Titel der Ausgabe 
Isis 95 (2004), 4
Weiterer Titel 

quarterly, plus Current Bibliography as fifth issue



United States
Please address all editorial correspondence to: Margaret Rossiter Isis Editorial Office Department of Science and Technology Studies Cornell University 726 University Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850 Telephone: (607) 254-4747; Fax: (607) 255-0616
Kahlert, Torsten

Table of Contents


Page viii

Abraham Trembley's Strategy of Generosity and the Scope of Celebrity in the Mid-Eighteenth Century
Marc J. Ratcliff, Page 555

Appreciated Abroad, Depreciated at Home. The Career of a Radiochemist in Norway: Ellen Gleditsch (1879-1968) Annette Lykknes; Lise Kvittingen; Anne Kristine BOrresen, Page 576


Peter Galison, Page 610

The Mystery of the Einstein-Poincare Connection
Olivier Darrigol, Page 614

Einstein, Race, and the Myth of the Cultural Icon
Fred Jerome, Page 627

The Relativity Revolution from the Perspective of Historical Epistemology
Jürgen Renn, Page 640

Eloge: Carolyn Eisele, 1902-2000
Mary Louise Gleason; Joseph W. Dauben, Page 649

Eloge: David K. van Keuren, 1950-2004
Keith R. Benson; Helen Rozwadowski, Page 652

Knowledge in Transit
James A. Secord, Page 654

Antonio Becchi; Massimo Corradi; Federico Foce; Orietta Pedemonte (Editors): Essays on the History of Mechanics: In Memory of Clifford Ambrose Truesdell and Edoardo Benvenuto rev. by Jim Cross, Page 673

Jose Ramon Beromeu-Sanchez; Antonio Garcia-Belmar (Editors): Abriendo las cajas negras: Coleccion de instrumentos cientificos de la Universitat de Valencia rev. by Jorge Canizares-Esguerra
Page 673

Jill Ker Conway; Kenneth Keniston; Leo Marx (Editors): Earth, Air, Fire, Water: Humanistic Studies of the Environment rev. by Donato Bergandi, Page 674

Lorraine Daston; Fernando Vidal (Editors): The Moral Authority of Nature rev. by Pamela H. Smith, Page 675

Joseph S. Fruton: Methods and Styles in the Development of Chemistry rev. by Mel Usselman, Page 677

John P. Jackson, Jr. (Editor): Science, Race, and Ethnicity: Readings from Isis and Osiris rev. by Bonnie Ellen Blustein, Page 678

Martin Kusch: Psychological Knowledge: A Social History and Philosophy rev. by William R. Woodward, Page 679

Keith J. Laidler: Energy and the Unexpected rev. by Catherine Rogers, Page 680

David Leverington: Babylon to Voyager and Beyond: A History of Planetary Astronomy rev. by Ursula B. Marvin, Page 681

David Levy; Wendee Wallach-Levy: Cosmic Discoveries: The Wonders of Astronomy rev. by David DeVorkin, Page 682

Jose Maria Lopez Pinero: La medicina en la historia rev. by Ana Cecilia Rodriguez de Romo, Page 683

Hermann-J. Rupieper (Editor): Beitrage zur Geschichte der Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg 1502-2002: Im Auftrag der Rektoratskommission fur das Universitatsjubilaum rev. by Denise Phillips, Page 684

Gerhard Saalmann; Heinrich Schlange-Schoningen: Die Psoriasis: Geschichte und Therapie vom Altertum bis zur Gegenwart rev. by Albrecht Scholz, Page 685

Michael Williams: Deforesting the Earth: From Prehistory to Global Crisis rev. by Karen Jones, Page 685

Anthony Aveni: Empires of Time: Calendars, Clocks, and Cultures rev. by Marvin Bolt, Page 686

Helen S. Lang: The Order of Nature in Aristotle's Physics: Place and the Elements rev. by Monte Johnson, Page 687

