embrace: Jewish Upward Mobility in Postwar America. Jeffrey S. Gurock
J. Mark Souther. Believing in Cleveland: Managing Decline in “The Best Location in the Nation.” Benjamin Looker
Scott Kaufman. Ambition, Pragmatism, and Party: A Political Biography of Gerald R. Ford. Edward Berkowitz
Caribbean and Latin America
Matthew Casey. Empire’s Guestworkers: Haitian Migrants in Cuba during the Age of US Occupation. Gillian McGillivray
Chantalle F. Verna. Haiti and the Uses of America: Post-U.S. Occupation Promises. Ellen D. Tillman
Bradley Benton. The Lords of Tetzcoco: The Transformation of Indigenous Rule in Postconquest Central Mexico. William F. Connell
Karen R. Roybal. Archives of Dispossession: Recovering the Testimonios of Mexican American Herederas, 1848–1960. Sal Acosta
Pablo Piccato. A History of Infamy: Crime, Truth, and Justice in Mexico. Chris Frazer
Sandra C. Mendiola García. Street Democracy: Vendors, Violence, and Public Space in Late Twentieth-Century Mexico. Diane E. Davis
Kathryn A. Sloan. Death in the City: Suicide and the Social Imaginary in Modern Mexico. Edward Wright-Rios
Fredy González. Paisanos Chinos: Transpacific Politics among Chinese Immigrants in Mexico. Jerry Garcia
Mikael D. Wolfe. Watering the Revolution: An Environmental and Technological History of Agrarian Reform in Mexico. Antonio Escobar Ohmstede
Mieko Nishida. Diaspora and Identity: Japanese Brazilians in Brazil and Japan. Jeffrey Lesser
Eve E. Buckley. Technocrats and the Politics of Drought and Development in Twentieth-Century Brazil. Seth W. Garfield
Ernesto Semán. Ambassadors of the Working Class: Argentina’s International Labor Activists and Cold War Democracy in the Americas. Fernando Teixeira da Silva
Europe: Ancient and Medieval
Matthew Simonton. Classical Greek Oligarchy: A Political History. Greg Anderson
Paulin Ismard. Democracy’s Slaves: A Political History of Ancient Greece. Nicholas F. Jones
Daniel J. Gargola. The Shape of the Roman Order: The Republic and Its Spaces. James Tan
Jón Viðar Sigurðsson. Viking Friendship: The Social Bond in Iceland and Norway, c. 900–1300. Sverre Bagge
Graham A. Loud and Martial Staub, editors. The Making of Medieval History. Matthew Gabriele
Shayne Aaron Legassie. The Medieval Invention of Travel. Sharon Kinoshita
Elisheva Baumgarten, Ruth Mazo Karras, and Katelyn Mesler, editors. Entangled Histories: Knowledge, Authority, and Jewish Culture in the Thirteenth Century. Deeana Copeland Klepper
Elizabeth Carson Pastan and Stephen D. White. The Bayeux Tapestry and Its Contexts: A Reassessment. George Garnett
Roisin Cossar. Clerical Households in Late Medieval Italy. Thomas V. Cohen
Thomas Kuehn. Family and Gender in Renaissance Italy, 1300–1600. Philip Gavitt
Hannelore Zug Tucci. Prigionia di guerra nel Medioevo: Un’altura in mezzo pianura; l’Italia dell’“incivilmento.” Peter Sposato
Kathryn Blair Moore. The Architecture of the Christian Holy Land: Reception from Late Antiquity through the Renaissance. Michele Bacci
Mary Dzon. The Quest for the Christ Child in the Later Middle Ages. Kevin Madigan
Europe: Early Modern and Modern
Wayne P. Te Brake. Religious War and Religious Peace in Early Modern Europe. Peter G. Wallace
Edward Bever and Randall Styers, editors. Magic in the Modern World: Strategies of Repression and Legitimization. Jason Philip Coy
Krishan Kumar. Visions of Empire: How Five Imperial Regimes Changed the World. David B. Abernethy
