American Historical Review is the oldest scholarly journal of history in the United States and the largest in the world. Begun in 1895, the AHR is the scholarly voice of the American Historical Association, a body chartered by Congress to oversee and protect the historiographical legacy of the United States. Thus its primary mission is the dissemination and evaluation of historical scholarship. Unlike other major national historical journals launched late in the nineteenth century, the AHR has maintained and expanded its original breadth of coverage to include all fields of history. As a result, by a number of contemporary measures, the AHR is the most influential scholarly journal of history in the world. Each year in the AHR there are approximately 25 articles and review essays, 1,000 book reviews, and numerous film reviews.
AHR ARTICLES NOW FREELY AVAILABLE TO ALL Given the purposes of the American Historical Association—to disseminate high-quality scholarship as widely as possible—the Council of the AHA decided in early June to make AHR articles available to the public. Access to the reviews will remain a benefit to members and subscribers.