Jose Luis Calvo Martinez (Editor): Revista Internacional de Investigacion sobre Magia y Astrologia Antiguas rev. by Pablo A. Torijano , Page 688

Clive Ruggles: Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland rev. by Gail Higginbottom, Page 689

Liba Taub: Ancient Meteorology rev. by Craig Martin, Page 690

Beatrice Bakhouche; Frederic Fauquier; Brigitte Perez-Jean (Translators): Picatrix: Un traite de magie medieval rev. by Max Lejbowicz, Page 691

Douglas Biow: Doctors, Ambassadors, Secretaries: Humanism and Professions in Renaissance Italy rev. by Bruce T. Moran, Page 692

David Buisseret: The Mapmakers' Quest: Depicting New Worlds in Renaissance Europe rev. by Charles W. J. Withers, Page 693

Geoffrey Chaucer: A Treatise on the Astrolabe ed. by Sigmund Eisner, and Marijane Osborn: Time and the Astrolabe in The Canterbury Tales rev. by Keith Snedegar, Page 694

Minta Collins: Medieval Herbals: The Illustrative Traditions rev. by Alain Touwaide, Page 695

Natalia Lozovsky: "The Earth Is Our Book": Geographical Knowledge in the Latin West ca. 400-1000 rev. by Victoria Morse, Page 697

Ann E. Moyer: The Philosopher's Game: Rithmomachia in Medieval and Renaissance Europe rev. by David Sepkoski, Page 697

Zhang Baichun: The Europeanization of Astronomical Instruments in Ming and Qing China [in Chinese] rev. by Minghui Hu, Page 699

Jim Bennett; Michael Cooper; Michael Hunter; Lisa Jardine: London's Leonardo: The Life and Work of Robert Hooke rev. by Ofer Gal, Page 700

David Bindman: Ape to Apollo: Aesthetics and the Idea of Race in the Eighteenth Century rev. by Joan Steigerwald, Page 701

Judith A. Carney: Black Rice: The African Origins of White Rice Cultivation rev. by Lawrence S. Dritsas, Page 702

Ted Dadswell: The Selborne Pioneer: Gilbert White as Naturalist and Scientist: A Re-examination rev. by M. D. Eddy, Page 703

Patricia Fara: Newton: The Making of a Genius and James Gleick: Isaac Newton rev. by Margaret C. Jacob, Page 703

James E. McClellan III: Specialist Control: The Publications Committee of the Academie Royale des Sciences (Paris), 1700-1793 rev. by Maurice Crosland, Page 704

Stuart McCook: States of Nature: Science, Agriculture, and Environment in the Spanish Caribbean, 1760-1940 rev. by Juan Pimentel, Page 705

Jose Correia da Serra: Itinerarios historico-naturais ed. by Ana Simoes, Ana Carneiro, and Maria Paula Diogo rev. by Silvia Figueiroa, Page 706

Astrida Orle Tantillo: The Will to Create: Goethe's Philosophy of Nature rev. by Julie D. Prandi, Page 707

Caroline Jean Acker: Creating the American Junkie: Addiction Research in the Classic Era of Narcotic Control rev. by Andrea Balis, Page 708

Brian Austin: Schonland, Scientist and Soldier: From Lightning on the Veld to Nuclear Power at Harwell: The Life of Field Marshal Montgomery's Scientific Advisor rev. by Kristine C. Harper, Page 709

Gerard N. Burrow: A History of Yale's School of Medicine: Passing Torches to Others rev. by Thomas P. Gariepy, Page 709

George W. Bruyn; Charles M. Poser: The History of Tropical Neurology: Nutritional Disorders rev. by Kenneth J. Carpenter, Page 710

Linda L. Clark: The Rise of Professional Women in France: Gender and Public Administration since 1830 rev. by Joy Harvey, Page 711

Luigi Cerruti: Bella e potente: La chimica del Novecento fra scienza e societa rev. by Ferdinando Abbri, Page 712