Steven Press. Rogue Empires: Contracts and Conmen in Europe’s Scramble for Africa. Adam Hochschild
Volker Prott. The Politics of Self-Determination: Remaking Territories and National Identities in Europe, 1917–1923. John Paul Newman
Emily Jones. Edmund Burke and the Invention of Modern Conservatism, 1830–1914: An Intellectual History. Michael Griffin
Robert J. Richards and Michael Ruse. Debating Darwin. Nicolaas Rupke
Andreas Rose. Between Empire and Continent: British Foreign Policy before the First World War. Andrew Stewart
Christopher Hilliard. The Littlehampton Libels: A Miscarriage of Justice and a Mystery about Words in 1920s England. Adrian Bingham
Tarak Barkawi. Soldiers of Empire: Indian and British Armies in World War II. Daniel Patrick Marston
Daniel Brückenhaus. Policing Transnational Protest: Liberal Imperialism and the Surveillance of Anticolonialists in Europe, 1905–1945. Susan Pedersen
Michel Winock. Flaubert. Geoffrey Wall
Tristan Vigliano. Parler aux musulmans: Quatre intellectuels face à l’Islam à l’ordee de la Renaissance. Eric R. Dursteler
Alan Charles Kors. Epicureans and Atheists in France, 1650–1729; Alan Charles Kors. Naturalism and Unbelief in France, 1650–1729. Jeffrey D. Burson
Patricia Mainardi. Another World: Nineteenth-Century Illustrated Print Culture. Christine Haynes
Gavin Murray-Miller. The Cult of the Modern: Trans-Mediterranean France and the Construction of French Modernity. Ian Coller
Susan A. Ashley. “Misfits” in Fin-de-Siècle France and Italy: Anatomies of Difference. Harry Oosterhuis
Aaron Freundschuh. The Courtesan and the Gigolo: The Murders in the Rue Montaigne and the Dark Side of Empire in Nineteenth-Century Paris. Caroline Campbell
Ludivine Broch. Ordinary Workers, Vichy and the Holocaust: French Railwaymen and the Second World War. Miranda Pollard
Elizabeth Vihlen McGregor. Jazz and Postwar French Identity: Improvising the Nation; Rashida K. Braggs. Jazz Diasporas: Race, Music, and Migration in Post–World War II Paris. Brett A. Berliner
Andrew S. Tompkins. Better Active than Radioactive! Anti-Nuclear Protest in 1970s France and West Germany. Frank Biess
Antonio Urquízar-Herrera. Admiration and Awe: Morisco Buildings and Identity Negotiations in Early Modern Spanish Historiography. Paul Niell
John T. Wing. Roots of Empire: Forests and State Power in Early Modern Spain, c.1500–1750. Antonio Barrera
Jodi Campbell. At the First Table: Food and Social Identity in Early Modern Spain. Felipe Fernández-Armesto
Mark Lawrence. The Spanish Civil Wars: A Comparative History of the First Carlist War and the Conflict of the 1930s. George Esenwein
Stanley G. Payne. Alcalá Zamora and the Failure of the Spanish Republic, 1931–1936. Julius Ruiz
Paul F. Grendler. The Jesuits and Italian Universities, 1548–1773. David A. Lines
Massimo Firpo and Fabrizio Biferali. Immagini ed eresie nell’Italia del Cinquecento. Evelyn Lincoln
Lucia Dacome. Malleable Anatomies: Models, Makers, and Material Culture in Eighteenth-Century Italy. Domenico Bertoloni Meli
Paul Garfinkel. Criminal Law in Liberal and Fascist Italy. David A. Messenger
Ian Campbell. The Addis Ababa Massacre: Italy’s National Shame. Teshale Tibebu
Emanuele Sica. Mussolini’s Army in the French Riviera: Italy’s Occupation of France. Michael R. Ebner
Piotr H. Kosicki, editor. Vatican II behind the Iron Curtain. András Fejérdy
Dario Gaggio. The Shaping of Tuscany: Landscape and Society between Tradition and Modernity. Paul Baxa