Marcos Cueto: The Return of Epidemics: Health and Society in Peru during the Twentieth Century and Marcos Cueto: Culpa y coraje: Historia de las politicas sobre el VIH/Sida en el Peru rev. by Ruth Iguiniz, Page 713

Per F. Dahl: From Nuclear Transmutation to Nuclear Fission, 1932-1939 rev. by Lawrence Badash, Page 714

Steven J. Dick: Sky and Ocean Joined: The U.S. Naval Observatory, 1830-2000 rev. by Marc Rothenberg,Page 715

Patrice Debre: Louis Pasteur trans. by Elborg Foster, rev. by Ilana Lowy, Page 716

Georges Didi-Huberman: Invention of Hysteria: Charcot and the Photographic Iconography of the Salpetriere trans. by Alisa Hartz rev. by Sander L. Gilman, Page 716

Joel Peter Eigen: Unconscious Crime: Mental Absence and Criminal Responsibility in Victorian London rev. by Sally Shuttleworth, Page 717

Gail Fishman: Journeys through Paradise: Pioneering Naturalists in the Southeast rev. by Julie R. Newell, Page 718

Deborah Fitzgerald: Every Farm a Factory: The Industrial Ideal in American Agriculture rev. by Michael Strauss, Page 719

Benedikt Foger; Klaus Taschwer: Die andere Seite des Spiegels: Konrad Lorenz und der Nationalsozialismus rev. by Hugo Lagercrantz, Page 719

Jan Frercks: Die Forschungspraxis Hippolyte Fizeaus: Eine Charakterisierung ausgehend von der Replikation seines Atherwindexperiments von 1852 rev. by Jurgen Teichmann, Page 720

David Gugerli; Daniel Speich: Topografien der Nation: Politik, kartografische Ordnung und Landschaften im 19. Jahrhundert rev. by Hans-Uli Feldmann, Page 721

Rolf Hellebust: Flesh to Metal: Soviet Literature and the Alchemy of Revolution rev. by James T. Andrews, Page 722

Lane Ryo Hirabayashi: The Politics of Fieldwork: Research in an American Concentration Camp rev. by Paul Weindling, Page 723

Diana Hook; Jeremy Norman: Origins of Cyberspace: A Library on the History of Computing, Networking, and Telecommunications rev. by Michael S. Mahoney, Page 723

Susan D. Jones: Valuing Animals: Veterinarians and Their Patients in Modern America rev. by Katherine Albro Houpt, Page 724

Martin Kirschke: Liebigs Lehrer Karl W. G. Kastner (1783-1857): Eine Professorenkarriere in Zeiten naturwissenschaftlichen Umbruchs rev. by Hartmut Bettin, Page 725

Timothy W. Kneeland; Carol A. B. Warren: Pushbutton Psychiatry: A History of Electroshock in America rev. by Iwan Rhys Morus, Page 726

E. I. Kolchinskii; K. V. Manoilenko; M. B. Konashev (Editors): U istokov akademicheskoi genetiki v Sankt-Peterburge [At the roots of academic genetics in St. Petersburg] rev. by Nikolai Krementsov, Page 726

Henk Kubbinga: L'histoire du concept de molecule 3 vols., rev. by Pierre Laszlo, Page 728

Ellen Leopold: A Darker Ribbon: Breast Cancer, Women, and Their Doctors in the Twentieth Century and Barron H. Lerner: The Breast Cancer Wars: Hope, Fear, and the Pursuit of a Cure in Twentieth-Century America rev. by Shobita Parthasarathy, Page 728

Frank Linhard: Historische Elemente einer Prinzipienphysik, rev. by David E. Rowe, Page 730

Mark S. Micale (Editor): The Mind of Modernism: Medicine, Psychology, and the Cultural Arts in Europe and America, 1880-1940 rev. by Robert M. Brain, Page 731

Frank Mort: Dangerous Sexualities: Medico-Moral Politics in England since 1830 rev. by Ivan Crozier, Page 732

Sioban Nelson: Say Little, Do Much: Nursing, Nuns, and Hospitals in the Nineteenth Century rev. by Hermi Hyacinth Hewitt, Page 733

Peter Pesic: Abel's Proof: An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability rev. by Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, Page 733

Theodore Porter: Karl Pearson: The Scientific Life in a Statistical Age rev. by George Levine, Page 734

Dick Ringler: Bard of Iceland: Jonas Hallgrimsson, Poet and Scientist rev. by Richard S. Williams, Jr., Page 736

Sandra L. Singer: Adventures Abroad: North American Women at German-Speaking Universities, 1868-1915 rev. by Renate Tobies, Page 736

Jean-Francois Stoffel: Bibliographie d'Alexandre Koyre rev. by Cristina Chimisso, Page 737

John van Wyhe: Phrenology and the Origins of Victorian Scientific Naturalism rev. by Sharrona Pearl, Page 738

Alexander Vucinich: Einstein and Soviet Ideology rev. by Slava Gerovitch, Page 739

Heiko Weber: Monistische und antimonistische Weltanschauung: Eine Auswahlbibliographie rev. by Marsha L. Richmond, Page 740

Davis A. Young: N. L. Bowen and Crystallization-Differentiation: The Evolution of a Theory rev. by C. Michael B. Henderson, Page 741

Stephen M. Barr: Modern Physics and Ancient Faith rev. by Stephen P. Weldon, Page 742

Michel Bess: The Light-Green Society: Ecology and Technological Modernity in France, 1960-2000 rev. by Peder Anker, Page 743

Johan A. M. Bleeker; Johannes Geiss; Martin C. E. Huber (Editors): The Century of Space Science rev. by Virginia P. Dawson, Page 743

Richard Fardon: Mary Douglas: An Intellectual Biography rev. by Mary Mosher Flesher, Page 744

Jurgen Kocka; Renate Mayntz (Editors): Wissenschaft und Wiedervereinigung: Disziplinen im Umbruch rev. by William R. Woodward, Page 745

Dean W. Kohlhoff: Amchitka and the Bomb: Nuclear Testing in Alaska rev. by Douglas Dasher, Page 746

W. T. Liberson: Collected Writings Vol. 1: 1941-1959 comp. by Cathryn Liberson and Wladimir Theodore Liberson: Brain, Nerves, Muscles, and Electricity: My Life in Science ed. by Robert Cohn and Cathryn W. Liberson rev. by Patricia B. Swan, Page 747

Cynthia A. Needham; Richard Canning: Global Disease Eradication: The Race for the Last Child rev. by William Muraskin, Page 748

T. F. Peterson: Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT rev. by Ross Bassett, Page 749

Richard Polenberg (Editor): In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer: The Security Clearance Hearing rev. by Zuoyue Wang, Page 750

Jeffrey T. Richelson: The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology rev. by Ronald E. Doel, Page 751

Thomas Schlich: Surgery, Science, and Industry: A Revolution in Fracture Care, 1950s-1990s rev. by Augusto Sarmiento, Page 752

Ben Shephard: A War of Nerves: Soldiers and Psychiatrists in the Twentieth Century rev. by Wade Pickren, Page 753

Andrew Abbott: Chaos of Disciplines rev. by Hamilton Cravens, Page 754

Dusan I. Bjelic: Galileo's Pendulum: Science, Sexuality, and the Body-Instrument Link rev. by Maurice A. Finocchiaro, Page 754

Cristina Chimisso: Gaston Bachelard: Critic of Science and the Imagination rev. by Oscar R. Marti, Page 755

Steven Darian: Understanding the Language of Science rev. by Geoffrey C. Bowker, Page 756

Ernest B. Hook (Editor): Prematurity in Scientific Discovery: On Resistance and Neglect rev. by Mott Greene, Page 757

Janet V. Dohner: The Encyclopedia of Historic and Endangered Livestock and Poultry Breeds rev. by Katherine Albro Houpt, Page 758

Notes on Contributors, Page 760

Index to ISIS, Volume 95, 2004, Page 767

Contents, Volume 95, Page 787

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