Philip Steiner. Die Landstände in Steiermark, Kärnten und Krain und die Josephinischen Reformen: Bedrohungskommunikation angesichts konkurrierender Ordnungsvorstellungen (1789–1792). Franz A. J. Szabo
Ismar Schorsch. Leopold Zunz: Creativity in Adversity. Daniel B. Schwartz
Zachary Purvis. Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany. Stan M. Landry
Mischa Suter. Rechtstrieb: Schulden und Vollstreckung im liberalen Kapitalismus, 1800–1900. Kenneth F. Ledford
Elizabeth S. Goodstein. Georg Simmel and the Disciplinary Imaginary. Joshua Derman
Bernhard Gissibl. The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa. Gary Bruce
Stefan Vogt. Subalterne Positionierungen: Der deutsche Zionismus im Feld des Nationalismus in Deutschland, 1890–1933. Christian S. Davis
Sasha Disko. The Devil’s Wheels: Men and Motorcycling in the Weimar Republic. Guillaume de Syon
Robert E. Lerner. Ernst Kantorowicz: A Life. Martin Woessner
Peter E. Gordon. Adorno and Existence. Richard Wolin
Nicholas Stargardt. The German War: A Nation under Arms, 1939–1945; Citizens and Soldiers. Thomas Kühne
Peter Fritzsche. An Iron Wind: Europe under Hitler. Doris L. Bergen
Stefan Ihrig. Justifying Genocide: Germany and the Armenians from Bismarck to Hitler. Jürgen Zimmerer
Stefan Kühl. Ordinary Organizations: Why Normal Men Carried Out the Holocaust. Eric A. Johnson
Frederick L. McKitrick. From Craftsmen to Capitalists: German Artisans from the Third Reich to the Federal Republic, 1939–1953. Rüdiger Graf
Heiko Haumann. Die Akte Zilli Reichmann: Zur Geschichte der Sinti im 20. Jahrhundert. Ari Joskowicz
Jeffrey K. Olick. The Sins of the Fathers: Germany, Memory, Method. Kim Christian Priemel
Wilfried Loth. Die Rettung der Welt: Entspannungspolitik im Kalten Krieg, 1950–1991. Holger Nehring
Young-Sun Hong. Cold War Germany, the Third World, and the Global Humanitarian Regime. Noel D. Cary
Tiago Saraiva. Fascist Pigs: Technoscientific Organisms and the History of Fascism. Richard H. Beyler
David D. Roberts. Fascist Interactions: Proposals for a New Approach to Fascism and Its Era, 1919–1945. Reto Hofmann
Sakis Gekas. Xenocracy: State, Class and Colonialism in the Ionian Islands, 1815–1864. Pınar Şenışık
Bálint Varga. The Monumental Nation: Magyar Nationalism and Symbolic Politics in Fin-de-siècle Hungary. Alice Freifeld
Kiril Feferman. The Holocaust in the Crimea and the North Caucasus. Raz Segal
John Bushnell. Russian Peasant Women Who Refused to Marry: Spasovite Old Believers in the 18th–19th Centuries. Tracy Dennison
Anna Shternshis. When Sonia Met Boris: An Oral History of Jewish Life under Stalin. Leonid Smilovitsky
Sergei I. Zhuk. Nikolai Bolkhovitinov and American Studies in the USSR: People’s Diplomacy in the Cold War. Roger D. Markwick
Middle East and Northern Africa
Matt Waters. Ctesias’ Persica and Its Near Eastern Context. Amélie Kuhrt
Timothy C. Winegard. The First World Oil War. Michael A. Reynolds
Assaf Likhovski. Tax Law and Social Norms in Mandatory Palestine and Israel. Yuval Ben-Bassat
Omnia El Shakry. The Arabic Freud: Psychoanalysis and Islam in Modern Egypt. James L. Gelvin
Sub-Saharan Africa
Daniel B. Domingues da Silva. The Atlantic Slave Trade from West Central Africa, 1780–1867. Stephen D. Behrendt
Collected EssaysCollected Essays
Documents and BibliographiesDocuments and Bibliographies
Other Books ReceivedOther Books Received
Digital Primary SourcesDigital Primary Sources
IndexIndex to American Historical Review, Volume 123
Index of TopicsIndex of Topics, Volume 123